Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1182: Potential stocks

On the afternoon of January 2, 2031, the wildfire in New Guinea had just been extinguished, and the plane from Beidu finally arrived at Buha Island and landed on the airstrip just cleared by the Airborne Division.

Ye Han welcomed the delegation as the temporary leader and welcomed the delegation into a three-star hotel for the first time... This is one of the very few buildings on the island that was occupied by bugs and not much damaged by pirates. one.

The delegation was vigorous and resolute, not being polite to Ye Han at all, not even needing a break, and directly asked Ye Han to arrange a meeting with the bug man.

Ye Han was very kind and arranged immediately. The original plan was to meet at the hotel, but Carlos was very insistent, plus the delegation kept urging, the meeting place was finally set at the pier, where Ma Hongwei and Carlos met for the first time.

In addition to the delegation, Ye Han, who was the interim leader, and Ma Hongwei, who was the first person to contact the worms, were also in the meeting, but Ye Han was very low-key and looked like an ordinary person. But the guard.

Ma Hongwei also wanted to keep a low profile, but he was the only person who had been in contact with the bug people. The delegation needed him to act as a bridge between the two sides. He just wanted to keep a low profile, but he couldn't.

The meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere. The first thing the delegation did was to reiterate the treatment given to the buggers in Beidu, which was a reassurance for Carlos.

Carlos was very grateful on the surface, but no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Everyone knew very well that the two parties were able to sit here for the benefit. After the scene was said, the two parties immediately entered the topic and discussed in detail the various conditions put forward by the bugmen and the various requirements put forward by Beidu.

For example, the delegation hopes to limit the range of activities of the insects, but Carlos believes that as long as they do not leave Buha Island, there should be no restrictions; another example is that the insects hope that Beidu will be given equal and fair treatment, and the Beidu hopes that the insects will regain their human status. Besides; there are also the positioning of the laboratory, the use of the experimental results, the application, allocation and consumption of experimental materials, how to ensure the safety of the bug people, etc...

Ye Han knew that negotiation was a very troublesome thing, but he never thought that it would be so troublesome.

Not only were there many problems at the negotiating table, but the delegation also had a lot to explain in private, such as preventing the burglars from committing fraudulently, they must find a way to monitor all the worms, isolate the worms on the island, etc., so that Ye Han was one head and two big. I can't wait to see the people of the delegation and immediately hide.

Just kidding, he only has one battalion in his hand. The island of Buha is so big that one battalion is not enough to look at the experimental area. How can there be any extra manpower to do so many chores?

But the delegation represented the Beidu. If the top line went online, it could be said that the Beidu asked Ye Han to do so, so he was neither refusing nor agreeing, and he was completely passive.

There is no other way, Ye Han can only harass Huo Qiang whenever he is free. There is only one question over and over again, when will someone be sent over to take over Buha Island, and he strongly demands that the temporary person in charge be dismissed as soon as possible.

At the beginning, Huo Qiang was inexplicable for a while, until he understood Ye Han's dire situation, and then he laughed dumbly and knew why Ye Han rejected Buha Island so much.

The newly acquired three islands still needed a large number of troops to fill up. There was no extra troops to send to Buha Island for a while. Huo Qiang could only appease Ye Han for a while, and then made a phone call to Beidu to find Qiu Tianning and euphemistically inform him. the delegation.

Huo Qiang has been sitting in Qiongzhou all the year round, and has mastered the space fleet with one hand. Although he is not in the northern capital, his position in the military is not low at all.

Such a military boss actually sued the delegation, which really made Qiu Tianning laugh and cry, but he couldn't ignore the situation on Buha Island.

Qiu Tianning can't help but give this face, and the North has already decided that the sooner the Airborne Division is withdrawn, the better. If it weren't for the fact that the southward movement was at a critical moment, and he couldn't get his troops to take over Buha Island, he would have transferred Ye Han a long time ago. Back to Qiongzhou.

Qiu Tianning briefly understood the situation, and after confirming that what Huo Qiang said was the truth, he directly issued an order to the delegation: No one may interfere with the defense arrangement of Buha Island, and you can discuss your judgment with peace of mind.

When the order was sent to the delegation, everyone's mind was a little dazed.

Did the delegation not know the situation on the island? Of course they know, but they all come from the northern capital. The northern capital is the power center of the whole country, but another term for the power center is the power whirlpool. There are countless power struggles. instinct.

The fact that Buha Island is under the control of Ye Han has touched the psychological limit of some people, and some of them even want to beat Ye Han through various means to bring this potential stock into their own command.

Hilltopism is an absolute pejorative term, but no one can but admit that factions have always existed within the military, and even such a brutal war cannot suppress some people's careful thinking.

The relationship between these people in the military is complicated, and the army and navy cannot escape their network of relationships, but it is difficult for the important space fleet to reach into it.

Ye Han's own energy is not large, but after the first division was airborne and returned to Nanyuezhou, a large number of officers and soldiers left the team for further Many of them will become the backbone of the space fleet, with Ye Han acting as communication bridges, it may not be impossible to win over these people.

They saw that Ye Han had no backer, so they dared to openly test it, but they thought that Ye Han seemed to be alone, but his energy was not small, and he actually stabbed the matter into the northern capital.

Now everyone has stopped, honestly negotiating with the bug people, and no longer dare to make the idea of ​​the airborne division... at least not on the surface.

Ye Han finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew very well that if he stabbed the matter out, he must have offended these people, but what does it matter? He, the temporary person in charge, won't be able to serve as a few days, and it won't be long before he can withdraw to Qiongzhou.

Looking left and right, I finally hope to take over the troops. At this time, it is already January 7, 2031, and the military's southward operation has achieved a staged victory... Otherwise, the troops will not be able to take over Buha Island.

Ye Han couldn't wait to hand over power to his brothers and officially unloaded the responsibility of the temporary leader. Later that day, the entire battalion boarded a supply ship that returned to Qiongzhou and officially left Buha Island.

At this time, the negotiation on the island has not yet been completed, but the delegation has been in contact with the bugmen for so many days, whether there is Ma Hongwei or not will not affect the next negotiation.

Ye Han really wanted to know how much information the bugmen had. If he stayed on Buha Island to participate in the negotiations, he would definitely get the news as soon as possible, but he wanted to return to Qiongzhou as soon as possible to reunite with his long-lost relatives.

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