Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1220: problem found

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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Mid-August 2031, the asteroid belt.

"No. 1, No. 1, I'm Leishan, please answer if you receive it, please reply if you receive it—"

"The Thunder Mountain calls the No. 1 base, and the Thunder Mountain calls the No. 1 base. Please answer when you receive-"

The low calling spreads to the surroundings with the radio waves, and the radio waves quickly swept past the No. 1 base, but the asteroid did not respond. The bridge was dead silent, only the radio noise kept echoing.

Luo Qi reluctantly gave up the call and turned to look at Ye Han: "Master, it's been more than two hours."

The soldiers who survived the fight were injected with hibernin, and the power supply that had been tight was loosened a lot. The Thunder Mountain regularly contacted Base No. 1 every day to report the situation in the base.

Ye Han rubbed his eyebrows: "Continue to call, even if there is only one percent of hope, you can't give up!"

He sighed in his heart, as if there were countless messes in his heart, and he couldn't figure it out.

These days, the various holes have lost contact one after another, but no one knows the reason. As of yesterday, only the eighth hole can be contacted.

Ye Han has been worried about the situation of the eighth hole. He didn't expect to be afraid of what to do. Seeing that the battleship was about to reach the asteroid, the eighth hole was not able to escape in the end.

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, setting his voice to loop automatically and calling Base No. 1 constantly.

"Is there any news from the North?" Ye Han suddenly thought of something.

"No." Luo Qi answered with great certainty.

Ye Han sighed helplessly: "Go on."

This wait was three days, and Leishan never contacted Base No. 1 again. On the morning of the fourth day, Leishan arrived at the asteroid and traveled side by side with the asteroid several hundred meters apart.

The asteroid is slowly rotating, and through the lens, you can clearly see the semi-buried antenna on the surface of the asteroid and the large holes that have been blown up. If you look closely, you can also find some debris floating near the asteroid.

"No news yet?" Ye Han asked.

Luo Qi shook his head: "No, there is no signal at all."

"What about Ceres?"

"Still observing, no trace of aliens has been found yet."

"Fly around Base 1 a few times and observe the situation first."


Leishan flew around the asteroid as ordered, and carefully observed the situation on the asteroid. Because the observation data needed to be archived, Leishan's observations were very careful. Even a suspicious shadow had to be observed repeatedly until it was confirmed that there was no danger.

The observation of the asteroid has not ended, but the observation results of Ceres came out first, and no signs of alien activity were found.

Ye Han was very surprised. According to the conditions of Ceres, aliens should not give up. What is the reason for aliens to ignore Ceres?

Or is it that the aliens are just pretending, and in fact have already secretly controlled Ceres?

After a while, Luo Qi reported: "Master, no abnormalities were found on the asteroid. Did you send the drone over there?"

Ye Han sighed: "No need, just land, I will lead the team personally, He Lu, the battleship is under your command!"

"Yes!" He Lu simply agreed and immediately took over the battleship.

He Lu is the deputy captain of Leishan and one of Ye Han's two deputy.

Ye Han knew how many pounds and taels he had. Although he also understood battleship command, he did not have much experience in actual command, so he took the initiative to ask the base for a knowledgeable deputy.

After Gao Kai knew the news, he took the initiative to recommend He Lu to Ye Han, saying that he was one of the reserve captain seeds that the fleet focused on training, and temporarily lent Ye Han a period of time, and asked Ye Han to ensure the safety of He Lu.

After Ye Han repeatedly assured, Gao Kai sent He Lu to Leishan, and together with Luo Qi, became Ye Han's right-hand man... Luo Qi was mainly responsible for chores, and in terms of importance, the two were simply incomparable.

He Lu suddenly asked: "Captain, is the battleship docked or directly landed?"

"Go directly to the landing. You command the Leishan to be alert. I don't worry if the battleship is not in the sky."

"Yes!" He Lu agreed and arranged it immediately.

Ye Han took Luo Qi away, and a few minutes later, the two battle groups flew away from Leishan under Ye Han's personal command.

The distance between Leishan and the asteroid is only a few hundred meters, but flying in the helpless space, unable to reach the world or the ground, I always feel that my heart is very uncertain, and I don't feel better until it gets closer to the asteroid.

The entrance of Base No. 1 was selected in a natural valley. According to the original plan, it would be transformed into an airport, but now, there is only a natural cave and an artificial cave leading to the contents of the asteroid.

In the hidden place near the valley, there are still many equipment piled up, and Ye Han recognized them at a glance: "The super thruster used for asteroids is said to be the latest improved model, and I don't know what has been changed.

The gravity of the asteroid is very low, and everyone's actions are inseparable from the propeller. Ye Han was the first to float near the entrance.

Luo Qi suddenly stood in front of Ye Han: "Senior, I am advanced!" According to the blueprint provided by Base No. 1, there should be a trap with two grenades.

"No." Ye Han pointed to the wall in front.

Luo Qi took a closer look and immediately found a few pieces of shrapnel on the wall: "Break up? Aliens came?"

"Guess what?" Ye Han passed over Luo Qi, but before he could fly in, Luo Qi got in first, and as soon as he turned, he bumped into a black figure head-on.

Luo Qi almost shot The black shadow was knocked upside down by him and flew out. Only at this time did he realize that the black shadow was a giant insect that was missing half of it.

Looking beyond the giant insects to the depths of the cave, the stumps and arms of various giant insects filled the entire cave with dust and gravel. If you look carefully, you can find a lot of frozen insect blood.

In addition to these, there are some tentacle-like things on the wall of the cave, and they stand there motionless, irregular like grass.

Luo Qi didn't dare to approach, and stared at it carefully for a while before saying uncertainly: "Master, this thing seems to be a tree root, right? How did it grow here?"

"Looks like it." Ye Han also felt the same way, "You don't find it, the place near the tentacles is very clean!"

"That's right, that's what happened!"

Ye Han grabbed a piece of gravel that pointed to the size of his hand, and threw it gently towards the tentacles. The thruster automatically ran, neutralizing the backward momentum, so that Ye Han remained in the original position and did not move at all.

The rubble flew near the tentacles, and the originally curled tentacles suddenly and slowly rolled towards the rubble, pulling the rubble to the wall, as if it should have been there.

Luo Qi was so shocked that his jaw almost dislocated: "They are still alive?" The base took so much effort and sacrificed so many lives to blow up that alien plant, how can this thing still be alive?

Ye Han's eyes are complicated: "The problem is found." Tips: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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