Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1221: What's the motivation

The problem was found, but in the face of the tentacles full of holes, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but feel numb. *WwW.suimeng.lā

If you have intensive phobia, 80% will faint on the spot!

Soldiers, look at me, I look at you, and I'm a little overwhelmed.

They have fought giant insects, fought against the noble army, and fought with aliens. There are many people who have traveled back and forth between Jupiter and Jupiter. They are all well-informed. Never heard of it!

Luo Qi looked tangled: "Master, how to deal with this thing?"

Ye Han also had a headache. No one present was more familiar with aliens than him, but he had also never heard of such a situation.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Han said, "The bridge!"

"Captain, bridge received!"

"Look at that strange tree and take a closer look."

"Yes, do you need to synchronize the screen?"

"Send it to me."

"Understood, the countdown is three, two, one!"

As soon as the word was over, Ye Han received a video signal from Leishan. At this time, Leishan was located on the side of the asteroid, and the camera was aimed at the strange tree from the top of the side.

At this time, the strange tree still maintained the appearance of a few days ago, half of which was frozen in the thick layer of ice, and the other half was blasted to pieces, leaving only the charred trunk.

Ye Han looked at it carefully for a while, and then said unsurely, "It doesn't look like you're still alive!"

"Is it not?" He Lu agreed.

Luo Qi had a different opinion: "For plants, the key is to see if the roots are alive, right?" Then he glanced into the hole.

Ye Han sucked his teeth and Hanako: "Think about it, how can we kill these crap."

"How about the laser gun?" Luo Qi suggested.

"Can you guarantee that you will be completely dead?"

Luo Qi immediately shook his head: "How is that possible? But even if the root is entangled, it will not affect anything. What does it matter if you live or not?"

"It also makes sense." Ye Han nodded, "That's it, use the laser gun first, then use the incendiary bomb!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi quickly agreed.

"The bridge, blow up the outside for me too!"

"Yes!" He Lu replied immediately.

The order was issued, and the asteroid acted at the same time inside and outside.

Under the command of Luo Qi, all the soldiers with laser guns in the team stood up, and the vertical and horizontal laser beams swept away, easily cutting off a large number of roots.

The broken roots floated slowly in the air, still as little automatic as before, not like roots, but like some kind of living thing.

When Ye Han thought of this, a thought suddenly appeared: Is this thing really the root of that strange tree?

While thinking about it, the severed roots entangled themselves together, and soon gathered into an irregular sphere like wool.

With the actions of the warriors, there are more and more floating spheres, several large and small. When they meet, they can merge and grow by themselves.

Everyone looked fresh and couldn't help but wonder.

At this time, a tentacle ball happened to collide with the half-giant worm that Luo Qi collided with. The seemingly harmless tentacles wrapped around the corpse without warning, and then quickly tightened, and the hard shell was like an egg shell. The tentacles were dented and broken.

Everyone's discoloration immediately changed. Although the armor is much stronger than the worm shell, it is so easy to break the worm shell. The armor really makes this thing entangled.

Luo Qi's expression was the most embarrassing and solemn: "Master, why don't you just use the incendiary bomb?" The incendiary bomb prepared by the airborne division has its own oxidant, and the burning temperature can reach an astonishing 3,000 degrees. Even steel can be burned into molten iron , not to mention the mere tentacles?

"Then try it." Ye Han said.

He always felt that things were not that simple.

Luo Qi personally took an incendiary bomb, pulled the tab and threw it at the tentacle ball. The moment it touched, the tentacle ball immediately wrapped the incendiary bomb, and then a blue-blue flame burst out from the tentacle ball, and the high temperature instantly burned. Focus a lot of tentacles.

Since the vacuum lacks a medium for conducting heat, only the tentacles that are in contact with the incendiary bomb can touch the amazing high temperature. If there is no direct contact, even if it is close at hand, only light has no heat.

Most of the tentacles were burned by the heat, but a few fled off the charred tentacle balls.

Several of them just popped out of the hole, and one of the soldiers pulled out his saber and slashed, just intercepting a tentacle.

The moment the tentacle touched the saber, it was entangled with such force that the tentacle was directly cut off by the sharp blade.

The tentacles looked like they were dying of pain, and frantically twisted their slender body.

"Use the scabbard!" Luo Qi reminded in time.

The soldier suddenly realized, and immediately handed the scabbard up, and the twisting tentacles immediately wrapped around it, turning into a few inconspicuous strings on the knife.

The soldier took the scabbard in front of him and looked at it, then turned his head and handed the scabbard to Luo Qi: "battalion commander, alive!"

Luo Qi rolled his eyes helplessly and took the scabbard: "I still don't know it's alive?"

"No, I mean, this thing is not like a tree root, it should be a living creature."

Luo Qi agreed very much, and handed the scabbard to Ye Han again.

Ye Han didn't even look at it: "I don't care whether it's alive or dead, get rid of it immediately, the sooner the better!"

Without saying a word, Luo Qi immediately organized the soldiers to eliminate the tentacles, and he himself moved to Ye Han's side: "Master, do you need to take a few back and study it?"

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Grab a few and put them away, but you don't need to take them back, just put them here. When the base is built in the future, let someone from above come to study them."

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed immediately, but soon hesitated, "Is this appropriate?"

"There's nothing inappropriate." Ye Han said clearly, "I still don't know what this thing is. If you really bring it back, if it runs out or something happens, can you afford this responsibility?"

When Luo Qi heard this, he quickly shook his head.

Just kidding, can he afford such a big responsibility?

Ye Han didn't wait for Luo Qi to and thought about it first: "No, with this thing, the No. 1 base must not be built in this place...the bridge?"

"The bridge received, please speak!"

"Don't get too close, keep a safe distance!"

"Yes!" He Lu responded loudly, "Report to the captain, my ship is already in position, and I can bomb the tree stumps again at any time, please instruct!"

"You can decide for yourself, just give me the result."

"Yes!" He Lu agreed, and a few seconds later, faint tremors spread from the surface of the asteroid into the depths of the asteroid.

Half a minute later, Ye Han received a video from He Lu. The video was very short, but it recorded the entire process of Leishan's smashing of tree stumps. The plants rooted on the surface of the asteroid were completely shattered during the shelling, leaving only a deep craters up to several meters.

At the bottom of the crater, countless roots dig deep into the asteroid.

Ye Han couldn't understand at all, what was the driving force that made this strange tree desperately take root in the depths of the asteroid.

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