Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1226: learn from humans

Witnessing this scene, Ye Han had a playful look on his face, and wanted to see how wonderful the aliens would be if they knew that these missiles had no nuclear warheads at all.

Well, with such a thick shell on an alien's face, X-rays may not be able to penetrate it. There must be no concept of complexion in alien culture, and there may even be no concept of expression.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it makes the aliens unhappy, Ye Han feels happy.

The battle situation seemed to have returned to its original point, but the battle was still going on. The interception of the three missiles seemed to give the aliens confidence.

However, the enemy ships were still cautious, not willing to greedily advance.

Ye Han reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth, smacking his lips reluctantly: "If you can't get the capital back, you can charge some interest first - keep your position, and the laser cannon will give priority to intercepting enemy planes!"

The order was issued, most of the laser cannons turned to the enemy aircraft, and only a few continued to fire at the enemy ships without a firing angle. The pressure of the incoming enemy aircraft suddenly increased greatly, and the number of damage began to increase slightly.

Under the current circumstances, laser cannons are the most effective means to deal with enemy aircraft, but there is still some distance between the alien aircraft group and Leishan, and the range of the close-range guns is simply out of reach, and the missile's hand is also a bit short. You can only use the main gun to play cannons to fight mosquitoes.

The firepower of the Thunder Mountain was turned to the alien aircraft group, and the pressure of the two alien warships dropped sharply. One of them was like opening chicken blood, and suddenly began to accelerate, not only posing a posture to charge the Thunder Mountain, but also the density of the thin light. Suddenly it went up a bit.

The other enemy ship seemed a little caught off guard, but immediately adjusted its tactics and followed in the footsteps of the friendly forces.

Ye Han was hoping that the enemy ships would rush up, and he simply welcomed them with both hands. In order to give the enemy ships the confidence to charge, he even adjusted the laser cannons back halfway to reduce the pressure on the incoming alien aircraft group.

Who would have thought that just after the firepower was adjusted, the previously aggressive enemy ship immediately gave up the charge and continued to maintain a distance to fly kites.

Ye Han almost vomited blood, and could only angrily order the laser to move back.

Then, the enemy ship actually made a cheap charge, and Ye Han could even imagine the appearance of the alien villain.

If you shout "you come and bite me!" triumphantly, it will be very fitting.

Ye Han simply didn't turn the laser back, and just waited to see if the aliens dared to come forward.

Ye Han was very angry, but quickly calmed down.

When the two armies confront each other, it doesn't matter what means they use. As long as they can overcome the enemy and win, it is a good means. If the enemy can arouse their own anger, it has been proved that this cheap tactics is indeed effective.

Right now, both the enemy and me are within the range of the other party. Ye Han said that the aliens are willing to take risks to close the distance. Ye Han was the first to not believe it.

Since you can't figure out the enemy ship, let's continue to use the enemy aircraft!

Secretly made up his mind, Ye Han suddenly ordered the warship to actively rely on the alien aircraft group. This abnormal move was beyond the alien's expectations, and even disrupted the alien's established footsteps.

But they quickly came to their senses. The original mission of the aircraft group was to create opportunities for the warships. Leishan took the initiative to come over. Isn't it right?

This time, the alien swarm was even more energetic, charging desperately upward against the laser.

Ye Han felt that the distance was almost there, and calmly ordered: "The interest is charged, give them a nest of female fish!"


He Lu immediately conveyed the order. The fire control system didn't even need to lock on the enemy plane. After aiming in the general direction, he fired up a missile nest in one go, with a full twenty-five female fish missiles.

The aliens don't care about the life and death of the fighter planes at all, and naturally they don't pay much attention to these missiles. Only the fleet keeps firing thin beams in an effort to intercept these missiles.

The female fish missile shuttles back and forth in the swirling beam, which is more flexible than the real swimming fish. After flying over a distance of nearly 200 kilometers, less than one-third of the missiles were destroyed, and some of them were destroyed by their own firepower. accidental injury.

Seeing that it was about to get into the alien swarm, the female fish flying in the front suddenly exploded like inferior fireworks, and it divided into seven parts and rushed to different targets, and then the follow-up missiles exploded one by one, not enough. Twenty missiles turned into more than a hundred in the blink of an eye.

The interception firepower of the alien fighters also suddenly increased at this time, no longer intercepting in a fine light way, but converted into a large amount of mercerized light. Almost all of the Yuyu missiles were destroyed by the silk light, and only one missile hit the target, or the alien fighter had bad luck and was hit by a missile fragment on the nose.

Ye Han hated his teeth so much that the aliens were completely shameless to the end, and the aliens fully imitated the fighting methods of human beings.

However, this method is indeed very The combat effectiveness of alien fighters has been qualitatively improved, and the improvement of alien warships will only be higher than that of fighter jets!

Ye Han even has an idea, it is hard to say whether the air carrier will be the protagonist on the battlefield in the future.

The successful interception of the missile seems to have greatly increased the morale of the alien fleet, and the straight-line distance between the two sides continued to shorten.

Ye Han pouted in disdain. With such a small achievement, he was so excited that he couldn't find Bei? The aliens must be poured a basin of cold water to calm down.

The alien aircraft group broke through the 160-kilometer range limit at this time, and the air defense system that had been prepared for a long time burst into flames. Others fired at the enemy aircraft at the same time, and the dense beams of light smashed into the approaching aircraft group one after another.

No matter which direction is the laser, you have to block the laser wherever you hide. The alien machine group was stunned on the spot, and it suddenly became a mess, like a group of big-headed flies in the cesspool.

Many flies fly without moving, that is, they do not fire and do not change direction. They float away in the original direction like a stone. There is no dazzling sound and light effect when the laser hits the enemy plane. The enemy plane destroyed by the laser All like this bird.

If it floats in other directions, it's fine, but if it's unlucky to float towards Leishan, it will continue to be marked as an enemy aircraft by the air defense system, attracting more lasers to fill the knife, even if it is worn into a sieve, it will not stop.

When the laser penetrates the alien fighter, the shell of the fighter instantly vaporizes, which can play a little propulsion role, so most of these enemy planes will deviate from the direction after drifting close to a certain distance. Only in very special circumstances will they continue to approach until they enter 1020. The range of the close-range artillery, until it is torn apart by the dense shells.

In just over 20 seconds, all the alien warships were destroyed by the close-in defense artillery. Under the eyes of the aliens, the Thunder Mountain demonstrated what is called intensive firepower.

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