Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1227: win the battle

Lord Snow Eagle

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The alien aircraft group was destroyed too decisively and too quickly, and there was simply no defense at all. The two enemy ships were like rabbits hit by arrows, suddenly jumping out of the way.

Ye Han really didn't want to work with the aliens any more, and ordered in a deep voice: "The laser cannon fires at full strength, limiting the movement range of the enemy ship as much as possible, firing smoke bombs and hidden sword missiles, and the electromagnetic cannon finds an opportunity to fire directly!"

On the Thunder Mountain, the captain's order is the truth, and all orders are immediately confirmed and responded to. The laser beam that traverses the void instantly appears near the enemy ship, and uses various means such as encircling, compressing, and hitting to test the enemy's reaction. Guide the flight direction of the enemy ship according to the reaction law of the alien warship.

The enemy ship seemed to realize that the situation was not good. Not only did it stop approaching, but it retreated at a high speed.

Not only that, but the retreating enemy ships released a batch of fighter jets. I don't know if they wanted to attract the firepower of the Thunder Mountain, or to disperse the firepower of the Thunder Mountain.

Ye Han didn't care about the enemy planes at all, and dealt with the enemy ships wholeheartedly. In order to prevent the enemy ships from escaping, he even ordered Leishan to move forward at full speed.

Leishan suddenly accelerated to startle the aliens, and the two warships that had been separated from each other quickly separated and flew to different directions.

Is this an escape rhythm?

Ye Han always felt that something was wrong, when did the aliens take their lives so much?

He immediately identified one of the enemy ships and ordered Leishan to catch up... It is better to have two birds in the forest than one bird in hand. Leishan could not be split in half, so he could only chase one enemy ship and put the other one temporarily. to the side.

The outbreak of the Thunder Mountain seemed to frighten the aliens, but the escape speed of the enemy ship was not very fast, which caught He Lu's attention, and he quickly reminded in a low voice: "Captain, something seems wrong..."

It's really not right. The two enemy ships fled separately. After Leishan caught up, the two enemy ships were one in front of Leishan and the other on the starboard side of Leishan. At this time, the second enemy ship on the starboard side suddenly changed to Shin, dashing towards Raizhan, opened fire on Raizhan's starboard side, which was exposed in front of the enemy ship.

In the blink of an eye, Leishan hit dozens of tiny lights in a row. Although it didn't cause any major impact, the situation that had just been good before turned a hundred and eighty degrees in a blink of an eye.

It is simply intolerable to expose the broadside to the enemy ship in battle, and to actively expose it to the enemy ship!

He Lu can't wait to push Ye Han away now and take over the command.

Ye Han pursed his lips and spit out a few words calmly: "Right full rudder!"

He Lu almost broke his teeth. The right rudder is indeed a solution, but facing the enemy No. 2, wouldn't it expose the port side to the enemy No. 1?

What's the point of such a command being executed or not?

Just when He Lu was indignant, Leishan had turned right quickly under Ye Han's order, and the soldiers at the bow and stern felt a very obvious deviation.

After completing the turn, Leishan faced Enemy No. 2 head-on. From the perspective of Enemy No. 2, Leishan was traversing at a high speed in front, and the thin light originally aimed at Leishan suddenly missed most of it.

At the same time, Enemy No. 1 was changing from retreat to advance, intending to continue the previous tactics and attack the port side of Thunder Mountain.

The Thunder Mountain, which had only been silent for a moment, suddenly opened fire, and continuous lasers and dense shells smashed into the enemy No. 2 at the same time.

Not only that, the electromagnetic gun that had been waiting for a long time also fired at this time, firing a magnetic nuclear shell at Enemy No. 2.

As soon as the magnetic nuclear shell was fired, Ye Han immediately ordered the battleship to full rudder on the left, and pulled the Leishan back again.

Seeing that the Thunder Mountain was about to turn back and hurriedly fired, a large wave of fine light was mostly missed, and only a dozen were actually hit.

The two battleships faced each other again. Enemy No. 1 wanted to retreat, but it was too late, so it could only bite the bullet and attack Leishan.

Thunder Mountain and Enemy No. 1 constantly changed directions and maneuvered, trying their best to avoid the enemy's artillery fire.

At this time, the missile group just flew to the vicinity of the enemy ship, and the Yinjian missile fired before the enemy ship intercepted.

The aliens are indeed capable of intercepting missiles, but the shells can only rely on luck. As a result, half of the dozen shells hit the enemy No. 1, which opened seven or eight black holes.

The enemy No. 2 was also hit by several Hidden Sword missiles, but in order to relieve the dangerous situation of the enemy No. 1, it had to take the risk and continue to attack the Leixiang.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly exploded in front of Enemy No. 2. Although it failed to hit Enemy No. 2, it completely blocked the sight of the aliens.

The strong light only lasted for a moment, but the enemy No. 2 lost its target, and all the firepower was lost. When the Leishan was found again, Ye Han had fired four magnetic nuclear shells at the enemy No. 1 in a row, in addition to a batch of smoke bombs and two. nuclear missile.

According to the calculation of the shipboard computer, the hit rate of this wave of nuclear weapons exceeds 90%!

At this time, the distance between Leishan and the enemy No. 1 was only more than 200 kilometers, and it only took more than ten seconds for the shells and missiles to hit the target.

But Ye Han didn't have the chance to witness this heartwarming scene with his own eyes. He quickly set up a smoke screen in front of Leishan and ordered the battleship to turn around and face the enemy No. 2 again.

Enemy No. 2 still carried out the previous tactics, and immediately retreated after discovering that Leishan had changed direction, but Ye Han did not want to give the enemy a chance this decisively commanded Leishan to pursue the pursuit, continuously releasing smoke screens along the way, interfering with Enemy No. 1's sight.

Enemy No. 2 tried its best to deal with Leishan, keeping a safe distance as much as possible, and then only seventeen seconds later, two groups of strong lights burst out in the direction of Enemy No. 1, and when the strong lights dissipated, the alien battleship No. 1 has become history and was The nuclear explosion was completely wiped from the world.

Enemy No. 2 was terrified. He wanted to run but didn't dare to turn around. While hesitating, he suddenly received a new order. Enemy No. 2 immediately rushed towards Leishan at full speed.

The change in the style of the enemy ship was too sudden, which surprised Ye Han, but it was a good thing that the enemy ship rushed over. He immediately sacrificed the trump card of artillery shells and missiles. After more than ten seconds, the second enemy ship, who was charging decisively, was also in a group. Destroy most of them in strong light.

Without hesitation, Ye Han ordered to make up the knife and shattered the remaining enemy ships with a nuclear shell.

The strong light dissipated, and the nuclear explosion completely wiped out the enemy ship. This one-on-two confrontation finally ended with the victory of the Thunder Mountain. Ye Han couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and pinched the corners of his eyes.

Although only three battleships participated in this battle, the enemy and the enemy were fighting with each other's wits and strength.

Aliens are getting more and more difficult to deal with, and this matter must be reported as soon as possible - the production capacity of human battleships has been unable to increase, and if even the original advantages are lost, it is not far from losing this war. Tips: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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