Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1243: we understand

Beidu, Zhongnanhai. [WWw.SuiMеng.lā

The lead cloud was low, and the light rain fell all night. The ancient city was shrouded in misty rain and fog, adding a bit of heaviness and vicissitudes.

The first brother stood in front of the window, quietly watching the raindrops flying outside the window.

The knock on the door broke the brief silence, and the first brother withdrew his gaze: "Please come in."

The door opened, the first brother saw the person coming, and immediately smiled: "Minister Qiu is here, what instructions do you have?"

Qiu Tianning smiled bitterly: "Don't look for my happiness."

When the first brother saw that Qiu Tianning was following behind him, he turned his head and recognized it immediately: "Yo, isn't this our Commander Huo? Didn't you go to Beiyuezhou? When did you come back?"

"Report to the head, just got off the plane." Huo Qiang said.

"Sit down, sit down and talk." The first brother pointed to the sofa and said.

Qiu Tianning and Huo Qiang were both regulars here, they politely took off their military caps and sat down.

The first brother pressed the call button on the desk: "Bring a pot of tea here." After that, he walked over to the two of them and sat down.

There was another knock on the door, and a young waitress came in with a tray and put a pot of tea and a few cups on the table.

She was about to take the pot and pour the tea, when the first brother smiled and waved: "No need, I'll do it myself."

The waiter smiled and stepped back. The first brother poured tea and said, "You two don't come here often. Tell me, what's the situation?"

After he finished speaking, the steaming tea was poured out. The first brother put down the teapot and picked up a cup by himself. He made a gesture to Qiu Huo and the two of them, indicating that they would serve it by themselves.

Qiu Tianning picked up the cup and held it in his hand: "That's right, I'm here today mainly for the asteroid belt."

The first brother's expression became serious: "I've heard all about it, what happened to Leishan?"

Huo Qiang's heart jumped, and he gave Qiu Tianning a sideways glance.

Qiu Tianning said: "Leishan is fine and broke through successfully, but the problem of the asteroid belt is much more serious than we expected."

The first brother put down the teacup: "It's not an accident, it's not surprising that the moon is the first to get close to the water tower. We are far away from them, so it's not surprising that we can't get the first move."

"That's true, but the aliens are doing a great job, far exceeding our expectations." Qiu Tianning said, "Let our Commander Huo talk about it."

Huo Qiang smiled bitterly: "Don't make me happy."

"Tell me." Brother Yi nodded to Huo Qiang.

Huo Qiang put down his cup: "According to Beiyuezhou's observations, we believe that the aliens' actions began last summer, not long after the raiding fleet evacuated Jupiter."

He deliberately paused to see that the first brother didn't mean to speak, and then continued: "At present, we don't know the details of the aliens' actions, but there are signs that the actions of the aliens are continuous and continuous, that is to say , They have not been idle during this period of time, and the analysis believes that the approach of the aliens should be to scatter the fleet wherever Jupiter flies."

The first brother frowned and said, "How much space does it take up? Do you know?"

"It's about an arc between 34 degrees and 37 degrees. The total number of alien warships is between three and five hundred. The specific number has not yet been determined."

"Is that so... What does the staff think?"

Qiu Tianning quickly replied: "The original plan was to wait for the raiding fleet to be repaired and set sail together, and concentrate on clearing out the aliens, but the aliens are progressing too fast. If the original plan is continued, the fleet will arrive at the asteroid. When I take it, I am afraid that the aliens have already established a firm foothold, and it will be difficult to drive the aliens out at that time."

After speaking, he breathed back: "Also, the aliens are basically single-ship operations. Two or three ships have also been discovered, and more than four ships have hardly appeared. If there is no accident, the aliens will be in a long period of time. Keep the current way of doing things. We're going to be more successful if we focus on attacking, but we're going to be far less efficient."

"What? You guys also want to change to a single ship to sail?" the first brother asked.

"It's not what we thought, but the current situation requires us to enter the asteroid belt in advance, otherwise we will be too passive when the assault fleet is dispatched."

The first brother thought about it and asked, "Are you sure?"

"There is still a certainty, Lao Huo, you can talk about it."

"Okay." Huo Qiang agreed, "Boss, our shipbuilding speed is too slow, but the overall strength of the battleship is much higher than that of the enemy ship. As long as the command is not wrong, we will definitely win one-on-one, and there is also a chance of winning one-on-two. The odds of fighting alien warships with scattered single or double ships are very high. You also know that there are not many warships in the assault fleet, and it is not good for us to concentrate warships in decisive battles. On the other hand, fighting guerrillas is our strength.”

Qiu Tianning added: "When necessary, the scattered warships can also be used together, but they cannot give aliens a chance for a decisive battle."

The first brother smiled: "This is the space version of the sea wolf tactics... So how to solve the logistical problem? Are those bases completed?"

"Except for Base No. 1, Base No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 are all normal and should be delivered on time." Huo Qiang said, "Spreading out attacks can also buy time for the base to build and avoid the situation of Base No. 1 again. "

"What about Base One?"

"The pre-selected asteroid has been scrapped, and an asteroid must be found again. Beiyuezhou has prepared the spaceship and supplies. As long as a suitable place is found, the spaceship can set off at any time."

"How to solve the security problem?"

"Leishan is in charge for the time being. After the follow-up battleships are dispatched, the aliens will have no chance to think about our base."

"It's a good thing to have but don't be ignorant." The first brother said, "Taizu and his old man said it well, strategically despising the enemy, tactically paying attention to the enemy, I won't tell you about the current situation. It is also clear that if you lose one battleship, you will lose one, and if you fight against aliens, we will definitely lose in the end, and you are the experts, so I won't point fingers as a layman."

Qiu Tianning smiled and said, "You are too modest. You can manage such a big family well. You are much better than us."

"Don't fool me, I'm not old and confused!" The first brother smiled and pointed to his temple, "You can say whatever is missing, some will definitely give, and if not, you will have to find a way to give it, but the battle will not be fought. Well, I'm going to be held accountable!"

"Don't worry, we will do our best." Huo Qiang said.

The first brother said: "There are still a few things, maybe you have done a good job, but I would like to emphasize again, one is to save yourself in order to eliminate the enemy; the second is military speculation; third, pay attention to the mood of the troops, we The fighters of the army are not young master soldiers, but the times have changed, and now is not the era of seeking no return for ideals, and the work that should be grasped must be grasped, understand?"

"Don't worry, Chief, we understand."

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