Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1244: In-depth cooperation

After leaving Zhongnanhai, Huo Qiang contacted Beiyuezhou immediately and asked Beiyuezhou to send all the battleships that had been repaired. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

Beiyuezhou still didn't know what was going on, but after receiving Huo Qiang's notice, he convened the manpower immediately to arrange the task. It only took a few hours for the three warships to set sail one after another.

That's right, there are three ships, and the rest of the battleships are still being overhauled at the orbital factory.

Moreover, each of the three warships was dispatched to bases 2, 3, and 4 in one direction. To put it nicely, they were responsible for the safety of the base. To put it more bluntly, they arranged a super bodyguard for the space base under construction.

The locations of several bases are different, and the distances are different. Even if these warships are replaced with new engines, it will take a month at least to fly to the place. The farthest base, No. 2, needs to fly continuously for more than 50 days.

Regardless of whether it is a month or fifty days, Huo Qiang's heart that hangs in the air will not be able to let go for a day.

There are no problems with these bases so far, but no one knows whether the aliens are staring at these bases. If the bases are taken away by the aliens before the battleship arrives, it will be troublesome.

For this matter, Huo Qiang even thought of Leishan and wanted to transfer Leishan to Base No. 2.

If there were only the abandoned No. 1 base, Huo Qiang must have done it, but there is also a Ceres in the mission of Leishan, and its strategic position is higher than that of several space bases combined. If Leishan is transferred, in case Ceres is destroyed Aliens occupied it, and Huo Qiang couldn't find a place to cry.

Huo Qiang finally gave up this tempting idea, and ordered all bases to be careful not to let aliens find out.

Huo Qiang even ordered the three warships that had just set off to deliberately yaw, so as to prevent outsiders from deducing the position of the base from the course of the warships.

In a word, Huo Qiang used all the methods he could think of.

Even so, he still can't rest assured. The first thing he does every day when he wakes up is to determine the situation of the space base; the second thing is to urge the orbital factory to complete the modification as soon as possible with high quality and quantity.

At this time, the rail factory was already running at full capacity, and everyone was divided into two shifts, 24 hours a day.

The workers here are all active duty soldiers. They know better than anyone how much the military needs the fleet. Many people forget to sleep and eat in order to catch up with work, and spend all their time in the orbital factory except for rest.

If it weren't for the high degree of automation of the rail factory, it would have to be exhausted.

After Huo Qiang knew about this, he was moved and gave a death order. No one should work more than 12 hours a day, and if they exceed 12 hours, they must be forced to rest.

In addition, he also dispatched personnel from various departments in Beiyuezhou to supplement the manpower for the rail factory.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the transformation speed of warships is unprecedented.

Not only has the transformation speed of the old ship been improved, the construction speed of the new ship has also broken the previous record. It took only two months for a new ship to go from laying the keel to the completion of the production line!

There is also the base group's orbital factory near the moon. Witnessing the rapidly forming warships in the dock, the base group's engineers extended their thumbs in admiration and wrote a capital letter.

They couldn't understand why Beiyuezhou was working so hard.

Not only Beiyuezhou is going all out, Beidu is also doing its best on the issue of the asteroid belt.

As soon as Qiu Huo and the others left Zhongnanhai, the first brother began to think about the asteroid belt.

The first brother is not a soldier, but he is keenly aware that the biggest shortcoming of his own is the lack of strength.

The battle of interception crippled the Beiyuezhou fleet, and now only the assault fleet is left to support the scene.

However, the human side is not only a raiding fleet, there is also a fleet on the international fleet side. If both fleets are thrown into the asteroid belt, even if there are not a few splashes, at least they can be given to the earth and humans. Buy some time!

The first brother immediately convened the staff to discuss cooperation issues. Later that day, the first brother had a direct call with Washington through the summit hotline, and had an in-depth and fruitful exchange on the asteroid belt issue.

Two hours after the call ended, the delegations of the two sides sat together by video conference and began to conduct detailed and rigorous consultations on the issue of the asteroid belt.

The asteroid belt is related to the fundamental interests of both parties. The delegation put aside all the clichés and directly pointed to the essence of the problem. The efficiency of this meeting has written an indelible mark in the history of world diplomacy.

The two sides reached an agreement at the meeting that the development of aliens in the asteroid belt must be curbed as soon as possible, because there are no alien warships near the earth, or in the vicinity of the earth's orbit, the two sides decided to go all out to attack the asteroid belt. All the warships taken out are put into the asteroid belt; the second is to build a batch of space bases as soon as possible; the third is to tilt the resources to the fleet as much as possible after the war; the fourth is to speed up the shipbuilding speed and expand the production capacity of warships; …

The two sides reached a lot of agreement, but tacitly avoided the issue of command, united against aliens, and avoided falling into a vicious circle of fighting for command.

After the meeting, Beidu and Washington issued a joint statement, announcing that the two sides would reorganize the joint command headquarters on the moon.

The former full name is the Inner Solar System Defense Command, referred to as the Internal Defense Department, which is responsible for defense issues in the orbit of Mars. Essentially, the only responsibility of this command is to protect the earth, and other responsibilities are the extension and subsidiary of this responsibility.

The latter continues to be called the Joint, but the responsibilities no longer involve the orbit of Mars. The current main responsibility of this command is to compete for the asteroid belt, and it is also responsible for the expedition to Jupiter and the blockade and suppression of Jupiter. .

One day in the future, perhaps the burden of Saturn will be handed over to the Joint Command.

However, it sounds like the high-level joint command is only responsible for strategic issues, and it must be agreed by the two sides.

As for specific tactical issues, each is responsible, and no one interferes.

In response to the issue of aliens, the two sides have also established a set of cooperation mechanisms on the basis of non-interference with each other to facilitate the cooperation between the forces of the two sides to jointly fight against the alien fleet.

In addition to the changes at the command level, the two sides have also transformed the asteroid belt into theaters for the first time in view of the current situation, temporarily dividing the asteroid belt into four major war zones, south, east, and northwest, and set up theater commanders under the framework of the joint command headquarters. department.

However, this is only the long-term plan of the joint headquarters. At present, three of the four major war zones are empty shelves, and only the Eastern War Zone lives up to its name. All the airspaces where aliens are infested are located in the Eastern War Zone. the main battlefield!

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