Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1248: pull the alarm

Gao Kai looked disgusted: "It's not very good, you can be careful, you must not play it off."

"There is definitely a risk, I will try my best to control it."

After listening to Gao Kai, he was silent for a while. He opened his mouth and was about to say something when Ye Han suddenly heard a voiceover: "Report, alien battleship found, number one, bearing 346,033, distance 0.4!"

The azimuth 346 is zero degrees directly in front of Nanzhou, 346 degrees on the plane, and 33 degrees upward.

The distance is a little more complicated. When there are only numbers like this, it generally refers to astronomical units; if it is calculated by light-split-seconds, the number should be suffixed with minutes and seconds; only when the distance is less than one light-second, will it be expressed in kilometers.

Gao Kai immediately replied: "Don't worry about him, continue to observe!"

"Yes!" At the end of the voiceover, Gao Kai sighed: "It seems that I am also being watched by aliens."

"Sure, I'm not surprised at all." Ye Han looked as expected.

It's not how wise he is, but there is no way to hide this place. Even if it is disguised as an asteroid, it will be exposed due to irregular orbits and frequent changes of direction. How could the military not think of such a simple problem as camouflage? But it was because the disguise couldn't hide it, so he didn't use that effort.

Battleships have always been painted black and there are camouflage considerations, but so far, no battleship has been ignored by aliens because of the painting.

Gao Kai smiled: "You said, how many warships are the aliens going to use against me?"

"Bet, at least five."

"Five ships still need you to say?" Gao Kai said and sighed, "If only we had more battleships in our hands."

"Yeah, just a little more..." Ye Han agreed.

"Okay, let's not talk **** with you, just deal with yourself. If there are too many enemy ships staring at me, I won't go to your place. Be careful yourself."

"You too."

At the end of the communication, Ye Han rubbed his forehead with a headache and began to worry about the fate of the Nanzhou.

The aircraft carrier is the absolute main force of the space fleet. Humans know this, and the aliens also know it. Otherwise, they would not imitate humans and create an alien version of the mothership.

No matter how you look at it, the Nanzhou is more strategic than the Leishan or the transport ship. In case the aliens concentrate their forces on the Nanzhou... Can the Nanzhou handle it?

But he's not too worried, can't he run if he can't fight?

Today's Nanzhou is not the original Nanzhou. In addition to the replacement of new propellers, the keel frame has been strengthened and various equipments have been added.

In the past, the Nanzhou was just an air carrier with very limited weapons and equipment, and all operations depended on carrier-based aircraft.

The modified Nanzhou has become a combination of a battleship and an aircraft carrier. There are a lot of laser cannons, artillery, electromagnetic guns and missiles, and it is no problem to directly fight the bayonet with the alien battleship.

Rather than worrying about the powerful Nanzhou, it is better to worry about his own Thunder Mountain.

In the blink of an eye, it was another half day, and the two enemy ships in front of Leishan had merged, and the third enemy ship was on the way to the meeting.

In the direction of the transport ship, the distance between the two enemy ships was not far away.

Ye Han summoned Thor, and after several consecutive calculations with the supercomputer on the Leishan, he was convinced that the time was ripe. With an order, the Leishan suddenly turned around and chased the transport ship at full speed.

To be more precise, fly to the side of the transport ship and intercept an enemy ship.

The two enemy ships chasing the transport ship were located in two directions. According to Ye Han's calculations, Leishan would definitely be in position before the enemy ship could contact the transport ship.

At that time, Leishan blocked an enemy ship, and it was only a matter of time before the battle was won. Even if the transport ship was overtaken by another enemy ship, it would still be able to get around until Leishan arrived.

I was afraid that the enemy ship would abandon the transport ship, and the two enemy ships would deal with the Thunder Mountain together.

Now let's see how the aliens react.

The aliens responded very quickly. On the one hand, several battleships in front of the Thunder Mountain quickly turned to transport ships.

On the other hand, the two battleships that were originally flying towards the transport ship increased their speed again.

Judging from the current speed of both sides, the enemy ship will catch up with the transport ship in front of Leishan.

The movements of the aliens were all expected by Ye Han, and the Leishan, which had always reserved its speed, moved forward at full speed, and once again seized the initiative.

So far, the situation is still under control, but just in case, Ye Han gave the transport ship a precaution in advance, reminding the transport ship to adapt accordingly.

Although somewhat redundant, Lieutenant Colonel Sloppy thanked him and hinted that the transports also had a fighting chance.

Ye Han was very curious as to how the combat power of the transport ship came about.

The lieutenant colonel's answer made him laugh or cry. This transport ship was also refitted. Although its combat power is not as good as that of a capital ship, it is still no problem to deal with one or two enemy ships, and it can escape even if it fails.

This time Ye Han was relieved, and then a feeling was born in his mind, that all the battleships on his side had become rabbits that can't be beaten and run away.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. Only by saving yourself can you eliminate the enemy. What Taizu and his old man said always makes sense.

The distance between the Leishan and the transport ship has been widened. It takes a long time for the Leishan to catch up. Ye Han has been worried that there will be problems during this time, but after a short time, except for a few more warships flying in this direction, I will continue. No other incidents were found.

These battleships will not arrive every three or five days, and they will certainly not affect the battle that is about to begin.

But at this moment, the two enemy ships flying towards the transport ship suddenly accelerated again!

Ye Han was extremely surprised. Wasn't it the full speed of the enemy ship before? This is the rhythm to play off!

At the critical moment, Ye Han couldn't take care of that much, and decisively ordered the Thunder Mountain to continue to accelerate.

He Lu almost bit his tongue: "Captain, it's already full speed!"

Ye Han gritted his teeth and spat out two words: "More!"

"This..." He Lu hesitated.

"What time is it, hurry up!"

He Lu had to give and convey the order to accelerate, but he did not forget to remind: "Captain, the acceleration time can't be too long, at most five minutes!"

The engine and thrusters of the battleship are designed to retain a certain degree of redundancy, and the short-term overpower acceleration is not a problem.

"Let's add it first, and look at it later." Ye Han said.

Thunder Mountain's speed slowly increased, and the acceleration stopped after five minutes.

Ye Han looked at the speed data and slowly exhaled.

According to the current speed, Leishan will arrive when the enemy ship catches up with the transport ship. Although it is a little later than the expected time, but with Leishan eyeing, the possibility that the alien warship will deal with the transport ship first is very low. It is more likely to deal with Thunder Mountain together.

This is not in line with Ye Han's plan, but it is not unacceptable for one to two.

In a short while, the enemy ship is about to be encountered. Ye Han is full of energy and loudly orders: "Raise the alarm, the whole ship is ready to fight!"

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