Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1249: different ideas

Although all the officers and soldiers were at their posts, the piercing alarm still gave everyone a sense of urgency, but within a few seconds, all the turrets were turned on, the fire control system was running at a high speed, and the shooting data was dispatched one by one. battle position.

At this time, the Thunder Mountain was like a volcano about to erupt, and rage was brewing in the silence.

All Ye Han's attention was focused on the main screen, staring at the alien warship flying towards the transport ship. At this moment, he had nothing else in his eyes, and the only thought in his mind was to kill the enemy ship.

The two enemy ships each occupied one direction, and the enemy ship in front suddenly turned, and while continuing to fly towards the transport ship, it aimed the bow of the ship at Leishan.

Another enemy ship was on the other side of the transport, and it was hiding behind the transport very insidiously.

Luo Qi suddenly shouted: "Captain, the second enemy ship is flying towards the transport ship!"

Ye Han's eyes twitched: "Ignore it, tell the transport ship to do all it can, and give me a few minutes, just a few minutes!"


"What way!"




He Lu's eyes widened, this is not in the range yet, is it too early?

But an order is an order, and it is an order given in battle. He will not doubt Ye Han's decision at this time anyway.

The laser cannons on the Thunder Mountain fired immediately, followed by the electromagnetic cannons and missiles at the same time.

It is true that enemy ships do not have a range, but there is no range limit for shells in space. The only effect of exceeding the range is that the hit rate is too low.

Ye Han doesn't have the heart to think about this at the moment, even if these shells and missiles can interfere with the enemy's judgment.

The first wave of firepower had just left the ship, and the transport ship also opened fire, but there were no powerful weapons on the transport ship, and it was not shooting at the enemy ship, but a wave of smoke bombs.

Dozens of smoke bombs were thrown away from the launcher, and the bombs surrounded the transport ship. The thick smoke quickly wrapped the transport ship completely, and the transport ship was no longer visible.

But Ye Han couldn't breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the smoke screen is good, strong firepower is required to prevent the enemy ship from approaching. A simple smoke screen cannot stop the enemy at all.

His emotions were getting more and more urgent, but it would take some time for Thunder Mountain to bring the enemy ship into range, and the enemy ship was not meant to be destroyed if it was eliminated. If the second enemy ship rushed towards the transport ship recklessly, it would be dangerous.

The enemy ship seemed to have spotted the incoming artillery shells and missiles, and suddenly fired without warning. The dense thin light cut through the void, and it was unknown whether they hit the missiles.

Ye Han is not worried about the shells at all, because this wave is all armor-piercing shells, and the thin light is an energy weapon. After hitting, the shell will be cut at most, and the speed of the shell will not be affected. At most, it is due to the change in quality, and the power is smaller when it hits. .

But the missile is different. This thing belongs to precision equipment. Any damage will cause unpredictable effects. The light affects the guidance and hit, and the slightest damage can make the missile fail.

If it was only Leishan against the enemy ship, Ye Han would definitely use smoke grenades to cover the missiles, but the current purpose was to attract the attention of the enemy ships, so naturally the smoke screen could no longer be used.

Neither side could hurt anyone, but you and I kept fighting each other in the air. It was a lively fight, but there was no efficiency at all.

Time passed slowly in pain, just half a minute was like half a century.

Finally bringing the enemy ship into range, Ye Han gave an order, and the laser cannon fired at full force, and the beams fell on the enemy ship one by one, but the distance was still far away, and apart from leaving a few scorch marks, no other damage was caused.

The alien warship quickly counterattacked, and the fine light began to focus on the Thunder Mountain, hitting the Thunder Mountain one after another.

But the result, like the laser, did not cause any damage to the Thunder Mountain.

"The first enemy ship continued to move closer to the transport ship, and the second enemy ship opened fire on the transport ship!" He Lu reported the situation in a timely manner.

"How is the condition of the transport ship?"

"No problem, it's still far away."

"The enemy ship didn't move closer to our ship?"

"No." He Lu answered with absolute certainty.

"Damn it! Tell the transport ship to be careful, He Lu, the whole ship strengthens the firepower!" Ye Han was anxious, and could not wait to kill the enemy ship immediately.

If the aliens want to entangle the Leishan, then the first enemy ship should fly to the Leishan, and the second enemy ship will deal with the transport ship, but now the situation is that both enemy ships are flying towards the transport ship!

Although the enemy ship has been exchanging fire with Leishan, the firepower of the enemy ship can be turned to the transport ship at any time!

Not to mention a transport ship, even if Leishan was flanked by two enemy ships, it would only be a matter of hatred on the spot.

He Lu, who received the order, almost lost his hair in worry. The laser cannon was originally fired at full power, and the shells and missiles could be strengthened, but the speed of this thing was slow, and the effect could not be seen for a while.

He Lu is a very thoughtful person, but it is precisely because he understands Ye Han's intentions that he cannot realize Ye Han's ideas, so he is so restless.

However, he had no choice at all. No matter how much he thought about it, in the end, he could only order the electromagnetic guns and naval guns to fire at full force.

The battle situation fell into a short stalemate. After more than ten seconds, Luo Qi suddenly raised his head: "The transport ship reported that there were multiple bullets on the port side, but the armor was not penetrated, but the armor of the transport ship was thin and could not last for long."

Ye Han's face was blue and black: "Can you be faster?"

"No." He Lu shook his head, "It's already the limit."

Luo Qi suddenly raised his head with a strange look on his face: "Master, the transport ship said that they plan to drop a batch of supplies at the right time, please be careful, don't hit the damaged container."

The bridge was suddenly quiet, and everyone looked at Luo Qi unexpectedly.

Abandoning supplies is not surprising, but what the **** is this last sentence?

"It doesn't matter if he hits us." Ye Han suddenly felt a pain in his head and couldn't understand what medicine was sold in the sloppy lieutenant colonel's gourd.

Soon after, Luo Qi whispered, "It's started!"

Everyone's eyes involuntarily focused on the main screen, but immediately realized that Luo Qi was talking about the transport ship, and everyone's eyes moved to the small screen showing the transport ship.

I saw that more than a dozen military containers suddenly flew out from the side of the smoke screen. Although they left the transport ship, they were still accompanied by the side of the smoke screen under the action of inertia.

Thunder Mountain is located at the rear right of the transport ship, and the container appears to the left of the smoke screen. It should be that the transport ship has opened the port cargo hold.

Ye Han's whole person is not well, didn't he agree to receive the supplies? Throw it to the left and where can I receive it?

Ye Han couldn't understand more and more. He was about to ask the transport ship, and suddenly found that the direction of the containers was a bit wrong. If they continued to maintain the current speed and direction, these containers would collide with the second enemy ship on the left in a short time!

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