Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1251: not a confluence of confluence

He Lu suddenly thought: "Captain, all the electromagnetic guns..."

Before he finished speaking, a bright light suddenly exploded on the enemy ship ahead. When the light dissipated, the enemy ship was already missing half of the bow.

"Success!" He Lu was so ecstatic that he almost didn't jump up.

The others were also smiling, all excited.

Almost at the same time, the soldiers in front of the second enemy ship suddenly spread their limbs, took off the individual missiles behind them and fired at the enemy ship.

The individual missiles with nuclear warheads flew towards the enemy ship, and the soldiers turned their heads and ran away after the fight, for fear that they would be targeted by the enemy if they ran too slowly.

Before the missile could reach the place, the enemy ship had already exploded a large piece of silk light. Although the individual missile was small in size, its speed was not very good. Seven or eight pieces were stopped by the silk light at a time.

Siguang exploded twice more, and there were not many missiles flying towards the enemy ship. Even the soldiers who participated in the attack were hit by Siguang several times.

However, in the end there were still a few fish that slipped through the net and hit the enemy ship.

Although the power of individual nuclear weapons is small, it is small in the nuclear family. When used to bomb alien warships, the power is absolutely sufficient. Most of the thin light transmitters of alien warships are located in the bow of the ship. The firepower density of the ship suddenly dropped several grades.

Ye Han's whole body was bad, and he roared angrily: "Bombed the enemy ship for me!"

A good battleship, it took so much effort to get a single nuclear bomb to hit, and it's not as good as a transport ship, can he not be depressed?

He Lu conveyed the order without saying a word, the electromagnetic gun immediately fired three bursts, a few strong lights flashed, and the alien battleship facing Leishan was interrupted in three parts by the explosion.

Magnetic nuclear shells are limited by their structure and their yields are relatively small. If they are replaced with large-yield warheads in missiles, one can make alien warships shattered.

Leishan, which had completely resolved the enemy ship, turned immediately, and the bow of the ship was aimed at the second enemy ship, and it was facing the side of the second enemy ship.

The distance between Leishan and the second enemy ship was a little farther, but the speed of the two sides was not too different. Due to the effect of inertia, the battleship turned and continued to move in the original direction. The relative position was almost unchanged, and the hit rate was still guaranteed.

However, the soldiers who attacked the second enemy ship were so close to the enemy ship that the Thunder Mountain, which was aiming at the second enemy ship, was slow to fire.

At this moment, the transport ship that had been hidden in the smoke screen suddenly flew out and fired more than a dozen missiles at the second enemy ship in one breath.

There is no shortage of missiles on the transport ship, but it lacks launchers, and a salvo of more than a dozen is already the limit of the transport ship.

Ye Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while: "This kid, are you afraid that we will steal the head or something?"

"I think 80% of the time." Luo Qi put on a serious look, but as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't hold back himself, and put on a grinning look.

"Don't be grinning, be serious!" Ye Han laughed himself before he finished speaking.

Depressed, depressed, but it doesn't matter who destroyed the enemy ship, what matters is who the final victory belongs to!

No matter how imperfect a victory is, it is much better than the most perfect defeat. What is it that is robbed of the head by a transport ship?

The heavily damaged enemy ship crossed the fleeing soldiers and collided with the missile launched by the transport ship, but the expected strong light did not appear, just an ordinary explosion, which blew a large hole on the enemy ship.

Don't ask, they must be worried about accidentally hurting the fleeing soldiers, so they didn't dare to use nuclear weapons.

"Let's go up!" Ye Han gave an order, Leishan leaned towards the second enemy ship, and after a while, the second enemy ship was brought into range, and the enemy ship was blasted into space junk with an unceremonious blast of artillery shells.

The enemy ships were killed, but the battle had just begun—there were still three enemy ships behind Leishan, and further afield, there were still a group of enemy ships staring at them.

Time was running out, and it took too much time for the transport ship to turn around. Ye Han could only let the Leishan go over and pick up the escaped soldiers on the ship.

The last soldier boarded the ship, Leishan immediately turned around and flew to the No. 2 base with the transport ship... Nanzhou was flying in this direction, and a group of enemy ships followed Nanzhou, and now they flew over to join Nanzhou, right? great idea.

However, Ye Han would rather face a large number of enemy ships with the Nanzhou, and did not want to cooperate with the half-hearted transport ship.

It's enough to experience the unusual battle just now.

For the next few days, I kept on rushing and rushing again. The Thunder Mountain and the transport ship couldn't escape, and the alien warships hanging behind couldn't keep up.

The battleship was temporarily safe, but Ye Han couldn't relax at all.

The three warships of their own side were divided into two waves and moved opposite each other, and they flew head-to-head, just like the tip of the needle to the Maimang.

There are alien warships following on both sides, and once they slow down, they will have to be overtaken by the aliens.

That is to say, the relative speed of Leishan and Nanzhou is too high, it is impossible to come together quietly to fight the enemy together, and they will only pass by at a speed of tens of kilometers per second.

This is so painful, what is the purpose of running all the way?

Not only Ye Han had a headache, but Gao Kai had the same headache. The two called their respective staff and got together to study for several days, but they couldn't come up with an effective method.

The only way is to keep the direction and continue to fly, and try to kill the opponent's tail after separating.

This is not a confrontational battle against each other, but a short assault that swept past. No matter human beings or aliens, there is only one chance!

After setting the tone for the next action, everyone immediately put into intense preparations. In addition to the conventional plans, Ye Han also solicited ideas from the entire ship. Soldiers with big brains made suggestions one after another, and various attack plans were put on the agenda one after another. There are really a few good ideas adopted by the command team.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the meeting, and Ye Han rushed to the bridge early. Today, the protagonist on the main screen is no longer an enemy ship like a fart, but the Nanzhou ship that is approaching from the opposite side, and a countdown is specially hung in the corner of the screen.

The distance between the two warships is already very The communication has also been kept online, but what should have been said has long been said. .

At the moment when the countdown reached zero, the two ships sent blessings to each other, and Ye Han deliberately glanced towards the port side, but nothing could be seen on the screen.

When the two ships meet, the straight-line distance is no more than 20 kilometers. On the space scale, this distance is not much different from being face-to-face, but to the naked eye, 20 kilometers is still too far.

The Nanzhou quickly moved away from the Thunder Strike, and Ye Han let out a long breath: "He Lu, how far is the enemy ship?"

"2.4 photoseconds."

"Relative velocity?"

"112 kilometers."

"Not bad." Ye Han praised, "Let's start."

"Yes! All units pay attention and act according to the plan!"

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