Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1252: lock the win


The dark Thunder Mountain moved forward silently, but the soldiers inside the ship had already acted. product-book-net

The naval guns were the first to fire, and all the naval guns were aimed at the direction of the enemy ship, firing salvos again and again at the highest rate of fire. Every time they fired, the flames from the muzzle would illuminate the void near the Thunder Mountain, making the ship dark. The battleships add a touch of violence to the aesthetics.

The salvo of naval guns lasted for a full half a minute, and if it hadn't exhausted Leishan's shells but reserves, they would certainly continue to shoot.

But it didn't matter, there was a transport ship behind it. After the shelling was over, the transport ship approached, and the two battleships lined up side by side, sending a large number of shells to Leishan.

Soon after, Thunder Mountain's cannons roared again.

After two consecutive rounds of shelling, Thunder Mountain's artillery fire temporarily stopped.

It's not that Ye Han doesn't want to continue, but the shells of the transport ship have also been fired, and the rest are not armor-piercing shells, nuclear shells, or armor-piercing shells, which are not suitable for use at this time.

After ten minutes of shooting, Thunder Mountain finally opened fire again.

This time it was the turn of the electromagnetic gun, and with a soft sound, packets of shells came out of the gun chamber—this time, it was not using any kind of standard shells, but packets of metal fragments the size of longan!

These metal fragments are cut from scrap parts of the ship. They are like super shotguns, and the farther they fly out of the chamber, the larger the spread.

Ye Han prepared hundreds of such super shotguns, scavenging all the scrap parts of Leishan and the transport ship.

After firing all the super shotguns in one breath, the Thunder Mountain was silent again.

More than ten minutes later, the missile nests of the ship opened one by one, and the missiles in the nests rushed out of the bomb nests, dragging their tail smoke and flying away from the warship. After leaving the ship, they quickly turned and flew towards the enemy ship. flies away in the direction.

The last missile flew out of the bomb nest, the opened hatch quickly closed, and the Thunder Mountain fell silent again.

If anyone who doesn't understand the situation sees this scene, most of them can't figure out what the Thunder Mountain is doing.

The truth is not complicated at all. The reason why the fire is fired in batches is because the speed of these weapons is different. When the target is close, this is not a big problem, but today is different from the past. The target is located 2.4 light seconds away and must be Fire in batches to ensure that the shells fly near the target at the same time.

It took a total of half an hour from the first gun firing to the last missile leaving the ship!

Ye Han on the bridge watched the missile swarm fly away, and then watched them extinguish the tail flame. He took a long breath and asked, "How much is the distance?"

"1.7 photoseconds."

"What about the expected contact time?"

"About thirty-eight minutes, with an error of no more than twenty seconds."

"Twenty seconds?" Ye Han frowned, "It's too long."

"It's a bit long." He Lu nodded in agreement, "But this level is already our limit."

Ye Han sighed: "Then wait... How is the Nanzhou?"

Luo Qi quickly replied: "We are organizing troops, at least two divisions have been released!"

"Didn't you fire a gun?"

"It's open, it's not over yet, maybe I'm thinking about it and being safe." Luo Qi guessed.

Ye Han nodded: "If anything happens, notify me in time!"


Ye Han was silent for a moment, and sighed in melancholy: "The more this time comes, the slower time passes, it's like living like a year."

"Isn't that right? It counts every second, it's too slow to die." Luo Qima echoed.

He Lu suggested: "Find something to do, distract yourself, it's going to pass quickly."

"Forget it, it's useless. No matter what I do, this is what I'm thinking about!" Ye Han pointed to the home screen.

He Lu looked at the time: "There are still thirty-six minutes..."

"Don't remind me!" Ye Han quickly stopped, "Forget it, I'm looking for a book to read, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do!"

He Lu's mouth twitched, and he almost didn't laugh.

Ye Han called out the library and flipped through it, not knowing what book he was looking for, but he looked at it bit by bit with his fingers. He was very immersed in it, but the small gesture of glancing at the main screen from time to time betrayed his book. Heart.

After finally getting the time, He Lugang wanted to remind Ye Han, Ye Han had already raised his head one step ahead, staring at the screen and calling: "It's started!"

Seventy-eight minutes have passed since the first cannon shot, and the distance between the Thunder Mountain and the enemy ship has also been reduced from 2.4 light seconds to 0.5 light seconds.

Hearing Ye Han's words, everyone's eyes turned to the main screen in unison, and everyone's eyes didn't blink, for fear of missing the most crucial details.

The main screen was pitch black, neither shells nor missiles could be seen, only the shadow of the enemy ship could be seen.

Just a few seconds later, the void suddenly burst into a series of flames, and the scattered explosions just blocked in front of the enemy ship.

Although they can't see it, everyone knows that at this moment, countless shrapnel are hitting the enemy ship head-on.

Ye Han clenched his fists excitedly, and let out a cheer in his heart.

The aliens performed well in the battle not long ago, UU read www. seems to be able to see the shells, so he has been worried that the enemy will find the problem.

But the enemy ship did not show any signs of evading in advance... This result is very telling, but all his attention is on the battlefield, and he has no intention to think about this issue at all.

The sudden explosion stunned the aliens, and the alien warships immediately maneuvered to avoid them.

They don't know what's in front of them, they just instinctively sense the danger and plan to avoid the front wall of flames - the timing of the explosion is a very important issue, if it's too early, it leaves too much time for the enemy; if it's too late Yes, the shrapnel spread is too small.

The enemy ship just deflected, and another wave of explosions unfolded, then the third and fourth rounds... Thunder Mountain's round of shelling lasted for half a minute, but the explosion only lasted seven or eight seconds!

The enemy ships are still evading, but the distribution of shrapnel is too wide, covering all the positions that can be avoided, and the aliens have no idea where the danger is and where it is safe, but instinctively move to the position where there is no explosion.

How do they know that there are electromagnetic artillery shells waiting in places where there is no explosion!

About four or five seconds later, an enemy ship suddenly burst into flames, shrapnel traveling more than 130 kilometers per second smashed through the shell, and the ice-white alien battleship was riddled with holes.

Several other enemy ships also failed to escape this disaster, and were hit by shrapnel one after another, the only difference being the number of shells.

But the quality of the shrapnel is too small, and the damage to the enemy ship is very limited. It looks very heavy, but it can only be regarded as a minor injury.

But it doesn't matter, there is still more. After more than ten seconds, the second round of shells exploded, and another round of shrapnel rained on the enemy ship.

After more than ten seconds, the missile also flew to the place, and the void suddenly lit up hundreds of tail flames, completely locking the victory of the battle.

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