Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1253: The trouble caused by the gap

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A swarm of missiles rushed up, instantly submerging several enemy ships, and after a series of inconspicuous firelights passed, the four were on the spot, and none of them survived.

The shrapnel won't explode, but hitting it at a super high speed and knocking out a spark is no problem.

Before the destruction of the enemy ship, a few fighter planes flew out, but the air was full of shrapnel, and the density was astonishing. The fighter plane was hit by the shrapnel before it could fly far.

Battleships can't stop the power of shrapnel, let alone fighters with weak armor. As long as a shrapnel machine is in, it will be the end of the machine.

Half a light second away, the Thunder Mountain roared with joy, the soldiers cheered and roared, and countless fists were swung wildly.

At this moment, the warriors immersed in victory have not realized that today's battle not only developed a new use of electromagnetic guns, but also created a new mode of space warfare!

There have been similar battles in the past, such as bombarding alien fleets with large numbers of missiles. However, the missiles are too conspicuous. The aliens have learned to be smart after they have been in it once. It is difficult to resist the aliens by the same method.

The electromagnetic gun is different. This thing has no sound and light effect, and the cannonball has no range limit in space.

The cheers came to an end, Ye Han's heart was still thumping with excitement, but he had calmed down: "He Lu, don't turn around and slow down; Luo Qi, what's the situation on the Nanzhou ship?"

"I haven't been in contact with the enemy yet!"

"Estimated contact time?"

"For more than a minute, there was no notification over there."

"Understood, just wait."

He Ludao: "Captain, the enemy ships are scattered, they must have seen the situation on our side."

The enemy ships on the main screen have clearly deflected, no longer advancing along the original route, but finding a different direction to evade.

Ye Han snorted coldly: "Without four battleships in a blink of an eye, the aliens still don't have a long memory?"

Luo Qi looked worried: "Master, can the Nanzhou ship do it?"

Ye Han felt a tangle in his heart, but on the surface he looked leisurely and confident: "It's definitely fine."

no problem? The problem is bigger.

The enemy ships that were chasing the Nanzhou had already gathered together, but the enemy ships that fell behind Leishan had never been able to get together. The limited shells of the Nanzhou had to be divided into several directions, and the shrapnel density was greatly reduced.

Originally, the two warships attacked together, and the shrapnel hit the target at the same time is the ideal result, but the specific situation on both sides is different.

The enemy ships behind Leishan were always three light seconds away, and Nanzhou was only 2.4 light seconds away from the enemy ships behind it.

0.6 light seconds is not too far, but it is the distance of 0.6 light seconds that makes the Leishan and Nanzhou unable to synchronize.

Ideal conditions exist only in fantasy, and reality is always so cruel.

Before the war, Ye Han and Gao Kai thought of a lot of ways, but no matter what they did, they couldn't achieve the desired effect. In the end, they had to retreat and let Leishan go first... Blame all the enemy ships here. Get together!

Leishan lived up to expectations and killed four enemy ships in one fell swoop, but the situation facing Nanzhou was extremely complicated and dangerous.

Ye Han can't wait to rush to the Nanzhou number immediately and fight the enemy together with the Nanzhou number. The problem is that the Nanzhou number has been advancing at full speed for the past few days. The relative speed of the two sides is too high. It will take a few days to catch up with the Nanzhou number again. If you count your fingers, don't even think about it for ten days or eight days.

This is still the case where the Nanzhou ship does not move. In fact, the speed of the Nanzhou ship is not slow. Even if it starts to slow down and wait for the Leishan ship, it has not been half a month. There was one more enemy ship than Leishan, and stopping at this time was almost like courting death.

Simple calculation, given twenty days, it is hard to say whether we can get together again.

Of course, the contact between the Nanzhou and the enemy ship is only for a moment. As long as it escapes the attack of the enemy ship, there is no enemy ship in front of the Nanzhou, and it will not encounter the enemy ship again in a short time. The safety of the warship is still guaranteed. of.

On the contrary, it was Leishan. If Nanzhou was not strong enough and sent a few enemy ships over, Leishan would have to take the enemy around in circles.

He Lu suddenly shouted: "Look, the fleet is dispatched!"

Everyone looked at the main screen, and saw that the fighters originally guarding the Nanzhou were divided into five groups, each facing an enemy ship.

Ye Han's mood became heavier.

If the two ships could launch an attack simultaneously, the Nanzhou would not need to send carrier-based aircraft to fight.

The aircraft group approached, and the evading alien warships didn't know what to think, but they also released the fighters.

A large number of enemy planes swarmed out, flew in front of the enemy ship and blocked between the enemy ship and the Nanzhou. Then all the enemy planes followed suit. Wherever the enemy ships were hiding, they followed wherever they were, always blocking the Nanzhou.

Ye Han was very surprised that the aliens didn't send out the fighter jets?

There is nothing wrong with the aliens doing this. The enemy plane can't stop the shrapnel, but the light and shadow effect when hit by the shrapnel is the best early warning.

Not long after the enemy plane was in place, the sky suddenly burst into flames, and the accident in Ye Han's mind immediately turned into annoyance.

Anti-aircraft shells use radio proximity fuzes, which are similar to radar, and work by target echoes.

Without a fighter in the way, the shells would explode in front of the enemy ship, creating a huge cloud of shrapnel of the right density.

However, after being blocked by the fighter plane, the shells exploded in front of the fighter When the shrapnel flew near the enemy ship, the density of the shrapnel cloud had decreased by several grades, even if it hit the enemy ship, it would not reach the to the desired effect.

The development of the situation was similar to what Ye Han thought. Within a second after the explosion, the cloud of shrapnel passed through the aircraft. Hundreds of alien fighters were penetrated by the shrapnel. The rotten watermelons penetrated by the bullets were torn apart one by one, and most of them were damaged in the blink of an eye, and very few were unscathed.

At this time, the missiles also flew over. Some missiles found their targets, activated their engines immediately, and suddenly turned to attack the enemy aircraft.

A few bursts of flame flashed, and the remaining missiles continued to fly towards the enemy ship - Nanzhou had long expected that the shrapnel strike would not be effective, so when launching the missiles, the attack surface was deliberately expanded, and the missiles that were really attracted by the enemy aircraft were only very less part.

After a few seconds, the missile swarm locked on to the enemy ship, and all the missile laser thrusters rushed towards the enemy ship like moths to a flame.

The evading enemy ship burst into mercerized light, trying to intercept missiles like a hedgehog.

It's still an old problem. The relative speed of the two sides is too fast. From the time the missile locks on the target to the time it hits the target, it only takes two or three seconds.

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