Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1254: afraid of him

Although the enemy ship launched a lot of mercerized light, at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per second, very few missiles were actually hit by the mercerized light.

Moreover, the mass of the missile is much higher than that of the shrapnel. It does not need to explode to destroy the target at all. It only needs to hit the target, and the effect will not be too bad.

The enemy ship is evading, and the missile is not the front, but the side with an area more than ten times larger!

So the enemy ship was completely miserable. As long as one missile hit, it could severely damage the enemy ship. In just a short while, the enemy ship became a broken ship.

The same situation happened to several enemy ships almost at the same time, and only one enemy ship really escaped the shrapnel cloud.

The aircraft group responsible for repairing the knife immediately fired missiles at the enemy ship... In this case, there is no need to rush up and desperately, hiding in a place out of the enemy ship's reach to shoot a cold shot is the kingly way, summed up in one word: cool!

The only enemy ship that didn't have any trouble was a trouble, but it wasn't a big deal. Trouble, the fleet emptied all the missiles in one go.

There were more than 30 fighter planes facing this enemy ship, carrying more than 400 missiles. A large group of missiles flew over. Even if they didn't kill the enemy ship, they would cause it a lot of trouble.

This is not over yet, and while there is still some distance, several aircraft groups next to them also lend their assistance and launch a batch of missiles at the enemy ship, raising the total number of missiles to more than 800.

At this point, it is not over yet. Several aircraft groups turned around and fired at the enemy ships with their cannons... Flames flickered in the void, and every time they flickered, a cannonball left the chamber.

The cannon is very tasteless. The military even planned to cancel the cannon at one time, but it was finally put on hold due to the strong opposition of the grassroots pilots. At this moment, the cannon has found its place again.

Although each plane only had more than 300 rounds of ammunition, dozens or hundreds of planes fired at once, and tens of thousands of shells formed a barrage of astonishing size, like a large net covering the enemy ship.

The enemy ship, which had just escaped the disaster, was panic-stricken and tried his best to avoid it, but all the cannonballs were flying up, down, left, and right.

The missiles launched by the fighters finally locked on the target. Although the quality of the airborne missiles was relatively small, it was no problem to deal with a few residual ships. Hundreds of missiles collided with the enemy ships, and various explosions penetrated various damages. , In just a few breaths, the four enemy ships were on the spot.

The enemy ship that avoided the shrapnel cloud was even worse. It was hit by crossfire from several directions, and it was simply surrounded and beaten by several aircraft groups.

The battle is over, although the process is not the same, but the end is no different.

There were thunderous cheers on the Nanzhou, and many people on the Leishan shouted happily, but it was not the result of their own battleships, and it was not as enthusiastic as before.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Luo Qi said happily, "It's done!"

Ye Han shook his head: "It's not the time to be happy."

Luo Qi was surprised: "Didn't you win?"

Ye Han pointed to the screen: "It's not over yet."

Luo Qi's eyes fell on the screen, and saw that the broadside engine of the Nanzhou was running at full force, the lightning in the reaction chamber continued, and the warship began to move laterally at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The scattered fleets also return home like birds returning to their nests.

"Isn't there no enemy..." Luo Qi suddenly realized, "Shards?"

Ye Han nodded: "It's just fragments." That's what he said, but he

The Thunder Mountain smashed the enemy ship with the shrapnel cloud, and the enemy ship also produced a large number of fragments after being broken, and these fragments were equally deadly on the Thunder Mountain.

Fortunately, the farther the distance is, the smaller the density of the shrapnel. Although the two sides are facing each other, the dispersion radius of the shrapnel is also 0.25 light seconds, which is about 70,000 to 80,000 kilometers.

By this time, the density of the shrapnel was so low that it was negligible - assuming there were a million fragments, after such a long journey, there was only one shrapnel in an area of ​​70,000 square kilometers on average, and the probability of Leishan being hit by shrapnel Much lower than winning the lottery.

The enemy ships on the Nanzhou side are too scattered, and the shrapnel distribution is wider. The probability of being hit is higher than that of Leishan, but the probability is also not high.

The reason why the Nanzhou ship avoided in advance was to avoid the area with the most dense debris and reduce the risk of accidents.

Ye Han was connected to the communication of the Nanzhou number. As soon as Gao Kai appeared on the screen, he preemptively said: "Congratulations, you won a big victory without losing a single hair. It's still one-on-five, a record, right?"

Gao Kai laughed: "Yo, why is our Master Ye so sour today? Isn't it jealous?"

Ye Han also smiled: "I'm jealous of what you do, you only have five ships, I have... one, two, three... eight ships, and one more to assist. What am I jealous of you for? You are almost jealous of me."

"Eight ships?" Gao Kai thought about it carefully, and it really was the case, "My dear, when the Thunder Mountain returns to port, it must be a sensation."

Not long ago, Beiyuezhou decided to spray the down sign under the hull of each battleship in accordance with the practice of the Air Force.

Today, the entire fleet consists of twenty or so warships, and many of them have sunk enemy ships, but it is unheard of for the Thunder Mountain to get eight results in one mission.

"Take it down!" Ye Han didn't listen to Gao Kai's fooling at all, "I have divided the eight ships into four rounds, and you will kill five ships in one round. If you give you two chances, the Nanzhou ship will not be able to draw."

"Haha, with your auspicious words, I can't wait to draw the day."

"Don't wait, don't you have one in front of you? Hurry up, rush up and kill them all, I'm waiting for the news of your victory!" Ye Han said jokingly.

Gao Kai sighed: "I think, they have to give me a chance, no, it's all slowed down."

After the Thunder Mountain killed the target there were no more invincible ships ahead. Nanzhou was the exact opposite. The five enemy ships were followed by several alien warships, but they were a little far away and did not catch up with this wave of battles.

"Didn't you run away? I just found out that the aliens sent another batch of warships over. They must be trying to concentrate their superior forces and gnaw down your Nanzhou first."

"What is your Nanzhou number? Can they still ignore your Leishan number?"

Ye Han smiled: "Where am I and where are you? You can collide with the enemy in ten or eight days at most. How many days will it take for me to turn around and go back? The aliens are all woven into the Internet, so you still have time to **** me? "

Gao Kai also laughed: "I didn't plan to hit him head on, the big deal is to slow down now and wait for you to follow."

"It will take ten or eight days for you to slow down now to converge. Before I can catch up, you will face the aliens first."

"Just match up, I'm afraid of his ball!" Gao Kai was soaring, "Damn it!"

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