Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1256: Agree in principle

Holding the report drafted by He Lu in his hand, Ye Han's brows gradually tightened: "No more?"

"No." He Lu replied honestly.

"That won't work." Ye Han put down the tablet and made a recording gesture to He Lu.

He Lu quickly called up the document interface: "Captain, I'm ready."

Ye Han cleared his throat: "Headquarters, according to our department's information, the current situation in the asteroid belt is very complicated. The enemy and us seem to be clearly divided, but in fact, the teeth are intertwined. You have me and I have you, and there is no clear front."

"At present, we only have a few warships in the asteroid belt, and the number of warships is far less than that of aliens. We are in a passive situation, and the situation is very unfavorable for us."

"Our ship and Nanzhou believe that passive defense cannot reverse the current unfavorable situation, and we must turn passive into active and actively create a situation that is beneficial to us."

"Therefore, our ship and Nanzhou jointly proposed to abandon passive defensive tactics, and take Nanzhou as the main ship, supplemented by our ship, and take the initiative to enter the enemy's rear."

"We believe that infiltrating behind enemy lines has the following advantages: first, disrupting the enemy's planned deployment and disrupting the enemy's action plan; second, approaching reconnaissance to find out the enemy's deployment of troops, and provide information for the next decision-making after the war is over. Reliable basis; three, contain part of the enemy's strength; four, buy a certain amount of time; five, attack the enemy's arrogance."

"To sum up, we believe that it is urgent to enter the enemy's rear, and our army has always had a tradition of entering the enemy's rear, and the center has blossomed. Therefore, please allow our ship and the Nanzhou ship to enter the enemy's rear, September 4, 2031... ...have you remembered everything?"

"Remember!" He Lu agreed and quickly sent the draft to Ye Han.

Ye Han browsed it carefully and revised a few words: "Send it out, and copy it to Nanzhou."

"Yes!" He Lu grinned and complied meticulously.

Ye Han got up and floated out of the bridge: "I'm going to the toilet, don't disturb me before the sky falls!"

"Yes!" He Lu's expression became even more distorted. Which toilet did he go to at this time? This is the legendary urine escape!

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Han left the bridge, Luo Qi received a communication from the Nanzhou. After connecting, Gao Kai with a gloomy face immediately appeared on the screen: "Where's Ye Han?"

Luo Qi bit his head and smiled: "Commander Gao, our captain is not here."

At this time, he must come forward. He Lu was recommended by Gao Kai. If He Lu was allowed to speak first, he might have said something.

"Not here? Where have you been?"

Luo Qi said in a low voice, "Three urgency, I went to the toilet. Before leaving, don't bother me if the sky doesn't fall..."

Gao Kai's face turned darker: "Did he do it on purpose?"

Luo Qi didn't speak, He Lu didn't make a sound... Playing so obviously was of course intentional.

Gao Kai said, "Give me his wrist!"

Luo Qi said embarrassedly: "Commander, don't embarrass us two. If I dare to accept it, I will definitely have no good fruit to eat."

"Okay, I won't embarrass you. You tell him that you can hide on the first day of the first year but not the fifteenth day. Reassure him that I will definitely not kill him!" After that, Gao Kai took the initiative to cut off the communication.

Luo Qi let out a long breath and touched his forehead. Fortunately, no cold sweat broke out.

He Lu looked confused: "How do you say this..."

Luo Qi waved his hand indifferently: "Hey, it's okay, our division commander has a good relationship with the commander. What's the matter?"

"Then what is the captain going to do?"

"Isn't this just getting angry? Now that we can get together, what kind of trouble will it be? Isn't it easier to talk when the anger subsides in the past?"

"Really or not?" He Lu asked dubiously.

Luo Qi was confident: "If you don't believe me, just watch it."

Ye Han hid for an hour or so, and when he returned to the bridge, Leishan had already received a reply from Beiyuezhou.

He quickly opened the reply and looked at it carefully:

Nanzhou and Leishan: The call has been reported to Beidu, and the superiors agree with your plan in principle.

After careful discussion, I put forward the following requirements for Fang An.

First, our warships are in short supply, and we require your ships not to fight recklessly with the enemy under any circumstances, and give priority to protecting yourself.

Second, focus on reconnaissance and sneak attacks, and avoid head-to-head encounters with the enemy.

Third, be cautious, and it is strictly forbidden to underestimate the enemy and rashly advance.

Fourth, request reports in a timely manner.


Beiyuezhou put forward a total of more than a dozen requirements, but there are only five words in total: be steady, don't waver.

Ye Han took it seriously, he didn't intend to fight with the aliens, sneak attack and sap and white wolves were his favorite.

After receiving a clear reply from Beiyuezhou, Ye Han happily gestured to Luo Qi: "Pick up Nanzhou for me!"

Luo Qi complained in his heart, Master, is it really okay for you to die like this?

But the order has already come down, and he can't allow him to doubt it, so he can only implement it honestly.

The communication was connected, Gao Kai appeared on the screen, he stared at Ye Han blankly: "Are you satisfied now?"

Ye Han smiled: "Old Gao, don't be so stingy..."

"Commander!" Gao Kai corrected.

"Commander, Commander Gao, is it done?" Ye Han immediately changed his words, "Look at you, what kind of anger do you get for such a trivial matter?"

"Is this a trivial matter?" Gao Kaihuo bumped up, "What about the hundreds of people like me, is it a trivial matter?"

"Hey, let's not fight the enemy to death..."

"It doesn't matter what you say or not?" Gao Kai was even more angry.

"It doesn't matter what I said, but the order has already been issued. What do you want?" Ye Han put on the appearance of a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, as if you can do anything to me.

Gao Kai gritted his teeth fiercely: "Ye Han, Ye Han, let me tell you what you want?"

"Commander Gao, Commander Gao, can't you be a little more aggressive when you are old? You are not much older than me?" Ye Han did not show weakness at all.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to listen to your nonsense, I received the order, but the ugly words are in front. Since we are acting together, you must unconditionally obey my command."

Ye Han immediately laughed: "I said, why are you putting on the air of an official with me, I didn't say just do it, but I also said something ugly, you can't deliberately stumble and run It's boring to come back after turning around with no one around."

"Go aside, am I that kind of person?"

"It wasn't before, but who knows in the future?" Seeing that Gao Kai's expression was wrong, Ye Han's words changed, "Seriously, the command can be handed over to you, but the target selection is not."

"What option?"

"Which direction to fly, I think it is necessary to discuss this. If you can't decide, then report it to Beiyuezhou. What do you think?"

Gao Kai instinctively wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was nothing. Since it was negotiated, it was a big deal to reject Ye Han's suggestion.

It really can't be done, and Beiyuezhou, the bosses of Beiyuezhou will never mess around with Ye Han, right?

"Okay, that's it." Gao Kai said.

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