Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1257: set 1 goal

Gao Kai agreed happily, Ye Han immediately called up the star map, pointed to a point on the map and said, "I suggest setting the first goal here."

"Asteroid No. 4?" Gao Kai immediately recognized the location on the map, "No, don't you know where we are?"

Right now, Nanzhou and Leishan are located between bases 1 and 2. Whether they return to Ceres or go to Asteroid 4, they must first disperse the enemy ships that block the way.

"Of course I know." Ye Han understood what Gao Kai meant, "Isn't it just that enemy? Can't you just get rid of it?"

"It's easy to say, are aliens so easy to dump?" Gao Kai argued rationally, "Should I stop and wait for you, or should I rush over first?"

Ye Han was speechless at the time. There are alien warships everywhere in this ghost place. It is not a problem for the Nanzhou to slow down, but it will be difficult if you want to speed up. If you are not careful, you may be surrounded by aliens.

If the Nanzhou does not slow down, the Leishan will not be able to catch up. If it really flies to the No. 4 asteroid, it will become the Nanzhou, and the Leishan will follow. If the aliens jump out and stir up the chaos, the two ships will not wait until the year of the monkey. Can't go.

Seeing that Ye Han didn't speak, Gao Kai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "It's not like you didn't see what the above said, we don't need to argue or quarrel, just pick a suitable place to get in, won't it be over?"

Ye Han stepped back and asked for a second time: "Then fly out first, and then look at Asteroid No. 4 when the time is ripe. Is this the head office?"

"No, isn't it just a bit of a loss? As for being so obsessed with it?"

Ye Han said: "I'm not obsessed, I know there is something wrong with Asteroid No. 4. Isn't this a ready-made target? We don't need to reconnaissance when we pass by, just take the nuclear bomb and leave after blasting it. Isn't that good?"

"Fuck you, I believe you have a ghost." Gao Kai didn't believe it at all, "According to you, there are too many targets. Any place with a lot of alien warships is a target. Let's fight them one by one. Ok? Where are you taking the initiative? Are you trying to break the attack?"

According to the report from Beiyuezhou, there are several places similar to the No. 4 asteroid, and they have several common characteristics: enemy ships have been observed many times, the total number of enemy ships is large, and there are large nearby asteroids. of small celestial bodies.

Beiyuezhou believes that these small celestial bodies are very likely to be occupied by aliens, but no evidence has been found yet.

"Fight if you have a chance? Can a living person suffocate their urine?" Ye Han had a different opinion.

"It also depends on the opportunity, isn't it? How can it be decided when it comes up?" Gao Kai said.

There are only two warships that have penetrated the enemy's rear. Gao Kai can still accept it if he is just collecting evidence, but to directly attack the enemy's heavily guarded base is a bit too disrespectful to aliens, right?

"Then what do you say?"

"So, let's break through from here!" Gao Kai's finger fell between the third and fourth airspace, "There are no large asteroids in this place, it is relatively safe."

"and then?"

"Then continue to fly out!" Gao Kai's fingers connected several airspaces that had been demarcated. "Have you noticed that all these places are almost on the same arc?"

Ye Han pondered: "You mean, the aliens are concentrated on this arc, and the back is empty?"

"It's not empty, and there are definitely not so many enemies." Gao Kai said, "There are two AU from the arc surface to the orbit of Jupiter. If the aliens have so many fleets, they would still be a fart, and they would directly hit the earth. Go, wouldn't it be better to kill us all?"

Ye Han nodded: "I thought so too, but we don't know if the space behind the aliens is empty, the space behind us is really empty, if we fly too far, we won't be able to hold back the aliens... Don't think I'm a fool, I know there's something wrong with No. 4, let's just take No. 4 and hurt the enemy, won't we be able to attract more hatred?"

"Then there must also be the conditions for breaking the fourth, and the current situation is that the conditions are not ripe!" Gao Kai said.

"How can you say it's immature?" Ye Han argued, "I admit, it's very troublesome for us to fly to No. 4 now, but think about it, the enemy ships on No. 4 have just let you kill five ships, and they are assigned to Ceres. So many, how many enemy ships do you think there are on No. 4? The troops are so empty, it is hard not to fight on No. 4! Besides, after hitting No. 4, we can bring back the enemy ships on Ceres, right?"

"There is no way to tolerate farts!" Although he said so, Gao Kai was really moved by Ye Han's words.

Does he not know the importance of Ceres? Of course he knew that it was only limited to objective conditions and could not compete for Ceres.

Surrounding Wei and saving Zhao sounds feasible, but it is still a bit troublesome to do.

Ye Han saw Gao Kai's expression and knew that this guy was excited, and quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Old Gao, Commander Gao, if you want to mobilize aliens, it's useless to hide and seek, we must take the initiative and hurt him, By beating him up and pulling the hatred over, we will have the opportunity to lead the aliens by the nose..."

Gao Kai squinted at Ye Han: "Okay, okay, don't I think about the truth myself? Do I need you to teach me?"

"Then how did you decide? Is it the fourth star?"

"We should fight, but we have to think carefully about how to fight."

Ye Han let out a long sigh: "Then let's just think... as you said, let's go in the middle of No. 3 and No. 4 first. This time is enough for us to converge, and then turn to No. 4. We plan to do this for now, halfway through. What changes have been found to the aliens on the road, let's meet again, how about it?"

Gao Kai finally nodded: "Yes, it doesn't have to be together, but the distance can't be too far, if there is any accident, it can be taken care of in time."

"That's it!" Ye Han said immediately.

If things are not delayed, things will change. If you don't quickly set the tone, Gao Kai can't decide what to think of.

"What are you anxious about?" Gao Kai said I repeat, the command belongs to me! "

"It's yours, it's yours, no problem."

Gao Kai glanced at the time and pointed his finger on the star map: "You don't have to chase me, let's set a goal first and fly in this direction together. This position should be enough for us to meet."

Ye Han did a simple calculation with the biochip, nodded and said, "It should be about the same."

"Then let's get started, keep in touch."

"Keep in touch!"

At the end of the communication, Ye Han let out a long breath: "My God, I finally convinced this stubborn donkey."

He Lu almost didn't laugh, this Captain Ye Da also said that others are stubborn donkeys, if he hadn't been more stubborn, could he have persuaded Commander Gao?

Luo Qi felt the same, and gave He Lu a tacit glance.

Ye Han took a breath: "He Lu, follow the plan, how do you say that sentence? In the enemy's wild area, make waves!"

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