Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1258: Plans are not as fast as change

The two warships flying in two directions turned at the same time, and the bow was aimed at the same target, a point that did not exist in the void at all, but only existed on the star map.

Ye Han didn't know what the aliens thought when they saw that they suddenly turned to the arc, but it didn't take long for the hesitant enemy ships in front of the Nanzhou to accelerate again, approaching the Nanzhou.

With the current speed and direction of Nanzhou, it was almost impossible to avoid these enemy ships. Gao Kai didn't plan to avoid them, and he didn't slow down at all, and rushed straight towards the enemy ships.

This time, the aliens didn't know what to do. When Nanzhou turned around to attract them, the enemy ships began to dodge again, and they did not intend to fight the Nanzhou head-on.

Ye Han thought this situation was very interesting. Obviously, both sides wanted to kill each other immediately, but they were both afraid of making trouble.

Fortunately, there is not so much trouble on the Thunder Mountain. Although the direction has turned, it will take some time to slow down.

While there was still a little time, Nanzhou docked with the transport ship again, not only replenishing the worn out ammunition, but also receiving a batch of supplies in excess, filling all the places that could be filled.

In order to make room for supplies, many fighters moved out of the dormitory, fixed their sleeping bags directly in the corridor, and slept directly in the corridor. Some fighters even slept directly in their posts... Anyway, the beds in the dormitory are also decorations, in a weightless place , wherever you sleep.

After the supply was over, the two warships went their separate ways, Leishan continued to fly behind the enemy, and the transport ship flew to the No. 2 base.

There was a batch of supplies for the No. 2 base in the transport ship, but the Nanzhou left the No. 2 base. Lieutenant Colonel Sloppy was worried that the position of the No. 2 base would be exposed by leaning on it, and he had a headache how to safely hand over the supplies.

On the Leishan, Ye Han observed for a while and found that no enemy ship was paying attention to the Leishan.

This is a good start.

The ship has sufficient supplies, but there is no supply when it goes deep behind the enemy, and the supply on the ship does not seem to be that much.

According to Ye Han's plan, Leishan would not encounter the enemy within half a month. He simply ordered the whole ship to hibernate, and only kept people on duty in a few positions that must be kept.

In this way, there are only a few dozen people who are awake on the whole ship, and both supplies and air can be saved by more than half... The effect of autonomous hibernation is not as exaggerated as that of injection hibernation, but the advantage of autonomous hibernation is that it is faster and easier than injection hibernation. many restrictions.

However, autonomous hibernation must be mastered slowly. Some people think that after cell fusion is completed, they will automatically have the ability to hibernate autonomously. When they close their eyes and fall asleep, it is considered as hibernation. As a result, when they wake up, the sun has not yet risen to the horizon the next day. Woolen cloth.

It was later discovered that autonomous hibernation also requires environmental cooperation. The most important thing is to lower the ambient temperature. As long as the temperature drops to about ten degrees above zero, ordinary sleep can automatically turn into hibernation.

However, human autonomous hibernation still has great limitations, and its own body temperature cannot be too low, and it cannot drop to zero or even below zero like animals in nature.

Of course, this also has advantages, that is, it is very easy to wake up the hibernating warriors. After the warriors wake up, they only need appropriate activities to return to normal, and there will be no general stiffness like injection hibernation.

Two days after Leishan turned around, He Lu found the first enemy ship that was concerned about Leishan, and then found three more in a row. Although these four enemy ships aimed their bows at Leishan, they never approached Leishan. .

At the same time, Nanzhou encountered a little trouble.

The enemy ship opposite Nanzhou seemed to have received some order and began to approach Nanzhou, and deliberately spread out, so as not to give Nanzhou a chance to catch it all at once.

Obviously, the heroic appearance of Nanzhou in killing five alien warships in one go has brought a lot of psychological pressure to the aliens.

God is pitiful. For that battle, Nanzhou searched for everything that could be used on the ship. Now, just to give Nanzhou a chance, Gao Kai couldn't make up so many super shotguns.

Gao Kai and Ye Han have jointly submitted a report on the equipment of super shotguns to Beiyuezhou, but although this thing is not a high-tech weapon, it will take a lot of time to authenticate design and manufacture, and then send it from Beiyuezhou It will take more than a month to reach the asteroid belt, not to mention that this time it goes deep into the enemy's rear, even if it comes back from the enemy's rear, it may not be possible to get the real thing.

Can't point to Beiyuezhou, Gao Kai can only rely on himself, seeing the enemy ship approaching day by day, his heart is getting more and more anxious, his eyes are full of bloodshots, and his mouth is full of fire bubbles, it's almost a night Whiteheaded.

At the worst time, Gao Kai even had the idea of ​​Nanzhou, and almost ordered the soldiers to dismantle the turret and chop it up as a shell.

Fortunately, the aliens didn't dare to intercept them head-on, and reason finally defeated the impulse... Nanzhou really couldn't make super shotgun shells, but there was no shortage of ordinary shells at all, so he didn't need to stare at the super shotgun shells.

After thinking about it, he was relaxed. Gao Kai directed the Nanzhou to prepare for the battle. Then, everyone unexpectedly discovered that although the alien warships were staring at the Nanzhou, none of them dared to approach.

Gao Kai was not blindly optimistic because of the aliens avoiding the war. He was very soberly aware that 80% of the aliens had mastered the tricks of the previous battle. At this time, he avoided the war not because he was afraid of Nanzhou, but It is because the two sides are facing each other, and it is not good for the aliens to face the aliens.

The real intention of the aliens to avoid the front is to first let the Nanzhou go, and then use means such as chasing or walking in the same direction to avoid frontal combat with the Nanzhou, thereby offsetting the speed advantage of the Nanzhou.

Gao Kai wanted to slow down and fly to the meeting point, but the aliens did so, which was equivalent to breaking the Nanzhou's idea of ​​slowing down. Gao Kai could only order the Nanzhou to continue to move forward, so as not to be surrounded by the enemy.

The rendezvous plan of Nanzhou and Leishan had to be canceled, from two ships joining forces into the enemy's rear, to fighting separately.

Ye Han, who received the news, was silent for a long operations and dual-ship formations are completely two concepts. The former relies entirely on one battleship, while the latter can not only cover each other, but also on the Nanzhou. There are powerful carrier-based aircraft groups.

The risk of the single ship Leishan going deep behind the enemy was too high. Ye Han thought about it for a long time, and then called the main personnel of the ship to discuss it. Zu Zhang decided to continue to move behind the enemy.

Single-ship operations have disadvantages, but not without advantages.

Leishan is an ordinary warship, and Nanzhou is an air carrier, which is inherently stronger and more dazzling than Leishan. Aliens must pay more attention to Nanzhou, rather than staring at Leishan.

There are only so many aliens. With the Nanzhou number attracting the attention of the aliens, the sight of the Leishan number will naturally be less, and it is more convenient to move.

As for the danger of going deep behind enemy lines... These days, which soldier doesn't hang his head on his trousers belt? Afraid of his ball?

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