Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1259: messed up

Mid-September, Thunder Mountain.

The optical system on the ship looks around, checking the position of the enemy ship one by one. He Lu carefully compared the previous observations and found nothing unusual.

He recorded the comparison according to the regulations, and suddenly found something unusual: "Captain, the Nanzhou has changed direction!"

Ye Han immediately asked, "Which direction?"

"The direction of Ceres!"

"Broken!" Ye Han immediately yelled, "Luo Qi, pick up the Nanzhou number for me."

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, and immediately turned on the communication device, "Okay!"

"Ye Han said from the empty screen: "Old Gao, why did you go to Ceres? I know the aliens have landed, but there are more than a dozen enemy ships, and you only have Nanzhou. The risk of taking an active attack is too great. I suggest you give up the attack plan and keep flying with the enemy ships. Don't be impatient. , Done... Has it been sent out? "

"Send it out." Luo Qi said.

Today is the eleventh day of the separation of the two warships. During this period of time, the two warships moved forward separately, and the distance between each other was getting farther and farther. Now the direct distance is close to 40 million kilometers, and the communication delay is nearly two minutes. Real-time communication It stopped long ago, and if there is anything, it has to be sent piece by piece like a telegram.

Ye Han said again: "He Lu, focus on observing the direction of Nanzhou, and see the enemy's movements."

"I'm observing." He Lu said, "The enemy ships behind the Nanzhou are accelerating, and they should be planning to catch up, but the distance is too far, and they won't be able to catch up in a while, and Ceres... all the fourteen enemy ships. When dispatched, it should be to attack back and forth."

"What about Nanzhou? How far is it from Ceres?"

"It's less than a light second, it's too far, and it's impossible to measure how much."

Ye Han sighed, Ceres is the mission of Leishan, and he always felt that Gao Kai was helping him by doing so.

Of course, the actual situation is not like this at all. Gao Kai is very aware of Ceres' important position, and it is impossible to watch Ceres fall into the hands of aliens.

During this period of time, the Nanzhou had been fighting wits and courage with the enemy ships, and there was no specific sailing direction at all. Ye Han was the first to not believe that the Nanzhou flew near Ceres by accident.

Maybe Gao Kai planned today's attack since he knew that the alien fleet appeared near Ceres.

Two minutes later, Ye Han received a reply from the Nanzhou number: "Ye Han, I have made up my mind to hit Ceres, but don't worry, I didn't plan to fight the aliens, let alone throw my life here. You It's too far away to see Ceres, but I can see it very well here, and I'm sure they didn't land long enough."

"I can see several alien spaceships parked on the surface of Ceres. I believe that they are hiding and digging holes under the spaceships. If they don't hit Ceres now, when they have dug the holes, it will be difficult to hit them again, so I This opportunity has to be seized, even if it is worth the risk.”

"Now we are still hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from Ceres. At the current speed, we should meet the enemy ships at about 80,000 kilometers. This distance is enough for us to sneak attack on Ceres. What do you think of my plan? Finished."

Ye Han turned his head to look at He Lu in surprise: "One light second?"

He Lu was very embarrassed: "Our direction is not good, we can't see clearly..."

Ye Han reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth: "Forget it, be more careful next time." After talking about starting the biochip, deduced according to what Gao Kai said, and finally came to the conclusion that the probability of success of the Nanzhou ship is very high.

In this case, he didn't say more, and waited for the good news of the Nanzhou ship with peace of mind.

A few minutes later, He Lu reported again: "The enemy ship is accelerating and encircling!"

The main screen was displaying Nanzhou. The enemy ships behind Nanzhou were approaching from several directions, and the enemy ships in front of Nanzhou were heading over.

"How far is Nanzhou from Ceres?"

He Lu thought for a while and said, "It should be less than 100,000 kilometers."

"Almost?" Ye Han frowned.

As soon as the voice fell, the Nanzhou, which was about to be surrounded by two waves of enemy troops, suddenly turned on its fire. Every gun on the ship was releasing flames, and groups of missiles flew away from the bullet nest... The distance is too far. It is not very clear from a distance, but the firing speed of Nanzhou can be roughly judged from the frequency of the gunfire.

Although Gao Kai didn't mention his battle plan very much, he had already stated that his target was Ceres. Ye Han could have imagined that the artillery fire of the Nanzhou was nothing more than a trick of Gao Kai's envoy. The real killer was definitely the magnetism in the shell. nuclear shells.

If he was right, most of the shells and all missiles should target enemy ships, with the exception of the magneto-nuclear shells targeting Ceres.

Just like with Ye Han's guess, after the Nanzhou opened fire with the most violent attitude, it immediately smeared oil on the soles of its feet and slipped away.

The enemy in front of the Nanzhou was busy intercepting the missiles, and the enemy ships behind could not catch up, so they watched the Nanzhou jump out of the encirclement that was about to be formed, and patted the buttocks and left.

After Nanzhou ran for more than 1,000 kilometers, the alien warship came into contact with the shells and missiles launched by Nanzhou. All the missiles and most of the shells were intercepted by the enemy ships, and they even caught up with them. Three alien warships were taken, and the rest of the enemy ships were all wounded.

Just looking at the enemy ships that Nanzhou killed, this wave of firepower is not a loss at all.

Although the artillery fire that flew to Ceres was resolved, the aliens were also stunned by this wave of firepower, and even the wounded battleships were ignored. All the battleships that were still able to start chased the fleeing Nanzhou.

At this time, Nanzhou had already run more than 10,000 kilometers, and it was not so easy for aliens to chase.

Ye Han estimated that the aliens dared to chase after them so carelessly because they saw that there was no second human battleship near Otherwise, they would never dare to do so.

But is Ceres safe without human warships?

This side is chasing and running, and the cannonball over there has already landed on Ceres. First a dazzling bright spot exploded, then another, and then more than a dozen bursts in one breath. Wherever there are alien warships on the ground, there are The nuclear bomb landed, and not a single enemy ship was spared.

After the series of nuclear explosions ended, the situation outside Ceres did not change, but only a short while later, the situation changed fundamentally. Some alien warships pursued Nanzhou like crazy, while other enemy ships flew like crazy Back to Ceres.

Obviously, Gao Kai's plan was successful, and the aliens were already in a mess.

Although I don't know the details on Ceres, it can be inferred from the actions of the enemy ships that the loss of the aliens is absolutely not small.

Ye Han was very happy. At this moment, he really wanted to see the expression on the alien's face.

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