Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1261: curve arc

Leishan had no mission to go deep into the enemy's rear.

Soon after, the course of Leishan suddenly shifted to the right, and the amplitude became larger and larger, and it went to the asteroid No. 4.

The enemy ship that had been following Leishan responded immediately, but the alien's reaction was very strange. The enemy ship on the side of the third star seemed to have nothing to do with it, staying in place and motionless, while the one in the direction of the fourth star. The enemy ship immediately pointed the bow of the ship at Leishan, as if it was ready to go desperately at any time.

Ye Han thinks this is very interesting, is it possible that the aliens also form gangs to divide the mountain?

But after a while, the enemy ship in the direction of Star 3 moved and began to advance in the direction of Leishan.

At this time, the Thunder Mountain was facing a situation where there were a group of enemy troops on the left and right sides, and there was no obstruction in the front and rear directions. Perhaps in order to prevent Thunder Mountain from attacking the asteroid, the two groups of enemy troops refused to leave the asteroid behind them at all.

Ye Han didn't have to think about it at all, he directly ordered He Lu to move towards the fourth star.

There is about a five-day voyage between Leishan and the No. 4 asteroid. If the enemy does not move, the two sides will meet in four days.

Ye Han felt that this was an opportunity, so he decided to fly over and take a gamble.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed, and it seemed that the Leishan really meant to attack the No. 4 star. The enemy ship did not dare to stay in place. It divided into several directions and headed towards Leishan, then slowed down and turned around, and the bow fell towards Leishan. Flying... it's not good for a head-on conflict with the Thunder Mountain, it's safer to fly upside down.

Ye Han didn't want to exchange fire with them at all. He was still hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, so he ordered He Lu to fire on the enemy ship... Well, not only to fire on the enemy ship, but more importantly, to fire on the No. 4 asteroid!

That's right, Ye Han just wanted to replicate the success of the Nanzhou, carrying a batch of private goods in a large wave of artillery fire, and bombing the No. 4 star after crossing the blockade of the enemy ship.

But Leishan is still a day and a half away from the No. 4 star, and the straight-line distance is more than 7 million kilometers.

The fourth star is not Ceres, let alone 7 million kilometers, it is 70,000 kilometers, it is hard to say whether the electromagnetic gun can hit the target, the only chance is to use missiles.

Ye Han thought so and did the same. He really wanted to use missiles to drown the No. 4 star, but he shot all the long-range missiles when he entered the enemy's rear. What if he encountered a similar situation later?

There was no other way, he could only resist the urge to launch five long-range missiles at Star No. 4—this was 10 percent of the Thunder Mountain's entire inventory.

The remaining long-range missiles must be carefully calculated. Don't use them when they can't be used. When these missiles are almost used, the lightning strike number should almost be withdrawn from the enemy's rear.

When the long-range missile was launched, it was silent, and it was inconspicuous when it was caught in several waves of shells. As for whether it could hit the target, Ye Han didn't care at all.

As long as the enemy can be mobilized, what does it matter if the missiles are all intercepted by enemy ships?

With this aim in mind, the Thunder Mountain flew forward for a while, and when it flew further forward, it was likely to be surrounded by the enemy, and then suddenly turned and continued to go deep behind the enemy.

When the aliens saw that Leishan wanted to run, they immediately stopped. The alien fleet in front was divided into two, half chased Leishan's butt, and the other half returned to the fourth star...

Ye Han was immediately dumbfounded, followed by a burst of silly joy.

The others were also incredulous for a while, Luo Qi's eyeballs almost didn't fall out: "What is this for? How to say withdraw?"

He Ludao: "I must be afraid that we will run away. Didn't you see them chasing after you?"

Ye Han smiled and said, "It's good to go back to the ship. I'm still worried that they will stop the missiles. If I knew they were so sensible, wouldn't it be better for us to run earlier?"

Luo Qi touched his head: "Those shells and missiles, they don't care?"

"Definitely." Ye Han said, "We are too far away from the No. 4 star. I guess they must think that our artillery fire is all aimed at the battleship, and that it will be fine to avoid it."

"This is really, it's terrible." Luo Qi sighed with emotion.

Ye Han nodded: "It's really dying."

"Let's not worry about the aliens, okay?" He Lu suggested softly, "They are chasing us behind."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about them, do something serious...He Lu, you can do it, give them a shot when you have the opportunity, let them know that we are not easy to chase...Why do you say this? Are you awkward?"

Luo Qi smiled: "I don't hear it either."

"Forget it, forget it, don't worry about it, what's the way?"

"Yes, the mission is guaranteed to be completed!" He Lu agreed, and immediately mobilized the resources of the ship's interception computer to calculate the orbital data of both parties.

The Thunder Mountain did turn, but it was far from being out of danger.

The fault is still due to inertia. Although Ye Han gave the steering order, the original speed and direction still act on the Leishan. The so-called steering is just to change the angle of the bow of the ship, and then put it on at full speed and move forward. files.

The warship has moved in a new direction under the action of the propeller, slowly dragging the originally straight course into an increasingly curved arc, when the arc straightens, when the steering is completed - this is the A very long process, at least it would last ten days and eight days, and there is no rush.

What about aliens?

Their battleship was originally in front of the Thunder Mountain, and the Thunder Mountain was not turning so fast, which was equivalent to leaving a chance for the aliens.

The shortest straight line between two If the aliens draw a vertical line on the route of the alien battleship and the Thunder Mountain, and fly along this line, they can reach the interception position in the shortest time.

However, the alien warship also needs to consider the inertia problem. If it really flies vertically, it has to brake and fly back after reaching the place. Otherwise, it will miss the position and will not be able to intercept the Thunder Mountain.

This involves complex spatial calculations. When humans encounter similar situations, they use shipboard computers to calculate routes. As for how aliens calculate, no one knows.

Fortunately, Leishan's turn has not ended. According to He Lu's calculation, Leishan will eventually pass by the enemy ship... The passing by here refers to almost entering the firepower radius of the enemy ship, not really. Get close to enemy ships.

He Lu kept revising the navigation data of both sides, and the calculation results also changed with the actions of both sides. It was faster than He Lu expected. According to the existing data plan, the enemy ship had properly blocked the Thunder Mountain.

However, He Lu was not in a hurry at all, on the contrary, he completely relaxed and happily watched the aliens on the screen busy.

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