Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1262: A rare opportunity

Luo Qi was a little curious: "He Lu, how can you still laugh at this time?"

"Why can't I laugh? We are already safe." He Lu said with a smile.

Luo Qi glanced at the screen and then looked at He Lu: "Are you kidding me? The two routes are merged together. Do you think I can't see it or what?"

Ye Han glanced at Luo Qi and shook his head helplessly: "Luo Qi, you don't understand what's going on here, just look at it."

Luo Qi was extremely aggrieved: "Master, I just don't understand, so I want to ask?"

When Ye Han heard this, yes, it's my fault!

He turned his head to look at He Lu, and then looked at the data on the screen: "Our Vice-Captain He is not available now, you can watch it first, and there will be results in a while. You can understand it without explanation."

Luo Qi is a little confused, what does it mean without explanation? But this sentence was said by Ye Han. He didn't dare to mention it even if he had an opinion. He could only hold his stomach full of doubts in his heart.

Ye Han looked at He Lu again and asked, "How long is it?"

"Twenty-two seconds... Captain, I think it's better to relax a little bit, and thirty-eight seconds is more certain."

"Then thirty-eight seconds." Ye Han made a decision, staring at the screen to start the countdown.

Not only Ye Han, everyone is subconsciously staring at the time. Only Luo Qi was at a loss, and more and more did not understand what he was talking about.

But all the bridge officers except him are qualified bridge officers, and they know what He Lu wants to do without explanation.

Because of Luo Qi's problem, there are still many people secretly pouting with disdain, despising this idiot who doesn't understand.

The bridge officers are all from aerospace majors, and at least have received assault training like Ye Han. They should understand absolutely the same.

But Luo Qi was born in the army and has no way to know about aerospace. If he wasn't Ye Han's cronies, he wouldn't be able to enter the bridge at all.

But it is because of this that he is even more hated.

In fact, Luo Qi has worked very hard. Since he got on the Leishan, he has been trying his best to learn the knowledge of aerospace, but the knowledge involved in aerospace is too broad. So far, he has only mastered some skins. For something profound, he could only stare blankly.

Luo Qi still doesn't know that even professional bridge officers only know their own business.

Otherwise, it is rare to say that talents are rare. The reason why He Lu received the key training of the fleet is because he has systematically learned all kinds of knowledge involved in the opening of the fleet.

In terms of knowledge alone, Ye Han is far inferior to him.

Half a minute passed quickly, and at the moment when the countdown reached zero, He Lu quickly issued an order: "Return to the rudder six, the thrusters are full power, hurry up!"

The helmsman quickly returned to the rudder, and the gradually curved course of the Thunder Mountain suddenly eased a little, and then the course became more and more straight.

The line in front of the Thunder Mountain is shown as a dotted line on the screen, and now the line begins to move towards the enemy ship.

The sudden change caught the intercepting aliens by surprise. By the time they realized that the Thunder Mountain had given up turning, the alien warship was too late to brake.

Not long after, the six enemy ships crossed the dotted line in unison, and the dotted line was still moving steadfastly.

Luo Qi finally understood what He Lu's idea was. He simply used turning as a cover to confuse the aliens. It was not enough to mobilize the enemy ship. He also used turns to lure the enemy ship to speed up. Break the course of the Thunder Mountain back...

He Lu let out a long sigh: "Captain, we are behind now, the opportunity is rare, look, did we explode the alien chrysanthemum?"

Ye Han waved his hand: "Must, prepare to fight!"

"Okay!" He Lu agreed, but his expression collapsed immediately, "Captain, everyone is still asleep!"

"It's okay, it's not a high-intensity confrontation..." Ye Han suddenly came on a whim, thinking of the intelligent system that had been idle, "He Lu, you are responsible for locking the enemy ship."



"Thor is at your service!" A deep voice emerged from the bridge.

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth painfully: "Follow the target, and fire immediately when you enter the range!"

"The command is confirmed, please open the permission to use the weapon!" After he finished speaking, a sketch of the Thunder Mountain appeared on the screen. All the turrets, missile nests and electromagnetic guns were marked in striking red on the screen.

Ye Han said without hesitation: "Except for the close-up guns, all unlocked."

"Order confirmed!" Before the sound ended, the main turret and missile nest all turned green, only the electromagnetic gun remained red.

Thor reminded: "Unlocking the electromagnetic gun requires the permission to operate the battleship."

"The request is rejected, you can use naval guns and missiles."

"Order confirmed!" As soon as the voice fell, all the turrets on the ship were turned on. The gun barrels were raised as the turrets rotated, and the black muzzle pointed to the enemy ship.

Thor's voice continued to sound: "Lock the confirmation...high-explosive bomb!"

Boom... the salvo of naval guns, even the bridge hidden in the depths of the battleship, can feel a slight vibration.

Thor continued: "Missile Nest No. 1 is on... Missile Nest No. 2 is on... salvo ready... Fire!"

Another series of missiles flying missile nests.

Shooting two missile nests in one breath, this is bigger than the road!

Ye Han quickly stopped: "Okay, that's it."

I don't want Thor to have no response at all, and still control the naval guns and missiles to shoot.

Ye Han then remembered that he had said a few words less: "Thor, stop shooting!"

"Order confirmed, firing stopped."

"My God!" Ye Han grinned, "This thing really doesn't work."

He Lu said softly: "It's good to get used to It is very useful when confronting head-on."

"Forget it, this time is enough... Let's do it manually, and the electromagnetic gun will also be used."

Leishan adjusted the direction, the bow of the ship was aimed at the buttocks of the enemy ship, and after the fire control system calculated the shooting of Zhu Yuan, after giving the correction amount, Leishan's naval guns once again let out a dull roar, and the electromagnetic gun also fired the shells one by one. smashed into the enemy ship.

The most important thing is the missile. This time, Ye Han used classic tactics, smoke bomb cover, female fish hidden sword and other missiles. Then, a large wave of firepower rushed towards the enemy ship.

But this is a rear-end attack, not so fast to hit the target.

The enemy ships were also unambiguous. Since the Thunder Mountain got behind, the six alien warships turned 180 degrees at the same time, facing the Thunder Mountain with their bows.

If it wasn't for the Thunder Mountain not getting into the range of the fine light, they would have fired first.

Ye Han didn't expect this wave of firepower to kill many enemy ships at all. It was just raking grass and hitting rabbits. He felt that there were a lot of artillery shells and missiles.

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