Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1263: Lianzhong 3 yuan

The enemy ship had no chance to stop it this time, and a pile of artillery shells and missiles followed.

When the shells and missiles from the Thunder Mountain entered the range, the six alien warships fired together, and the dense layers of light intercepted them, which really allowed them to intercept a lot of missiles.

As for the cannonballs, hehe, with such a distance away, who can foolishly park in one place and wait to be beaten? Avoided it early.

The enemy ship not only avoided the shells, but also avoided the smoke screen far away. As a result, the missiles locked on the target and flew away from the smoke screen. Many were destroyed by the enemy ships, and less than one-fifth of the target was finally hit.

Most of them are conventional warheads, and the ones that hit the enemy ship will at most break out a big hole, which is not serious injury. However, two other nuclear bombs hit the target. The dazzling light flashed and flashed again. When the line of sight was restored, only half of the two enemy ships that were hit were left. , the two enemy ships are completely over.

Everyone felt very sorry for this result, and Ye Han was also very painful.

In order to deal with this wave of enemy ships, he fired a total of twelve nuclear bombs, but only two were hit in the end. How could he not be in pain?

At this moment, he really wanted to fill the entire ship's magazines with nuclear bombs, and when he encountered an enemy ship, he would use the nuclear bombs to teach him a lesson until the aliens no longer dared to emerge.

It's a pity that he just thought about it. With the current production capacity of nuclear raw materials, humans can't make so many nuclear bombs if they are exhausted.

Having said that, if humans really have so many nuclear bombs, wouldn't it be the same as playing against aliens?

After the brief engagement, Thunder Mountain continued to move forward, throwing the enemy ships behind.

The remaining four enemy ships still refused to give up. They adjusted their direction and aimed their bow at Leishan, and then pursued at full speed... They had to continue to slide forward for a while, when the power canceled the inertia and when did they officially start the pursuit. journey of.

Before that, they could only watch the Thunder Mountain fly away.

Ye Han understands the urgency of Alien I very well, but so what? If you are in a hurry, go in a hurry, it is best if you are in a hurry.

According to He Lu's calculations, it would take at least a day for those alien warships to slow down. By the time they caught up, Leishan would have already flown far.

The one-day voyage is not too far, and it cannot be said that the enemy ship has been thrown away, but it is not so easy to keep up.

Because the course at this time violated the goal of going deep into the enemy's territory, shortly after leaving the battlefield, Ye Han issued a steering order again.

This time the turn was much more leisurely, and the Thunder Mountain planned to accomplish this feat in seven days... well, yes, it was a feat.

Because the battleship was out of danger, everyone was in a very relaxed mood. Ye Han ordered a rest at the right time, except for two people on duty in the bridge.

The Thunder Mountain is highly automated, and the only task of the staff on duty is to stare at the optical system and sound the alarm immediately when an abnormality is detected.

Other than that, they don't have to do anything, even if they stay on the bridge and play games to kill time.

The two of them worked eight hours a day, and they had to keep the bridge close to people for 24 hours. Soon after the fourth shift, Ye Han brought He Lu and Luo Qi to the bridge, and some of the other bridge officers also came over.

He Lu took over the optical system for the first time, and pointed the lens at the fourth star, an irregular asteroid appeared on the main screen, and several lingering alien warships could be seen near the asteroid.

Ye Han stared at it carefully for a while: "He Lu, can you zoom in a little more? I want to see the surface of star No. 4."

"I'll try." He Lu agreed, and the picture immediately zoomed in, but the more zoomed in, the more unclear the details on the asteroid.

Ye Han frowned and said, "Can't you?"

He Lu said: "It's the limit." After all, the optical system on the warship is not a space telescope, and the magnification is limited. It is not a problem to see the whole picture of the asteroid, but if you want to see the details on the asteroid, you can't get too far away. .

"If it doesn't work, forget it." Ye Han said, "Just look at the whole picture."

The screen zoomed out, and the full picture of the fourth star appeared on the screen very quickly, and the edge was just stuck on the upper edge of the screen.

"A little further." Ye Han said.

He Lu complied, until the asteroid shrunk by half again, and Ye Han called to stop.

Luo Qi couldn't help but ask, "Where did the missile go?"

He Ludao: "It's almost there, another fourteen minutes."

Luo Qi pointed to the alien warship on the screen: "It's all this time, haven't they discovered it yet?"

Ye Han smiled and said, "It's good that I didn't find it, it's right that I didn't find it!" The shells and other missiles were all going in other directions, but the few long-range missiles were aimed at the asteroid No. 4, in order to reduce the amount of discovered probability.

At this time, He Lu determined the orientation of the missile and marked the position of the missile on the screen.

The missiles were not visible on the main screen, but on the panoramic screen on the side of the main screen, five light spots were particularly conspicuous, and they were all close to the fourth star.

"How far?" Ye Han asked.

"For more than four minutes, our calculation was a little wrong."

"It's okay, just catch up." Ye Han said, "Are five missiles a little too few?"

The five light spots on the screen are somewhat This is to increase the hit rate, and the distance between the missiles is deliberately increased.

When the missiles were launched yesterday, Ye Han went to look after the missiles. Now that the missiles are approaching the 4th star, they start to feel that the missiles are not enough.

But at this time, it's too late to regret it, so I can only hide my depression in my heart and silently wait for the last moment.

Four minutes is not long, but it is not too short to wait. I finally finished the time. The missile disappeared immediately after it appeared on the main screen. Even Ye Han, who had the best eyes, couldn't see the final hit. Did you hit.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned for a while, but immediately figured out the reason.

Nothing else, the missile speed is too fast, the relative speed is not less than 150 kilometers per second.

How big is the diameter of the asteroid? It only takes a few tenths of a second for the missile to fly over the asteroid, and it is not normal to see it clearly.

The question is, did the missile hit?

Everyone's eyes turned to the full-screen screen. There used to be five light spots on the screen, but now there are only three left.

"Three hits!" He Lu shouted loudly.

"Why didn't it blow up?" a bridge officer asked in confusion.

He Ludao: "This, drilling the ground and adding a delay..."

Before he finished speaking, a ray of light suddenly burst on the screen, but unlike previous nuclear explosions, this fleeting ray of light was not as weak as a nuclear explosion.

However, everyone immediately thought of He Lu's words. Since it is a ground penetrator, it must first burrow into the ground before it explodes. It is normal for the light radiation to be weakened by the formation.

But then, another ray of light flashed again, this time the luminosity was much stronger.

Then, a third light flashed, this time it was called a strong light.

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