Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1276: Correction


()     Ye Han was really stunned by the bug machine, but he soon returned to normal.

    This thing is really creative, but it's not a big deal when you think about it.

    The war is not a day or two, there is a precedent for alien giant insects to participate in the war, but it has always appeared on the ground or on the underground battlefield, and it has never been like today.

    After calming down, Ye Han had a new idea.

     The urination of aliens, their fighter planes should be inherently bugs, and creating a fighter plane driven by servants was originally a fork in the road, but now it is just to correct the mistakes of the past.

     In other words, it is not uncommon for aliens to use giant insects as fighter jets.

     Figured this out, and the rest of the questions were solved.

     For example, the response speed of the bug machine.

     Their nerves must have been strengthened by aliens, and their natural instinctive reactions must be much faster than the operation speed of the servants, so the bug machine can shuttle freely in the cloud of debris.

     Another example is the x-shaped elytra.

     80% of the driving force for the flight of the insect machine comes from the elytra, which is just the vacuum of the universe. Ye Han can't figure out how the vibration of the elytra powers the insect machine, and it is so powerful.

    There is also the fifth star.

    This little-known asteroid is likely to be the place where aliens cultivate bug machines.

    The thinking spreads a little more. All the space bases of the aliens may be the bases for cultivating insect machines. Even if this is not the case, the aliens must have placed a large number of insect machines in the asteroid belt.

     But Leishan has been stationed in the asteroid belt for several months. What is the reason why the aliens have never used the bug machine?

    The time was too short to cultivate it, or did you deliberately improve the ability of the bug machine in order to cope with the debris cloud tactics, thus delaying the entry time of the bug machine?

     Then Ye Han thought of the way the bug machine pulls the wind. It is said that there is no need for the bug machine to disguise as an alien warship. This should not be just for camouflage, so what is the purpose of this?

    All kinds of thoughts flashed through my mind, but they did not affect the confrontation between Thunder Mountain and Insect Machine at all.

    The light defense gun continued to fire, killing several bug machines one after another, but the effect of the 1020 rapid-fire gun was much worse. Most of the shells were avoided by the bug machines, and very few hit the target.

     The two sides approached quickly, and the Thunder Mountain finally entered the effective range of the bug machine.

    He Lu immediately wrote down the firing distance of the bug machine: 84 kilometers!

    The accuracy of the bug machine is not bad, 70% of the fine light fell on the Thunder Mountain, leaving dozens of cuts of different depths.

    Ye Han had a toothache for a while and had to order the firing of smoke bombs. After a while, the Thunder Mountain was shrouded in a thick smoke screen.

     In fact, Ye Han should have done this a long time ago. The reason why he did not give the order is because the 1020 is too difficult to deal with the insect machine and must rely on light defense artillery to kill the insect machine.

     While the smoke screen blocked the enemy's line of sight, it also blocked the lasers fired by itself, only close to the anti-artillery, the possibility of defeating the enemy was too low.

    As soon as the smoke screen came out, the shooting frequency of the bug machines dropped sharply, but none of the bug machines avoided the smoke screen, but accelerated their speed and plunged into the smoke screen in a few breaths.

    The smoke screen could not block the radar, and all the bugs were on the radar of Thunder Mountain.

    The enemy is bright and dark, although the light defense gun can't be used, but the 1020 close defense gun is still firing.

     However, the bug machine seemed to see the cannonballs flying up and down, and could still avoid the cannonballs as before.

     Ye Han suddenly realized that the bug machine definitely does not rely on the eyes to observe the target, the most likely way is to imitate the radar!

    Aliens do not have electronic technology, let alone what radar is. But aliens and humans have been dealing with humans for so long, and they have also captured many prisoners. It is not surprising to hear radar from prisoners.

     And aliens are good at transforming creatures, so what is the point of letting the bug machine grow a "biological radar"?

    Thinking about it this way, the purpose of the bug machine to drill the smoke screen is almost clear. The light cannot penetrate the smoke screen, but the bug machine can. They know the location of the Thunder Mountain, and they must be planning to come close and shoot!

     Ye Han's thoughts turned, since the close-range cannons can't guard against insects, then it's better to use the missiles!

     With an order, Leishan opened a missile nest on the left and right sides, and the neat anti-aircraft missiles were launched one after another.

     Missiles also rely on shrapnel to damage the enemy. Just as the bug machine wanted to hide, the missile exploded first, forcing the bug machine to dodge. As a result, there was no way to continue to attack the Thunder Mountain, and it was barely smashed. machine attack.

     Replaced with ordinary alien fighters, the servants of the godless life and death are likely to drive the fighter into a road, or even directly hit the Thunder Mountain.

     But the worm machine is essentially a giant worm. Although this thing has many advantages, it is still a kind of creature in its bones, and many instincts derived from creatures inevitably appear on the worm body.

     For example, greed for life and fear of death.

     So the first reaction of the worms when they encountered the missiles was to avoid them. When they wanted to organize the second round of attack, the Thunder Mountain had already killed two worms and parted ways with the worms.

     The relative speed was more than thirty kilometers, and the contact time between the two sides was extremely short.

     The aliens didn't want to let the Thunder Mountain go, and the worms quickly turned around, but it was too late to chase after them.

     The two alien warships just happened to come over, and they followed the side and rear of the Thunder Mountain.

    The enemy ships were behind, but Ye Han didn't even look at it, and directed the Leishan to attack the fifth star.

     The aliens had the intention to stop but were powerless, and watched Leishan fly to the vicinity of the fifth star, dropped a few missiles, and then sped away.

    Before launching the missile, Ye Han had been worried about the hidden strength of aliens on the fifth star, and it was not until the missile was launched that he was relieved.

     It hasn’t come out at this time, so there is probably nothing left on the fifth star.

    Thunder Mountain passed by the fifth star, and left a batch of precious gifts for the fifth star.

     A few seconds later, the missile landed, and three nuclear bombs in a row blew the No. 5 star to pieces, leaving only a little residue that gradually flew away.

     Ye Han let out a long breath, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then sat up and turned on the communication equipment: "Beiyuezhou, Nanzhou: Our ships stormed the enemy's No. 5 star earlier today, and the aliens used new Alien fighter, tentatively named 'worm machine' means giant worm fighter."

     "I don't think the bug machine appeared in the fifth star by accident. Except for the fifth airspace, there should also be bug machines hidden in other airspaces. I would like to remind everyone to be careful of the bug machines, they are very flexible"

     Carefully introduce the characteristics of the bug machine, and then check that there are no mistakes or omissions in the content, and then swipe the finger and transfer the video to Luo Qi: "Send Beiyuezhou, CC to Nanzhou."

     Finally got the code out, sleepy

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