Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1277: war briefing

As soon as Luo Qi sent out the video, he heard He Lu say, "Captain, look!"

The picture on the big screen changed, and the starry sky in front of the battleship was replaced by the broken fifth star at the rear.

Ye Han glanced at the main screen: "What are you looking at?"

"Here!" He Lu was at a point on the screen, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on that point, but they still couldn't see why, and some doubts appeared in their eyes.

Ye Han stared at the screen carefully, and as the fragments continued to move, he finally saw a clue: "Enemy ship?"

When everyone heard it, their eyes fell on the main screen again, and everyone's eyes passed through the layers of debris, and finally saw two faint shadows.

Luo Qi had a ghostly expression on his face: "Where is this flying to? Don't you die?"

Although he couldn't see it clearly, Luo Qi dared to bet with a month's salary that the two enemy ships were definitely flying towards Star 5... Well, the wreck of Star 5.

Ye Han figured out the cause and effect, with a playful look in his eyes: "They have been following us, right? This is good... What is the relative speed between us and Star No. 5?"

"Twenty-two kilometers."

"Enough." Ye Han showed a satisfied smile.

The two enemy ships have been following the Thunder Mountain. What is the relative speed between Thunder Mountain and Star Five, and the relative speed between them and Star Five.

The debris cloud that crashed into the fifth star at a speed of 22 kilometers per second, hehe, the fate of the enemy ship can be imagined.

Luo Qi said: "Master, these two enemy ships crashed into it by themselves, do we count them as sinking?"

Ye Han touched his chin: "Forget it... It should be counted."

Luo Qi was a little dizzy: "two more ships, how much are these?"

"I don't know if it counts." Ye Han waved his hand casually, "How's the bug machine?"

He Ludao: "The angle is not good, I can't see clearly, it seems to be flying together.

"It's a pity." Ye Han's tone was full of regret.

The bug machine did give him a lot of surprises, but this thing was a surprise attack. After understanding the characteristics of the bug machine, it was not difficult to deal with.

If the speed of the battleship was not so fast, he could have commanded Leishan to turn the bow of the ship and kill all the bug machines.

Behind the exploded star No. 5, in the invisible position of Leishan, the worms that lost their targets slowly gathered, and they came together end to end, forming the appearance of a battleship little by little, and finally flew away silently.

Two minutes later, Nanzhou received a report on the battle situation from Leishan. Gao Kai said immediately after reading it: "Forward this report to the entire fleet, and then send a copy to Spruance."

Regardless of the fact that the warships sent by the Chinese side to the asteroid belt are all acting alone, all the warships belong to the asteroid belt task force under the Beiyuezhou Fleet and are commanded by the Nanzhou.

If there is no Nanzhou number, Ye Han can directly send the news to the friendly army, but with a mother-in-law like the Nanzhou number on her head, she cannot ignore the mother-in-law of the Nanzhou number when reporting the news.

As the flagship of the Chinese side, Nanzhou not only shoulders the responsibility of commanding its own warships, but also coordinating friendly forces is Nanzhou's job.

The Spruance is the flagship of the International Fleet, a heavy cruiser whose tonnage is chasing the Nanzhou... Well, this is just the name of the International Fleet. According to the standard of Beiyuezhou, the Spruance Regardless of firepower or tonnage, they are on the same level as the Chinese heavy destroyers, but the international fleet likes to call them that.

The notification was transmitted to the Quartet with the radio waves, and after another two minutes, the No. 2 base received the notification, and then the Qionghai, No. 3 base, and Binghai received the notification in turn.

Seven minutes later, the Spruance bridge.

The communications officer turned around suddenly: "General, we have received a notification from the Chinese."

"What did they say?" Captain Jones asked quietly.

The communications officer immediately described the contents of the briefing.

Captain Jones was silent for a moment: "Tell the Chinese, just say we have received the news, thank them for their timely notification..."

"General!" Another bridge officer suddenly interrupted the conversation, "The enemy ship on the opposite side is accelerating."

Captain Jones raised his eyebrows: "As soon as I received the notification from the Chinese, the aliens began to accelerate. Is there any connection between these two things that I don't know about?"

"It may be a coincidence," said the first mate very cautiously.

"How about enemy ships in other directions?"

"The distance is too far, and there is no movement yet."

"Oh, I'm patient, we could totally wait a little longer, what do you think?"

"Yes General, I totally agree with you."

Jones smiled and nodded, not wanting the bridge officer to turn around to see the screen, and immediately turned back: "General, the enemy ship at ten o'clock has also begun to accelerate!"

Jones restrained his smile: "It seems that this is not a coincidence."

"General, do you need to inform the Chinese?" the first officer asked softly.

"Of course not." The general pointed to his eyes, "They can see."

"Then we..."

"Speed ​​up and get closer to Base 3!" After speaking, Captain Jones leaned back in his chair and muttered in a voice that only he could hear, "I hope the Chinese super cannons can block the aliens."

A few minutes Nanzhou received reports from Qionghai, Binghai, Base No. 2 and Base No. 3. All the reports said was the same news: the alien fleet began to accelerate and was Close the distance between the enemy and us!

Gao Kai immediately realized that the alien's change was probably related to the discovery of Leishan, and he immediately said: "Order Qionghai Binghai to speed up the evacuation and move closer to Base No. 3; order Chihai Beihai to speed up and move towards Base No. 2. Move closer; has Spruance responded?"

"It is confirmed that the notification has been received, there is no other news, but the international fleet began to accelerate two minutes ago, and it should be flying to the No. 3 base."

"It's also Base No. 3? Well, notify Base No. 3 and contact the Spruance as soon as possible!"

The notification from Nanzhou was not directed in any direction. Two minutes later, Leishan also received a copy.

Luo Qi curiously read: "Spearns... Who came up with such a snarky name?"

"Who knows." Ye Han shrugged, "Why do you care about it? It's enough to know what it does."

"Yes." Luo Qi smiled.

He Ludao: "Captain, do you think the sudden acceleration of the alien fleet has something to do with our report?"

Ye Han said: "Maybe, the bug machine is really what we forced out... Well, if these two things are really related..."

"The enemy wants to sneak attack with a bug machine?" He Lu immediately answered.

Luo Qi muttered angrily: "I want to say that too!"

"Let's go with me!" Ye Han nodded heavily, "The enemy's movements are so big, if all directions are combined, we will be caught off guard... The consequences are really hard to say."

I'm dizzy, the settings are a bit complicated, and there is no simple writing, a headache!

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