Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1278: Beiyuezhou is also fighting

Luo Qi said with a smile: "It's alright now, let's find the bug machine in advance, and the aliens are really not afraid of sneak attack."

"You can't say that, what if the enemy's cards are more than worms?" He Lu said worriedly.

"No way? What cards do they have?"

He Lu rolled his eyelids: "Who am I, and what cards can the enemy tell me?"

"That's true..." Luo Qi nodded deliberately, "You still have some self-knowledge."

"Let's go!" He Lu glared at Luo Qi fiercely.

Luo Qi laughed, He Lu's words entered his left ear and came out of his right ear, pretending not to hear: "Master, do you need to remind Nanzhou?"

Ye Hanma shook his head: "No, we can think of it, and Nanzhou can certainly think of it."

Gao Kai did think of this issue, but the enemy and us were not in contact for the time being, so he did not rush to give an order, but reported his guess to Beiyuezhou, and asked the big guys in Beiyuezhou to help make up his mind.

More than an hour later, Nanzhou received an order from Beiyuezhou, and at the same time, it also received an order from the joint command.

The joint command's order was issued to all human warships in the asteroid belt, and the content was to rush to Base No. 3 at full speed immediately after receiving the order.

In fact, everyone knows that this order is actually issued to the international fleet, and the opposing warships are not binding at all.

However, the contents of the orders sent by Beiyuezhou were similar, and they also ordered the fleet to gather at Base No. 3.

Gao Kai is very painful, whether it is Qionghai Binghai or Chihai Beihai, including the distance between the International Fleet and the No. 3 base, it is not too far away. It can be as short as three or five days, or as long as six or seven days. base.

But the Nanzhou number is different. Right now, the Nanzhou number is still in the No. 5 airspace, and it will take at least 20 days to reach the ground.

If the enemy did not make up his mind, it would be fine. If he made up his mind, the human side would shrink its forces, which would create a chance for a decisive battle for the aliens. When the Nanzhou arrived, the battle would be over for more than ten days.

The location of Leishan is still far away from Nanzhou, and it will take a month to arrive at least.

Gao Kai thought about it for a long time. If the battlefield is placed on the No. 2 base, the Nanzhou will be able to reach the ground within half a month.

However, it is not so easy to assemble to the No. 2 base. First, the positions of the ships are far away from the second base, and the second is the position of the enemy. The position of the human warships is better. Military interception.

It is estimated that Beiyuezhou also took these problems into consideration and ordered the fleet to gather at the No. 3 base.

Gao Kaiyue thought it more and more painful, but there was no way, the reality was so inhumane, he could only try his best to coordinate the relationship between himself and the international fleet.

Gao Kai soon discovered that the coordination role of the Nanzhou number was becoming more and more useless. It was not for any other reason. It was because the Nanzhou number was too far away. It took seven or eight minutes to receive a message, and it came back and forth. It was a full quarter of an hour, not even a moment of wasted time.

The International Fleet directly communicated with the No. 3 base, and the delay was less than one minute. In terms of efficiency, it was not the Nanzhou ship that was far away.

In view of the actual situation of the asteroid belt, it is meaningless for Nanzhou to continue to hold the coordination power, so Gao Kai took the initiative to suggest to Beiyuezhou to temporarily hand over the coordination power to the No. 3 base to improve the efficiency of communication. Base points.

Beiyuezhou saw Gao Kai's intention at a glance, and quickly passed the decision to transfer the coordination authority. Immediately, the No. 3 base was responsible for communication and coordination. In addition, the command of Fang's battleship was also simultaneously transferred to the No. 3 base.

At the same time, Fang also suggested to the joint command that if the aliens attacked Base No. 3, Base No. 3 should coordinate all human warships to jointly fight against the attack of the alien fleet. Several reasons were also listed for this. The most important one is to facilitate the cooperation between super cannons and battleships.

This reason is very powerful, and the international fleet has no way to refute it. It can only try to gain more initiative for the international fleet under the premise of unified command.

Beiyuezhou didn't expect the International Fleet to really hand over the command. He had the title of top commander, and he was very satisfied to be able to grasp the general direction.

There is also a big embarrassment here. The role of the space base is very important, but the space base is only an auxiliary logistics base. It was originally only set at the battalion level. Later, considering that the base was far away from the earth, the level of the space base was raised. At the deputy regiment level, the chief officer level is also promoted to the school.

But the school is too low. If you pick out a warship at random, the captain is at least a school. For more important battleships, the captain is even the captain. There are many generals like Gao Kai who also serve as captains.

The situation of the International Fleet is similar. Take the Spruance as an example. This battleship holds the title of cruiser and is also the flagship of the International Fleet. The captain is directly a major general.

The other battleships are also calibration generals, and no one has a military rank lower than the captain.

The school at Base No. 3 is a serious professional, and his performance in space warfare is not bad. He didn't become a captain because he lacked actual combat experience, and secondly, because the military had insufficient warships, so he had to retreat and run the asteroid belt. Be a base director and transfer back to the fleet when there is a chance in the future.

But let a school command a group of school colonels and brigadier generals from foreign troops, isn't this a joke?

In order to solve this problem, Beiyuezhou made an idea of ​​several captains, and finally selected the captain of Beihai, Duan Zhiyang, and promoted him to the front line. First, he established a temporary headquarters, and then appointed Duan Zhiyang as the deputy commander of the asteroid belt task force.

As a result, Duan Zhiyang's military rank changed from colonel to major general, and from the captain of the Beihai to the second person in control of the fleet.

The Beihai is still a few days away from arriving at Base No. 3, when Duan Zhiyang will leave the Beihai and bring his headquarters to Base No. 3...

After Duan Zhiyang received the order, the whole person was in a bad mood. It took a long time to figure out the context, and then he couldn't help but sigh: In order to avoid losing the command and power, Beiyuezhou also fought hard.

When Jones learned that Duan Zhiyang had become his own class, the whole person collapsed.

He couldn't figure out how the Captain Fang, who had been with him for more than a month, climbed to his head, and for this reason, he sent a few confirmation calls to the moon.

The joint headquarters that received the news was dumbfounded on the spot, what the **** is going on?

I questioned Beiyuezhou with heart, but Beiyuezhou only said that it was under the overall command of the No. 3 base, and did not mention who was in charge. fault.

Fortunately, the overall planning is not the real command, and the international fleet that fell into the pit finally recognized the result.

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