Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1279: Get closer and hit again

With the unified command, the preparations for Base No. 3 have finally achieved initial results, but there is still a lot of follow-up work. In order to adapt to the new position as soon as possible, Duan Zhiyang invested a lot of time and energy. When the Beihai arrived at Base No. 3, he had already Knows exactly what's going on at Base Three and all the warships.

No matter the tonnage, firepower, armor, power or the number of personnel, Duan Zhiyang has it in his heart, and he knows not only the Chinese warships, but also the warships of the international fleet.

Afterwards, Duan Zhiyang said frankly that if it weren't for the assistance of the biochip, he would never have mastered all the information in such a short period of time.

Knowing the situation of the fleet is only the first step. The next step is to formulate various combat plans according to the situation of the enemy and us, how to attack and how to defend, and also to negotiate with the international fleet on how to cooperate. Deeply lamented that this position is not good to sit.

A few days later, the Thunder Mountain.

The hatch opened, Ye Han floated into the bridge, and before he sat down, he couldn't wait to ask, "Have you started yet?"

He Lu replied: "Not yet, the enemy is approaching, it shouldn't take long."

Ye Han sat on the chair and exhaled softly: "Give me the picture."

The screen on the main screen switched, and the starry sky in front was replaced by Base No. 3.

Base No. 3 only took up a corner of the screen, but it was just a small, dim red light spot surrounded by a few dots that were even dimmer than Base No. 3, each of which represented a human battleship.

On the other side of the screen, a large group of blue light spots approached slowly in several directions, and the distance between the light spots was widened.

The human side looks so thin that it is about to be completely submerged by the wind and waves rolled up by the alien fleet.

He Lu explained: "This is an image from seventeen minutes ago. Judging by the distance between the enemy and us, it should be on fire now."

Ye Han couldn't help sighing: "How many enemy ships are there in total?"

"Seventy-seven ships."

Ye Han's eyes jumped: "So many?"

There are only ten human warships in the asteroid belt. Except for the Nanzhou and Leishan, only eight have arrived at the No. 3 base. The ratio of the enemy and the enemy is close to ten to one.

Although the number does not mean much, but the ants killed the elephants, and the human battleships belonged to two camps, the result of this battle is really hard to say.

On the surface, this battle is Beiyuezhou taking the initiative to shrink its troops, leading the enemy from all directions to the No. 3 base, and taking the initiative to fight the enemy in a decisive battle, but in reality?

Whether it is Beiyuezhou or the joint headquarters, they don't want to fight the aliens at all.

But aliens suddenly appeared from all directions, with a look of never giving up until their goals were achieved, posing as if they were driving humans out of the asteroid belt in one breath. It will be difficult to drive out the asteroid belt and try to get it back.

More importantly, no one can guarantee that aliens only occupy the asteroid belt. At present, human warships are either in the asteroid belt or transformed on the slipway. What if aliens invade the earth in one go?

No matter how you look at it, this battle is inevitable. Instead of being beaten passively, it is better to take the initiative to fight.

At the very least, there is a super cannon at Base No. 3, which is far better than leaving the asteroid belt and relying on the battleship to fight to the death.

Speaking of which, the aliens will be in a hurry, but they will launch an attack when several space bases are completed. If it is earlier in the morning, they will attack before the construction of the super cannon on the third base. Ninety-nine percent of human beings are directly evacuating the asteroid belt.

Of course, it is also possible not to retreat but to advance, and to send all the warships behind the enemy to stir up the storm and drag the enemy.

While thinking about it, the main screen was suddenly divided into two by a beam of light.

One end of the beam was connected to Base No. 3, and the other end crashed directly into the alien fleet, swept back and forth a few times like a swinging bat, and gradually dissipated after a few seconds.

"It's started!" He Lu and Luo Qi called out in unison.

Ye Han asked anxiously, "What was the effect? ​​How many enemy ships were killed?"

He Lu's face was not very good, he hesitated for a moment before saying: "It doesn't seem like it was sunk, but a few ships were injured."

"No?" Ye Han was stunned, and the expressions of the others were not much better.

If the super cannon doesn't work, what's the point of this battle?

"It may be that the distance is too far." He Lu said, "The current distance is 11,000 kilometers."

Ye Han suddenly said, "That's no wonder."

The gun at Base 3 couldn't compare to the Moon at all. Not only was it not powerful enough, but its range was far worse than that of the Moon's guns. It was less than 10,000 kilometers when it was fully loaded. It was not surprising that it failed to destroy the enemy ship at all.

Luo Qi asked in confusion: "Isn't it surprising that the cannon is fired before the range is reached?"

"It should be a test shot." Ye Han guessed irresponsibly, "It has never been used since it was built, so it's not surprising to try Luo Qi didn't say anything, but he really doesn't agree with this. guess.

Even if you can't test at full power, you can always try it at low power, right? Is it necessary to rush this time?

In fact, Duan Zhiyang's idea is not that complicated. The reason why he fired in advance is because the data on paper is too abstract, and it is more intuitive to fire a gun; the second is to test the reaction of the aliens and provide a basis for the next action.

The beam of light emitted by the super cannon has not dissipated, and the alien warships have spread out like frightened flies. Each warship is flying in different directions. The originally irregular alien fleet is even more chaotic.

No rule is the best rule, and it is also the result that gives Duan Zhiyang the most headache.

The aliens probably misunderstood that the fleet had entered the range of the super cannon, and the scattered enemy ships suddenly accelerated and began to charge towards the No. 3 base.

The super cannon fired again, but this time with worse results, with the sweeping beam hitting only one enemy ship.

However, due to the closer distance, the power of this cannon has increased a lot, and the enemy ship was burnt to black by the beam, but it only scorched the ship's watch, and no other effects could be seen.

By the time the super-cannon fired for the third time, the alien fleet had entered effective range.

The closer the distance, the smaller the space to avoid. The super cannon actually hit four enemy ships at a time, but the results were not much different from before. The enemy ships showed no signs of damage except that they burned darker.

Ye Han frowned: "No, why not?"

"Is it insufficient power?" He Lu guessed casually.

"Maybe it was to lure the enemy to go deeper." Luo Qi also joined in the fun.

There is a nuclear reactor at Base No. 3. The lack of power is simply nonsense, but Luo Qi's guess is somewhat possible... Could it be that Duan Zhiyang really wants to bring the enemy ship closer and fight?

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