Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1280: Insect like cloud

Ye Han kept sucking his teeth and Hanako.

Melee combat is indeed one of the tactical traditions of our army. Not only infantrymen like to hit close, but even artillerymen have a tradition of bayonets on their cannons.

The problem is that the biggest advantage of the super cannon is the range. Is it necessary to play with the bayonet?

How does Ye Han know that Duan Zhiyang is also depressed at this time, obviously he is already in range, why can't he move?

Is it because the enemy ship has made some improvements to the super cannon, or is there a problem with the gun itself at Base 3?

He really wanted to rush out and disassemble the super cannon to check it carefully, but the alien fleet was coming soon, and it was useless to think about anything at this time, so he could only relax and continue to fire.

So Ye Han saw the fourth, fifth and more firings on the screen.

And not only the super cannons kept firing, but the human warships parked near the base also joined the battle in advance. A dozen missiles formed a group, ranging from a dozen to dozens. Each group of missiles corresponded to a group of enemy ships.

Probably because he did not want to weaken the power of the super cannon, and because the arm of the enemy ship was not long enough, the human side did not launch smoke bombs, otherwise Ye Han would not even want to see the situation on the battlefield.

Every time the super-cannon fired, He Lu would immediately report the distance between the two sides. From the 9,000-kilometer range just entered, to over 8,000 kilometers, to over 7,000 kilometers, the super-cannon still failed to destroy any enemy ship.

Ye Han's whole body was almost numb, and he didn't know how many times he fired. Before the beam of light dissipated, he heard He Lu's excited roar: "Destroyed, destroyed, 6,400 kilometers!"

Although it only destroyed one enemy ship, it was great news for everyone... The destruction distance is a little closer, but it is still more than 6,000 kilometers. Even if one cannon destroys only one enemy ship, Being able to kill several more ships is better than having no effect all the time.

Ye Han let out a long breath: "Mother, finally..."

Before he finished speaking, He Lu's pupils suddenly tightened: "Captain, there is a situation!"

Ye Han kept staring at the screen, and before He Lu finished speaking, he saw the changes on the screen.

The super cannon failed to vaporize the enemy ship, but the high temperature burned the enemy ship beyond recognition, and the size was significantly smaller. No matter what kind of battleship, at least it was a heavy hit and quit the battle.

However, the blackened hull of the enemy ship cracked open without warning, and the cracks widened, as if something wanted to arch out of the enemy ship's interior.

After just a few seconds, the charred hull was divided into two like a stabbed airbag, and a large group of insect planes flew out of the ship, vibrating elytra and pounced on the No. 3 base.

Ye Han couldn't believe his eyes. Are you kidding me? Is that okay? Is this an alien aircraft carrier?

The reason for making such a judgment is that the unfortunate alien warship is all white and smooth, not like the worm ship that Leishan encountered, and it also has a sub-healthy ugly pimple.

Base No. 3 also found anomalies here. The super cannon that was about to be fired immediately adjusted its direction and aimed at the insect plane that had just taken off.

The beam of light suddenly traversed the screen and swept across the swirling swarms of worms, but all worms shrouded by lasers were instantly vaporized.

Ye Han's visual observation was that this shot alone killed a third of the bug machine.

The rest of the worms scattered in a hurry, and it has become an extravagant hope to achieve the same result.

Ye Han is called a rush, and uses a super cannon to fight insects. Isn't that cannon to fight mosquitoes?

But if you think about it, it's not surprising. The bug machine is different from the previous alien fighters, and Duan Zhiyang knows the power of the aircraft carrier, so it's not wrong to kill the bug machine first.

It is estimated that Duan Zhiyang also realized this. The super cannon no longer chased the bug machine, but shifted the target without hesitation and continued to fire at the enemy ship.

After that, every time it hit an enemy ship, a group of worms appeared, and the alien fleet advanced for more than 3,000 kilometers. A total of seven battleships were hit by super cannons, and the result became seven worms. Tuan Shao said there were also two or three hundred.

More than 2,000 worm machines swarmed towards the No. 3 base, making one's scalp tingle and trembling, and if there was intensive phobia, it would be even more terrifying.

At this time, there were only less than 3,000 kilometers left between the alien fleet and the No. 3 base. The long-range missiles were already close to the enemy ships, and the super cannons could completely change their targets, mainly to eliminate insect aircraft.

However, Duan Zhiyang still insisted on shooting at the enemy ships, and only brought some bugs when he moved the beam of light. As a result, there were more and more bugs.

Duan Zhiyang has his own reason for insisting on this. Although the number of insect machines is large, the aliens lack the means to make a final decision. Even if a group of insect machines pounce on them, it will not cause much damage.

But the alien battleship is different. Whichever one hits, no matter the battleship or the No. 3 base, at least it will be seriously injured. If it is slightly more serious, the ship will be destroyed and killed.

The question is, which goal has higher priority?

The missile group finally flew in front of the target, and a group of female fish suddenly A large group of swimming fish happily rushed towards the enemy ship... To be precise, only some of them rushed towards the enemy ship, and most of them were in Immediately after dispersing, lock the bug machine and slam it into it.

The alien warship and the bug machine launched a counterattack at the same time, and the thin light and the silk light together formed a huge net, and the layers of missiles were netted into it, and few Yuyu missiles hit the target.

The Yinjian missile's results were slightly better. As long as the target was locked, the top ten could hit the target, but the power of the conventional warhead was too small to destroy the enemy ship, but it killed a lot of bug machines.

"Two thousand kilometers away—"

When He Lu shouted this sentence, the confrontation between the two sides was already very fierce, but the battle was limited to missiles and anti-missiles, only super cannons did not belong to missiles.

At this time, an unexpected scene happened. A good alien warship, the hull cracked without warning, and then a group of insect machines flew out of the shell.

It was like a signal. The other alien warships cracked open one after another. In a blink of an eye, there were dozens of swarms of worms in the air. The number of alien warships dropped off the assembly line, and in the end there were only a dozen or so.

Ye Han was stunned, what the hell, a large group of alien warships, only a dozen of them are real, and the rest are all fake bug machines!

What do the aliens want to do? Do you think you can defeat the human fleet with just the bug machine?

In the face of the large swarm of worms, all human warships fired at full force, and countless missiles flew away from the warships and rushed towards the overwhelming army of worms.

At this time, the super cannons also changed. Duan Zhiyang gave an order. The super cannons that were originally bundled in a line suddenly scattered and fired, and the thick laser beams suddenly spread out, turning into a huge flower of beams.

Dozens of beams traverse the void, coming and going freely in the cloud of insects. Wherever the beam of light crosses, the insect machines vaporize one after another. It is impossible to count how many insect machines are killed.

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