Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1297: Every second counts

"Hurry, hurry, hurry up—" Luo Qi's loud voice echoed in the radio, and the soldiers in full power armor quickly gathered near the airlock.

Seeing the arrival of the last soldier, Luo Qi immediately shouted on the radio: "The bridge, the marines are in position, please close the A9 area!"

"Bridge received!" Before the voice fell, all the isolation doors near the airlock fell at the same time.

After the gate was closed, Luo Qi and the soldiers immediately heard the sound of hissing gas. After a while, the sound disappeared completely, and the closed double-layer airlock opened silently.

Luo Qi swung his right arm over his head: "Follow me!" After saying that, he was the first to jump out of the airlock.

All the members of the Marine Corps followed Luo Qi, and the airlock floated out of the airlock. After the last player passed the airlock, the door slowly closed.

Like all human warships, the Thunder Mountain is divided into two layers, the inner and outer layers. The inner and outer layers are separated by an airlock, and the inner and outer layers must pass through the airlock.

However, the space in the airlock is too small, and if all the strength to suckle is used, at most three or four people can be stuffed.

There were not many marines on the Thunder Mountain, but they could only walk three or four at a time, and they had to walk seven or eight times before they could all enter the outer layer.

Right now, the military situation is on fire, and it is possible to decide the life or death of the Thunder Mountain one second in advance. In order to speed up the speed, Ye Han personally made the decision to seal the airtight layer.

The same situation not only happened here in Luo Qi, but also happened simultaneously at the other two airlocks.

Luo Qi originally planned to lead the landing team to complete the handling task independently, but after thinking about it a little, he knew that the Marines would not be able to do it at all, so he called the manpower as quickly as possible and organized another two teams, each team Take charge of a turret and speed up the handling of shells.

Outside the airlock is a passage that leads directly to the bow of the ship. It is more than two meters high and two meters wide, and its cross-section is almost a square. Two team members stand side by side to block the passage.

This passage leads all the way to the bow, and Luo Qi's target is a damaged turret above the bow, which is also the one farthest from the inner layer among the three turrets.

There are handrails on the four walls of the passage for easy passage. Luo Qi grabbed one of them and yanked his arm violently. The whole person jumped forward like a fish in the water: "Behind, keep up!"

The soldiers were silent and followed Luo Qi one by one.

The captain of Leishan was 316 meters, and the straight-line distance between the airlock and the target turret was only a little over 100 meters. After a few breaths, Luo Qi arrived at the ground.

The passage there was suddenly much wider, and there were two more blast doors in the bulkhead, one leading to the turret and the other to the ammunition bay.

Luo Qi didn't have the time to pay attention to the turret, so he opened the door of the ammunition bay directly, and as soon as he looked in, he was immediately stunned by the scene in the ammunition bay.

The bulkhead on the front side of the ammunition bay was torn apart at some point by a gap as wide as two people and as long as a minibus. The outer half of the gap was a bright starry sky, and the other half was a distorted turret.

The situation in the ammunition compartment was also not optimistic. The ammunition equipment was severely damaged. Artillery shells, cartridges, and various sundries were scattered everywhere. Luo Qi even saw several broken cartridges, and propellants were scattered everywhere. .

Luo Qi, who saw this scene, was almost scared to pee on the spot, thinking that it was fortunate that the ammunition was sub-loaded.

The caliber of the naval guns on the Leishan is only 120, so fixed-loading ammunition can be used. The reason why the fixed-loading ammunition scheme with a higher rate of fire is abandoned is that the split-loading ammunition saves more space, and the second reason is that the split-loading scheme is safer. .

The so-called sub-packaging scheme is to store the warhead, cartridge, and fuze separately, and only assemble the shell just before firing. If this happens, the risk of martyrdom can be minimized!

The loading speed of sub-loading ammunition is indeed not as good as that of fixed-loading ammunition, but Leishan is equipped with the most advanced automatic loader, and the actual loading speed is not much slower than that of fixed-loading ammunition.

There was no time to carefully observe the situation, Luo Qi calmed down, and commanded with an unprecedented stern attitude: "Attention, be careful, come in with me now!"

Luo Qi floated into the ammunition bay first, grabbed a cartridge, and found no problem after a simple inspection, and immediately handed it to the soldier behind him: "Quick, send it back!"

Others followed suit and immediately began collecting shells.

Although everyone has added twelve points of care, the ammunition compartment is too messy and the time is so tight, and it is inevitable to stumble when moving. One of the soldiers even accidentally bumped into the broken cartridge, and a large handful of propellant immediately Spilled out and nearly drowned the careless warrior.

The soldier almost didn't cry, he was too frightened to move.

Luo Qihuo bumped up, but he immediately told himself to calm down.

At this juncture, anger can't solve any problem, and it is serious to complete the task quickly.

So he said in a relaxed tone as possible: "It's okay, it's all passivated propellants, I'll say it again, be careful!"

"Yes!" The soldiers quickly agreed, but their voices were invariably low, as if they were loud enough to detonate shells full of cabins.

Luo Qi twitched the corner of his mouth, pushed aside a cannonball beside him, and floated gently to the corner where the nuclear cannonball was stored.

At the same time, another ammunition bay under the belly staged a very similar scene.

When the team in charge of transportation arrived at the ammunition bay, they unexpectedly found that the door was deformed. It was stuck there and could not be opened no matter what.

Time was running out, but the team was blocked by the hatch. The officer who led the team was in a hurry, and he took out the laser gun and was ready to go hard.

The other officer was quick-witted, grabbed his wrist, and asked sharply, "What do you want to do?"

"Cut it up!"

" Take the laser to cut the ammunition bay, have you lived enough?"


"Shut up, listen to me, come and do it together!"

Several soldiers gathered around together. Under the command of the officer, everyone clawed at the crack of the door with all their hands and feet. Everyone shouted and worked hard together. The deformed hatch was twisted by a huge force, and it didn't take long. It was forcibly torn from the bulkhead by the soldiers.

"Quick!" The officer waved his hand and led the soldiers into the ammunition bay.

The encounter of the last team was even more dangerous. There was no problem with the ammunition bay itself, but the turret outside was too badly damaged. Half of the gun barrel penetrated the bulkhead and was inserted straight into the ammunition bay, causing damage to the conveying equipment in the cabin.

This is nothing, the key is that at the end of the conveyor belt, there are still a few complete shells that have been assembled and even the fuze has been installed!

More importantly, the conveyor belt has been deformed. It is a little alarmist to say that these shells may explode at any time. Even if they are not dealt with now, they are hidden dangers that must be dealt with as soon as possible after they escape.

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