Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1298: What's the fuss about?

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The leading officer did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported the situation to the bridge.

Ye Han was also taken aback when he received the news. Isn't this the case that the house leaked and it rained overnight? Why is it that the more critical the time is, the more demons will appear?

Time was pressing, and he couldn't take care of so much. He ordered everyone not to move the conveyor belt. First, he arranged for a special person to guard the shells, then organized people to remove the non-hazardous shells, and finally found a way to dismantle the conveyor belt.

After thinking about it, it was too dangerous to dismantle the conveyor belt, so I simply put my heart into it, ordered the ammunition compartment to be dismantled, and threw the conveyor belt and the shells inside it out of the cabin.

Now it's easy to handle. A few soldiers brought laser guns and cut left and right on the conveyor belt. After a while, the conveyor belt was removed.

At the same time, several other soldiers also cut the bulkhead, and several people worked together to throw the conveyor belt out of the ship.

The three ammunition bays encountered different difficulties respectively. Fortunately, each group solved the problem in time. The transportation of artillery shells was finally on the right track. Soldiers came and went with shells or cartridges in the narrow passage. Can't wait to grow a pair of wings and fly.

The passage inside the ship is too narrow, and the flight bags that work on compressed air cannot be used at all, not to mention the jet air bags used on the armor. If one person uses it, the entire passage will be blocked by traffic.

Although the soldiers in every direction did their best, the enemy's footsteps would not stop. The shells in several ammunition bays had not even been moved out, and they received a battle alarm from the bridge, asking everyone to Immediately withdraw to the inner zone.

Aliens are coming!

The enemy ships were indeed as He Lu had estimated, and there was no chance of intercepting the Leishan at all, but the closest distance between them and Leishan was not too far.

Both sides raised the speed to the highest level, and it took less than three minutes to fly over the 10,000 kilometers. There was really not much time left for the soldiers.

After receiving the alarm, several transport groups did not withdraw immediately, but sent all the shells on their hands to their destination, and then reluctantly withdrew to the inner layer.

They wanted to move on, but the enemy and us were about to exchange fire, and everyone had to return to their posts.

Among the three groups, only the Marine Corps did not have this concern, but Luo Qi did not have the courage to disobey Ye Han's order, and immediately led the team to withdraw when he received the order.

The soldiers returned to their posts at the fastest speed. The last soldier in position had just returned, and the enemy ship had entered the range of Thunder Mountain.

Ye Han gave an order, and all the anti-aircraft missiles on the ship were launched, and not one was left.

The distance between the enemy and us is far beyond the range of the anti-aircraft missile, but the relative speed of the two sides is about 60 kilometers per second. The power of the anti-aircraft missile itself cannot break the defense of the enemy ship, but with the speed bonus, the situation is completely different. Now, Ye Han doesn't believe that the enemy ships dare not hide.

Just after the missiles were fired here, the four alien warships released a batch of insect machines again.

Ye Han just didn't know what to say. He really wanted to catch the aliens in front of him and scolded him severely. Is there no other way to deal with the missiles except to block them with insects?

If there is an alien in front of Ye Han, 80% of them will fight back: Why can't we use such an easy-to-use method? You don't need to use a bug machine to block it, but you can also use a battleship to block it?

The warships on both sides were extremely fast, and the insect planes and missiles were even faster, and they were about to get together in a blink of an eye.

However, the expected scenario did not occur. The insect machine did not care about the missiles at all, but directly passed through the gap between the missiles, and then went straight to Leishan after crossing the missile group.

Ye Han's pupils shrank: "He Lu, can you avoid it?"

"I can't avoid-"

Just talking about this, the distance between the insect machine and Leishan is less than 300 kilometers. He Lu did not wait for Ye Han's order, and immediately activated all the light defense cannons. The dense laser immediately cut into the insect machine group and cut each insect machine Get off the horse.

At this time, the missile also flew near the enemy ship. The four enemy ships approached each other desperately to intercept them. Before the missile arrived, they turned into a long snake array.

Ye Han thought with his ass, knowing that aliens were the tactics used by Duan Zhiyang when he was studying at Base No. 3, and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth and scolding the aliens for being shameless.

But shameless or something, do aliens care?

The missile swarm flew to the enemy ship in a blink of an eye, and before the enemy ship fired mercer, the missiles had exploded one by one, and the shrapnel scattered all over the sky.

The enemy ship did not dodge or evade, and at the same time as the missile exploded, the enemy ship also spewed out a cloud of blue-black stuff.

This thing is very similar to a smoke screen. After it is sprayed out, it spreads immediately, blocking the front of the enemy ship like a large umbrella... The color of this thing is very similar to the background of the universe. If it hadn't blocked the enemy ship, Ye Han It's impossible to tell that the enemy ship is spewing something.

He couldn't help but feel a little strange. Could it be that aliens have learned the trick of setting off smokescreens?

I haven't thought of a reliable answer yet. The enemy ship has already crashed into the cloud of debris, and the dense debris collided with the bluish-black thing, causing a dense flash of flashes.

Ye Han's eyes widened in shock, thinking what the **** is this? Have aliens found a way to deal with debris clouds?

The debris cloud came and went quickly, and the enemy ships got into the debris cloud in a blink of an eye, and the four enemy ships were safe and sound.

Ye Han's whole person is not well.

He thought that the missiles could kill one enemy ship no matter what, but he did not expect that after a short meeting, the four enemy ships were safe and not one was hit.

At this time, the swarm of insects was already close to the Thunder Mountain, and they flew up and down in the swirling laser cluster, avoiding the laser with various difficult flying movements.

As for the 1020... the rate of fire of that thing is good, but the speed of the cannonball is too slow, and the threat to the bug machine is almost It can only play the role of auxiliary light anti-cannon. Not top.

Ye Han has already made up his mind, and when he returns to Beiyuezhou, he must replace all the close-range defense guns with light defense guns.

At this time, a large group of worms broke through the last line of defense and successfully approached Leishan. Then, there was no more, and there was no such thing as Leishan, but the worms disappeared.

It was not until the video outside the ship was called up that Ye Han discovered that all the bug machines had hit the outer armor of Leishan, like darts nailed to the target.

He couldn't figure out what the trouble was about the bug machine.

However, the enemy did not give him a chance to understand at all. The enemy ships still hundreds of kilometers away brazenly launched an attack on the Leishan. Countless fine lights swept towards the Leishan, and the Leishan was torn apart in one breath.

The port side of the Thunder Mountain was almost submerged by the fine light, and the deformed port armor was almost wiped out.

Ye Han was not ambiguous at all, and immediately ordered the naval guns to fire, accompanied by the roar of artillery fire, the only remaining shells shot out in a blink of an eye.

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