Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1299: 1 no less

The last cannon shot out of the chamber, and the naval guns that had just roared again and again were completely misfired. Dozens of shells sparsely landed and flew towards the enemy ship, which looked rather desolate.

However, Leishan's counterattack did not end. The last 1020 near-anti-aircraft gun on the port side opened fire, ten gun barrels spun frantically, and the flame spewed from the muzzle was more than ten meters long. With a full bomb bay, a full 640 rounds of artillery shells, the dense small-caliber artillery shells are like a cloud of bullets, scrambling to fly to the target.

This is not over yet, the bomb supply system immediately replaces the bomb bay.

Before the second bomb bay was replaced, dozens of artillery shells fired by the naval guns had already passed by the enemy ship, and none of them had hit.

After the bomb bay was replaced, another four seconds passed, and another full six hundred and forty shells.

Halfway through the second bomb bay, the first round of shells had already hit the enemy ship.

Although only three artillery shells hit the enemy ship, even though the caliber of the close-in anti-aircraft gun was only 20 mm, at a relative speed of nearly 70 kilometers, the power of each artillery shell was unbelievably strong, and it was hard to cut out on the enemy ship. There were three large holes with a diameter of more than one meter.

Ye Han didn't know what kind of damage these shells caused to the enemy ship, but the enemy ship was light like rain before being hit, and died immediately after being hit. Those shells must have severely damaged the enemy ship.

The battle is still going on, the relative speed between the enemy and us is too fast, the second bomb bay has not been finished, and the distance between the four enemy ships and the Thunder Mountain is less than 100 kilometers.

The enemy ship almost slammed into the bullet rain of the near-anti-artillery. Several enemy ships attacked against the bullet rain, and were covered by the bullet rain without any suspense. The shell of the enemy ship was full of bullets and shell chisels. open hole.

However, although these few enemy ships suffered heavy damage, they failed to reproduce the glory of the three-shot heavy damage to the enemy ship.

The port side of Leishan was hit in multiple places. The second round of shelling by the anti-aircraft guns had just ended, and the bomb supply system had not had time to replace the third bomb bay. , the third round of artillery shells that were about to be unloaded were stillborn.

When the first shell of the anti-aircraft gun was fired, the nearest enemy ship was still more than 600 kilometers away. After the second round of shells was fired, the enemy ship had already rushed to the rear of the Thunder Mountain, and passed by the rear of the Thunder Mountain. , when the distance was closest, the straight-line distance between the two sides was less than thirty kilometers, and the aliens almost touched the chrysanthemum of Leishan.

But in the end, they were still a line behind and failed to stop the Thunder Mountain.

The alien battleship that crossed the Thunder Mountain still did not give up, and immediately slowed down and turned, depending on what they meant, they wanted to continue to fire on the Thunder Mountain.

But the relative speed of more than 60 kilometers per second, how can it be said that it will drop? The distance between the two sides has increased rapidly, but within three or five seconds, a distance of several hundred kilometers has been opened.

When the enemy ship turned around and the bow was re-aligned with Leishan, Leishan had already dropped the scarred enemy ship and flew out of thin light range.

No matter how unwilling the aliens were, they could only watch Leishan fly away.

The battle was finally over, and Ye Han's heart that had been hanging for a long time finally returned to his stomach, but this was not the end. He immediately called up the tube damage interface, and was instantly blinded by the dense red light.

Although the round of confrontation just now was short, the intense procedure was no less than the previous fierce battle. The Leishan paid a huge price for it. There were red warnings of damage everywhere on the whole ship, and there was even a red light on the left and right sides. Couldn't find a perfect place.

Ye Han's facial features twisted into a ball in an instant, indescribably miserable and bleak: "How did we survive until now?"

There is no way to answer this, and no one said anything.

Ye Han said again: "He Lu, give me the port side image."

He Lu said embarrassedly: "The cameras are all broken..."

Ye Han said in surprise: "Not one left?"

"Nothing left."

Ye Han was stunned for a moment: "Where's the starboard side?"

"There is another one, but the angle is wrong, and the armor cannot be seen." He Lu already understood what Ye Han meant, and simply continued to say, "According to the system prompt, the armor on the port side is almost scrapped, and the starboard side is not much stronger. Go, there is no repair value on both sides, even if it does not fall off, after returning to Beiyuezhou, it can only be dismantled and returned to the furnace; the bow is worse than the two sides, maybe it needs to be replaced as a whole, and the ridge and belly are not bad..."

Luo Qi was surprised: "It's all like this, isn't it good?"

Judging from the tube damage interface, the ridge of the ship's belly is also red, but it is better than the two sides.

He Lu's face was full of bitterness: "This is not bad, at least it can be repaired, and there is no need to directly scrap it. Let's just say, the stern of the ship is only a little better now."

Luo Qi was shocked: "What's the matter, eight thrusters burned seven, it's just a heavy loss, okay!"

Ye Han said, "It's really miserable, but compared with other places, it's not bad... Fortunately, it's all the loss of the outer layer, and the inner layer is not a big problem. He Lu, inform the management. If there is any damage, check for hidden dangers as soon as possible, give priority to ensuring the stability of the inner layer, and focus on the inspection of the outer layer.

Luo Qi grinned: "Master, it's all like this, can you still solve it?"

"The repairs that can be repaired can be repaired, and the ability to persist to Beiyuezhou is victory." Ye Han sighed as he said, "We have time."

The Thunder Mountain is not slow but the direction is wrong. It will take at least three or five months to fly back to Earth.

Everyone was silent, and after a while, Ye Han sorted out his chaotic mood and clapped his hands with an encouraging smile: "Alright, alright, why are you all crying and sad? Luo Qi, go back and contact Beiyuezhou and ask the boss Send a ship to support us, I estimate that we will be able to go back in two months at most, and it will be over after a few sleeps."

Ye Han's bearish comfort did not have the expected effect, and everyone's mood was still low.

Ye Han knew that he couldn't let the negative emotions continue to develop, so he simply winked at He Lu: "Start now, mobilize everyone..."

He Lu suddenly raised his head, with extremely surprised eyes flashing in his eyes: "Captain, are there any other troops out there?"

Ye Han was startled: "What?"

Luo Qi said quickly: "I have brought everyone back, and there are not many!" The A5 area is near the bow of the ship, not far from the ammunition bay where the marines carry the shells.

He Lu pointed to the screen in front of him: "Look, there is something moving in the A5 area!" He pointed a finger, and the picture on the screen immediately turned to the main screen. There is indeed a light spot in the A5 area that represents a moving object.

Luo Qi said: "It is not necessarily a living thing that is active. The situation there is particularly serious. The shells in the ammunition bay are flying all over the sky. This thing may also be a floating dead thing, making the detector as a living thing."

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