Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1306: Tooth and flowers are hurting

There was still a fierce battle at the end of the passage, Ye Han didn't bother to delve into these details, and shouted while changing the magazine: "Leave half of the people on guard, and the rest come with me!"

The squad leader immediately shouted, "Deputy squad leader, stay with you, and the others will follow!"

The team was divided into two, five people stayed where they were, and the other five followed behind Ye Han, rushing towards Area A at the fastest speed.

Ye Han roared while rushing: "The bridge, isn't the B area closed? Why is the bow channel opened?"

If Area B is still closed, it is impossible for the two unknown creatures to rush to the position just now.

He Lu was extremely aggrieved: "It was opened to let the spiders go."

Ye Han said fiercely: "Close the outer gate immediately, and open it again when people come to the door. The same mistake must not be repeated again!"

"Yes!" He Lu quickly agreed, and all the gates on the outer layer that were still under control were put down at the same time, dividing the entire outer layer into small spaces that were not connected to each other.

The gate in front of Ye Han was no exception, but before Ye Han rushed to the gate, He Lu had already opened the gate in advance.

In this way, Ye Han and others went all the way without obstruction, but when they rushed to the bow, the battle had come to an end.

There were several more soldiers in the passage, and there were five or six corpses of unknown creatures floating in and out of the hatch. One of the corpses had no head, and his limbs were still toppling.

Near the headless corpse, Luo Qi held a saber upside down in his right hand, and hung a hideous insect head on his left arm... Although he still doesn't know what the unknown creature is, the things from aliens, even if not insects It must have something to do with bugs.

Ye Han immediately thought of the two pairs of hooked teeth, and immediately floated over and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Master? Why are you here?" Luo Qi didn't answer, and put away his saber in surprise.

Ye Han stared: "You ask me or I ask you!"

Luo Qi smiled and waved his arm vigorously: "It's okay, I don't feel it at all."

"Don't move!" Ye Han grabbed Luo Qi's arm, clasped the lower jaw of the insect head and forced it apart, with a crisp "quack", breaking the jaw of the insect head abruptly.

Looking at the insect head in his hand, three of the four hooked teeth were broken.

Ye Han threw away the insect head and looked at Luo Qi's arm, his pupils shrank immediately: "Don't move!"

Luo Qi was happy to get his arm out of trouble, and when Ye Han roared like this, his waving arm froze immediately.

Ye Han took Luo Qi's left arm to observe carefully, and soon found that there were three corroded pits on the arm armor, which corresponded to the three broken hook teeth.

There is also a scar cut into the armor on the inside of the gauntlet.

This scar is very inconspicuous at first glance, but if you look closely, you can see that it is corroded just like the three small pits.

Ye Han sucked in a breath of cold air. Those two pairs of hooked teeth were as poisonous as poisonous snakes!

He told Luo Qi about this discovery, and Luo Qi was equally shocked, looking at the scar on his arm and rejoicing: "His grandma's, fortunately, I didn't bite through it, or I have to explain it today... Right? Was the hole in the bulkhead also burned by the venom?"

The poison of this thing can even corrode the armor. If the fangs are pierced into the flesh, will it be good?

"It should be, you are lucky," Ye Han said.

"My God!" Luo Qi hurriedly looked at his arm and made sure that the three points and one groove had not changed before he let out a long sigh of relief, "Is this thing too poisonous? Even alloys can corrode. In the meat, can you still have mine?"

Ye Han smiled and said, "Why don't you say that you are lucky... the bridge!"

"Captain, I'm here!" He Lu replied.

"Immediately inform all units that this thing has fangs in its mouth and is very poisonous. Don't let this thing bite. Again, the problem that can be solved with firepower is not a problem. Don't save me ammunition."


Ye Han turned his head to look at Luo Qi, and punched him: "How is it, is the neighborhood safe?"

"It should be safe." Luo Qi said, "The whole area A has been swept, and there should be no fish that slip through the net."

"That's good." Ye Han turned his head to look at a floating corpse, "This thing is really weird, a dog with a triangular head, webbed feet and poisonous fangs... Well, this thing is called a snake lizard for the time being. ."

Luo Qi said: "Master, you said that these things are on the ground, right?"

Ye Han was stunned suddenly, and then suddenly realized: "Yes, yes, you are right, I said, why do you feel awkward the more you look at this thing, it's just forcibly putting several creatures together!"

People who heard this sentence are stupid, but after thinking about it, it really is the case.

He Lu couldn't help but said: "Captain, you mean that aliens used the earth creatures as a blueprint to spell out this snake lizard?"

"There is such a possibility, but it is only possible... If you can catch a few live ones, it would be good to send them back for research."

"Leave it to me!" Luo Qi immediately patted his chest, "I promise to catch two live ones for you!"

Ye Han pushed Luo Qi away: "Go, go, this thing is so fast, it's not easy to kill and still want to catch alive? I tell you, I'm going to die, I'm not finished with whoever catches alive!"

Luo Qi smiled shyly: "Look, didn't I also answer your call?"

"While I'm going, I haven't asked you yet. Haven't you been all right here? How can you say chaos?"

Luo Qi looked frustrated: "Master, don't mention it, isn't this a bug machine plugged in? I just wanted to come over and take a look, but I didn't think that something happened."

As he spoke, he pointed to the corner of the cabin, where there was a hole in the ceiling. Judging by the size, it was exactly the same size as when the unknown creatures formed a ball.

Ye Han was shocked: "Is there a bug machine outside?"

Luo Qi nodded.

Ye Han leaned over and looked inside the hole, but he couldn't see the famous hall: "How many come out of here?"

"Seven, all are here." Luo Qi said.

Ye Han was surprised: "So many? How many worms are there in the area?"

He Ludao: "A zone six, B zone five, C zone five, D zone seven, E zone four..."

After a series of numbers were reported, Ye Han was stunned: "So many?"

There are seven snakes and lizards in one bug machine. If you count them like this, wouldn't there be hundreds of snakes and lizards that got into the battleship? But how many have we found so far? Can't find where they all went?

He Lu was also taken aback by his own statistics, and quickly checked it again: "There are some places where the spiders haven't arrived yet, but the actual number is only a lot more!"

Ye Han had a headache for a while, this is so special, isn't it fatal?

"How many have you found now?"

"About twenty or so, seventeen of which were eliminated, and the rest escaped."

Ye Han not only had a headache, but also Yahuazi had a pain. He could not wait to grab the battleship and pour it down hard, to pour out all the snakes and lizards that got in. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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