Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1307: really not easy

Ye Han couldn't help but have a headache. If Leishan did not let the alien battleship sink, but let the snake lizard capture it, it would be a joke.

The problem is that it is not difficult to kill this thing, but how to find them all, how can we completely eliminate them?

I can't think of an idea for a while, Ye Han simply doesn't think about it, isn't it just over a hundred snakes and lizards? There are more than 300 well-armed and well-trained warriors on my side. There are fewer enemies and we are stronger. The enemy is weak and we are strong. It is only a matter of time to completely eliminate the snake lizard.

Luo Qi suddenly raised his right hand like a primary school student answering a question, and said carefully, "Master, there shouldn't be that many!"

Ye Han was immersed in his own thoughts and couldn't react for a while: "What's not so much?"

"I mean, there aren't that many snakes."

Ye Han suddenly became interested: "Why do you say that?"

Luo Qi pointed to the top of his head: "Master, have you found it? This hole should have been corroded."

Ye Han looked at the hole in his head in surprise, and nodded in agreement: "Then what?"

"When we came in, there was no hole in the top, and it suddenly melted after we got in..."

Ye Han's eyes lit up: "You mean, the acid does not corrode so fast, and there are still snakes and lizards stuck in the bug machine and can't get out?"

Luo Qi nodded immediately, but added: "Also, the armor in this place is a little thinner. It must not be so fast to change to another place. If the armor is thick, it is not sure whether the insect machine can pass through."

The situation outside Area A immediately appeared in Ye Han's mind. If he remembered correctly, the armor outside Area A should have been removed. Although the armor here has not been removed, it is still missing a lot, so the bug machine can penetrate armor.

He immediately thought of the crux of the problem: "The bridge, did you hear it?"

"heard it."

"Send the spider out immediately to check the situation of the bug machine, pay attention, it's the situation inside the ship!"

"Understood, don't worry!"

Ye Han immediately switched the frequency: "Attention, all units, move closer to the nearest bug machine immediately, there are no abnormal on-site guards, and armor penetration searches around... Attention, I said inside the ship!"

Immediately after speaking, the hole on the top of the head was passed to the various battle groups, and none of the soldiers pulled it down, even Luo Qi received a copy.

Ye Han, who had completed all this, was very relieved. Seeing that Luo Qi was still standing on the side and moving, he suddenly became angry: "What are you still doing? Don't you know how many bug machines there are in Area A? The order has nothing to do with you, is it?"

Luo Qi hummed in embarrassment: "Master, the front has collapsed, and we can't get through it!"

Only then did Ye Han remember what the ship's bow was ruined, and frowned: "Can't you enter the cabin in front?"

The front face of the Thunder Mountain was collapsed. The original armor, the squashed cabin, and the various equipment inside. The thickness of the front armor has been at least doubled. Such a thick metal layer can never be worn by a dead bug machine. through.

Ye Han was still thinking about how to catch a few live ones and bring them back, but now he doesn't need them anymore, just bringing back the bug machine nailed to the armor, wouldn't that be the same as catching the snake lizard alive?

There are seven in a bug machine... Well, so to speak, the bug machine is not exactly an alien fighter jet, but also an alien landing craft. It is really a multi-purpose, multi-purpose machine .

"You can't get in anywhere with bugs," Luo Qi said.

Ye Han sucked his teeth and Hanako: "The bridge, did you hear it?"

"I heard."

"Can you see what's going on outside now?"

"It's almost there." He Lu said.

"It's mainly the location of the bug machine." Ye Han emphasized.

"That's no problem, every bug machine is monitored by a spider." He Lu was relieved, thankful that he focused on monitoring the bug machine.

Ye Han said: "Determine the specific location of the bug machine, then calculate the armor thickness, and grade it according to the penetration risk... Well, just use this as the standard on my head, and then send the results to everyone."

"Understood, I'll be fine soon!"

Ye Han's order is simple, but it's really not that easy to do.

He Lu must first observe the armor near the bug machine, compare the intact armor with the target point, determine whether the armor at the target point is peeling, dented or defective, and then calculate the armor thickness on the target point according to the judgment result.

The thickness of the armor alone is not enough. It is also necessary to consider whether the armor is a cabin, a compartment or a supporting structure. Different situations will directly affect the judgment result.

But it doesn't matter. The ship's tube damage system can already judge the damage of the armor. He Lu directly calls the ready-made data from the tube damage interface, and then compares and summarizes the observation of the spider, and gets the most detailed results after a while.

He Lu immediately contacted Ye Han: "Captain, the result is out, and the situation is not optimistic."

"Just tell me how serious it is."

"Except for the bow, the entire port side is stuck on the safety line, and the remaining risks are not small."

After hearing this, Ye Han sighed: "So, this battle is definitely inevitable... Anyway, Luo Qi!"


"Leave a few people to guard here, others come with me!"

Luo Qi immediately said, "Squad leader, you stay with someone, and the others will follow!"

With an order, Luo Qi's soldiers immediately divided into two groups, one squad stayed at the bow of the ship, and the other squad followed Ye Han.

Ye Han was going to go back along the port side and check all the dangerous areas along the way. However, he had already dispatched the fighters, and the bridge had no way of staring at it. Every dangerous area where the bug machine was nailed had a battle group arranged. In some places, there were even more than one battle group. There were few places where Ye Han needed to reach out. less.

After walking two areas without encountering any problems, Ye Han contacted the bridge suspiciously: "He Lu, how is the situation on the port side?"

"Everything is normal, and the places with insect machines are arranged, but so far, no snakes and lizards have been found."

"What's the matter? Wasn't it more than twenty just now?"

"I don't I haven't found it at all during this time."

"What about the bug machine? What's the situation?"

"Only four did not penetrate, and the rest did not catch up." He Lu said.

Ye Han clenched his teeth when he heard it: "How many penetrated in total?"

He Lu glanced at the screen: "47 bug machines, 329 snake lizards, so far, each group has eliminated a total of 24 snake lizards, and the whereabouts of 305 are still unknown."

"So much?" Ye Han was startled, this number was much more than he thought.

He Lu immediately said: "This is the final accurate statistic, unless there are snakes and lizards flying in by themselves."

"That's so... weird, where did they go?" Ye Han scratched his head for a while. The battleship said that it was not big, but it was not small. He wanted to find those snakes and lizards that were deliberately hiding. Not so easy.

Where are they hiding?

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