Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1337: success and failure

Ye Han had a lot of ideas, but he didn't say a word, and it was even less likely to affect the military operations far away on Ceres.

During the landing of the clone corps, the Nanzhou fleet always stayed near Ceres, and did not give the alien fleet a chance to approach. The aliens also knew to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

But other stars in the asteroid belt are different. Since the arrival of the Nanzhou fleet, the alien fleet in the asteroid belt is like a pot, and a large number of alien warships poured out of their hiding places and began to attack Assembled in the direction of Ceres, the preliminary judgment shows that the number of enemy ships is not less than 300.

When Ye Han saw the news, he didn't know what to say. The speed of the aliens' shipbuilding was too abnormal!

But thinking about it again, it doesn't seem to be a particularly strange thing.

Alien warships are grown, no matter how harsh the environment, as long as the basic conditions are met, the spaceship can be planted.

And the asteroid has a little-known inference - when the asteroid belt was formed, a snow line with a temperature lower than the condensation point of water was formed at a distance of 2.7 AU from the sun, and all celestial bodies located outside this line were Ice may accumulate.

In other words, any celestial body located beyond the snow line may contain a large amount of water ice.

Water is one of the important environmental conditions for aliens to plant warships. Aliens are eager to control the asteroid belt, probably because of the water resources here.

These are all inferred by Ye Han based on known information, and the accuracy cannot be verified, but he himself thinks the possibility is very high.

The unfavorable situation facing the Nanzhou fleet has attracted great attention from all parties. Although Huo Qiang has given orders at all costs, the Nanzhou fleet cannot be a match for 300 enemy ships anyway. If the alien fleet is assembled After that, it will be an out-and-out disaster for both the Nanzhou fleet and Ceres!

In order to reduce the pressure on the Nanzhou fleet, the left-behind fleet headed by the US battleship Saratoga strongly attacked Vesta, and a fierce conflict broke out with the alien fleet hovering near Vesta. The exchange of fire lasted for more than two hours!

However, from Ye Han's point of view, the so-called fierce conflict is a joke. The Saratoga fleet (hereinafter referred to as the Saratoga fleet) has always maintained a safe distance from the alien fleet, and has made appropriate concessions. Fight to the death with the International Fleet.

This situation has also attracted great attention from all parties. The analysis believes that the Nanzhou fleet has attracted the main attention of the aliens. They have seen through the intentions of the Sala fleet, so they only left part of the force on Vesta to contain them. The main force of the Sara fleet must be assembled in the direction of Ceres!

This is not a good phenomenon. Obviously, the aliens want to destroy each of them, first defeat or even annihilate the Nanzhou fleet, and then turn around to deal with the Sala fleet. In this way, the confrontation in the asteroid belt can be broken. situation, and completely grasp the strategic initiative of the asteroid belt.

The situation was very unfavorable for the Nanzhou fleet, and Beidu immediately conducted a round of emergency consultations with Washington.

Although the two sides have been in constant conflict in private, Washington is still not ignorant of what it means to be cold.

After the consultation, Washington immediately issued a death order to the Sala fleet, no matter how, no matter the cost, the alien fleet must be held back!

After receiving the order, the Sara fleet immediately launched an attack on the frontal enemy with the Tempest.

In the face of the attack of the Sara fleet, the alien fleet did not advance but retreated, and never engaged in frontal fire with the Sara fleet.

The response of the alien fleet further confirmed the inference of the joint command. Washington suggested that Beidu evacuated Ceres to avoid the Nanzhou fleet from being in danger.

Beidu seriously considered this suggestion, resolutely canceled the order to capture Ceres, suggested that the Nanzhou fleet act cheaply, and quoted Taizu's famous saying "if you save land, people will lose all land; if you save land, everyone will gain land."

After receiving the order, Gao Kai was in a dilemma.

It is easy to evacuate by order, but he has already invested a 10,000-person clone army on Ceres, and they have cleared 40% of the underground space. According to the current progress, they will be able to completely control Ceres in seven to ten days. underground space.

The clone corps has been exposed to the sight of the aliens, and the aliens are prepared. In the future, it will definitely not be so easy to use the clone corps to compete for Ceres.

If the fleet retreats alone, leaving the clone legion on Ceres... It seems to be a method that can be tried. The problem is that the servants are from aliens. If Gao Kai is killed, he does not believe that the aliens have no countermeasures. At that time, not only will Ceres fall into the hands of aliens, but also a clone army of more than 10,000 people will be included, which will not be worth the loss.

Humans have never been as close to Ceres as they are today. If the fleet withdraws, Ceres will definitely fall into the enemy's hands. He is really unwilling to let go at this juncture.

But the alien fleet has begun to assemble, and there is really not much time left for Gao Kai.

After Gao Kaisi thought about it, the only weakness of the enemy army was the speed of assembly.

According to the speed and position of the enemy ships, the enemy will complete the initial assembly in half a month, and about 30% of the enemy ships will be in place by then, that is, about 90 ships.

Twenty days later, more than 50 percent of the troops were assembled, about 150 ships.

After a month, 80% will be assembled, and the remaining 20% ​​will take about 35 to 40 days to reach Ceres.

With the strength of the Nanzhou fleet, it is not a big problem to deal with 90 enemy ships. If these enemy ships can be eliminated, they will not only be able to defend Ceres, but also greatly deter the alien fleet. Maybe they will have the opportunity to smash the aliens. Ceres' plan.

Gao Kai made up his mind to summon the fleet command immediately and held a brief meeting with the support of the communication system.

Gao Kai explained the situation faced by the fleet at the meeting, analyzed the pros and cons of retreating or not, and finally said one sentence: "If you don't give it a try, I will not be reconciled!"

Gao Kai was the only one who was unwilling. Few of the commanders at the meeting were willing to retreat. Most of them supported Gao Kai's idea and immediately began to discuss tactics against the enemy.

Gao Kai planned to wait for the aliens to gather some troops, and then use his main force to defeat the fleet assembled by the enemy in one fell swoop.

But killing 1000 enemies and losing 800, the main force confrontation is really not a good plan, without anyone else's objection, he himself vetoed this idea first.

Offensive is the best defense, and the most likely solution is to play the essence of guerrilla warfare, and take the initiative to attack each and every one before the enemy ships are concentrated.

However, there is still an enemy army near Ceres. If the Nanzhou fleet wants to leave, it must first annihilate this enemy army - attention, it is to annihilate the enemy army! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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