Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1338: Deserving

Gao Kai made up his mind, the command level unified opinions, and the Nanzhou immediately reported the battle plan in the name of the fleet.

Jizhou was also very happy after receiving the application. While agreeing to take the initiative to attack, she also pointed out Gao Kai, asking the Nanzhou fleet to be careful and not to act rashly.

After receiving the reply, Gao Kai immediately led three aircraft carrier battle groups to set off!

The composition of the Nanzhou fleet is similar to that of the Mars Task Force. It is divided into four air carrier battle groups, namely Nanzhou, Youzhou, Taizhou and Yuzhou.

Although the assembled alien warships are still on the way, there are still more than 90 enemy ships on the opposite side, more than double the number of the Nanzhou fleet.

Although there are many enemy ships, the Nanzhou fleet is not bad. Gao Kai is confident to annihilate the enemy army on the opposite side.

However, the alien fleet took the initiative to withdraw without firing a bomb. This action shows that the aliens are very afraid of the Nanzhou fleet. If the entire Nanzhou fleet is dispatched, 80% of the enemy will continue to flee, and it will be natural if they cannot catch up with the enemy. Not to mention annihilation, Gao Kai and the Nanzhou fleet will be too passive.

After thinking about it, Gao Kai decided to give the aliens a little courage and set off with only three battle groups... According to the deduction before the war, the strength of the three battle groups is enough, as long as you pay a little price, annihilating the enemy is not a problem.

If a quarter of their strength is cut off at once, no matter how cautious the aliens are, they should have the courage to fight, right?

However, Gao Kai never expected that soon after the fleet set off, he received news that the enemy was speeding up the evacuation.

Gao Kai's whole person is not good. Damn alien, can't he be more courageous? Lao Tzu has taken the initiative to reduce his troops, why don't you dare to rely on it? When did Dog Day become so timid?

Did the fleet just leave Ceres, and the enemy was afraid that the battle group guarding Ceres would catch up, so they stepped back?

After thinking about it, scolding and scolding, you can't guess the reason, whether you should chase or continue to chase. You can't give up the battle plan just because the enemy is retreating.

However, just a few hours later, Gao Kai realized that the enemy had made up his mind not to fight with the Nanzhou ship, and he was inevitably caught in a dilemma.

There are only two options left to Gao Kai. One is to give up the plan and withdraw to Ceres and wait for the enemy to attack; the other is to move forward, but in order to lure the enemy into the bait, he must reduce his own strength again.

If the three battle groups only need to pay a small price, then the two battle groups must pay a certain price. This determination is really not good.

Gao Kai thought about it for more than half an hour, discussed it with other commanders, and finally made up his mind.

So the Taizhou battle group left alone, and the three frontal battle groups became two.

Gao Kai thought that with only more than 20 warships left, the enemy would never continue to hide, right? Unexpectedly, the alien still refused to approach, and continued to retreat with one mind.

This time Gao Kai is completely out of tricks. He can't transfer another battle group and use only a dozen warships against more than 90 alien warships, right?

That's not looking for fighter planes to destroy the enemy, but rushing to find death!

Gao Kai really wanted to spread the three battle groups out to deal with enemy ships coming from other directions, but one battle group was not the enemy's opponent, and it was not enough to leave only one battle group on Ceres, leaving two battle groups. It was almost enough, but when it came, the two battle groups that left were insufficient in strength and could not intercept the enemy ships in so many directions.

In desperation, Gao Kai could only order the fleet to withdraw to Ceres, and the Nanzhou fleet's active attack ended in failure.

Gao Kai wanted to know which **** the commander of the fleet on the opposite side was. He wanted to meet this alien and beat him hard.

After analysis, Gao Kai believed that the reason why the aliens refused to engage in the battle was not only that the strength of the Nanzhou fleet was higher than that of the enemy's front line, but also that the Nanzhou fleet's intention to rush for a decisive battle was too obvious.

The aliens are not mindless idiots. Human actions have broken the confrontation in the asteroid belt. The Nanzhou fleet is particularly interested in Ceres. At this time, as long as the fleet is assembled, the aliens can be annihilated in one fell swoop. The Nanzhou fleet can drive the Nanzhou fleet away from Ceres. At that time, not only will they be able to win the battle, but they will also be able to capture Ceres.

Aliens are not stupid. They can win as long as they delay time. Why should they fight humans to death?

After figuring out the joints, Gao Kai immediately realized that the possibility of annihilating this enemy is very slim. For the current plan, we must occupy Ceres as soon as possible before the aliens are assembled, and then we can rely on Ceres to fight against the aliens. fleet.

He immediately gathered all the marines and sent them to Ceres to join the siege of aliens.

At the same time, four transport ships were also sent to Ceres by Gao Kai.

Although the gravity of Ceres is small, with the current power technology of human beings, once the large spaceship has landed, it is impossible to fly again, but Gao Kai still ordered the transport ship to land without hesitation.

When the disappearance was transmitted to Mars and then back to Earth, everyone was stunned by Gao Kai's decision. Beidu, Beiyuezhou and Jizhou invariably asked Gao Kai to explain the reason for doing so.

Transport ships are also warships, not the rotten cabbage that fills the streets. If Gao Kai can't come up with a plausible reason, not only will he fail to be the commander of the fleet, but he may even have to go to a military court.

Gao Kai was not ambiguous at all, and immediately explained to Jizhou the necessity of landing the transport ship.

To put it simply, the only reason for Gao Kai to do this is to build a super cannon as soon as possible!

Since the super cannon on the moon made a great The military has been particularly fond of this super weapon, not only installing super cannons on the moon and space stations, but also planning to build a batch on Mars and Ceres.

Those transport ships are loaded with super cannon parts, and one is exactly one.

According to the military's plan, it should be after the fleet completely controls Ceres, and then gradually airdrop equipment to the ground. As long as the super cannon is built, it will not be so easy for aliens to move Ceres.

The super cannon often has hundreds of thousands of lasers, but the structure is not complicated. First airdrop and then install, it is nothing more than placing the reactor, laying the lines, and then laying out the lasers one by one. The whole project takes up to ten days and a half months.

But this is only the time required for the construction, and the airdrop is not included. Otherwise, the entire construction period will be at least a month shorter.

The situation currently facing the Nanzhou fleet is very complicated. Continuing to implement the original plan, the final result is really unpredictable, so Gao Kai decided to build super cannons as soon as possible, and the sooner the better.

I urge everyone not to subscribe with the gift coins, I am just a servant with a mediocre income, please use the gift coins in the book of the great god, others should not be worse than this...

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