Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1370: corner of death

Judging from the picture left by the camera, all the servants who rushed into the corner died tragically on the spot, but the servants behind did not flinch at all. They took off the grenades one by one and threw them behind the corner. After throwing the grenades, they rushed up immediately. Fight with the enemy soldiers.

This is not how brave the servants are. Although their brains have matured a long time ago, their intelligence is extremely low. All actions are controlled by the chip, and the chip has only cold programs.

In this way, groups of servants rushed into the corner, and each of the servants who rushed over had only one action, which was to pick up the gun and pull the trigger.

Although they would be shredded by the mercerized light within a few shots, the servants still rushed up one after another.

After a while, the servant with the camera also rushed up, the camera shook for a while, and before turning the corner, it had been chopped by silk light.

The camera fell to the ground, but it was not cut by the mercerizing, and it continued to work.

But the lens is facing the wall of the cave, and I can't see the situation behind the corner at all. I can only see a series of flashes, and another series of flashes. For each flash, there is a deformed shadow reflected on the wall.

Ye Han knew that it was the servants rushing towards the enemy. Although he knew very well that the military planned to use the servants as cannon fodder from the very beginning, but seeing them rushing to their deaths one by one, his heart still couldn't stop surging.

If the servants were a little more flexible and flexible, they would have taken down a corner long ago.

The impact, regardless of casualties, lasted for about five minutes, and a few servants finally stood firm at the corner. After a fierce confrontation, there was no more flash in the camera, but many feet flashed in front of the camera. , apparently the servants grabbed the corner.

Ye Han sighed and clicked on the next video.

The video is clearly a continuation of the previous one, but it was recorded by another camera.

In the shot, groups of servants walked around the corner. Behind the corner was a small cavern. The camera swept across the hall and happened to spot a few servants carrying corpses.

They piled up the corpses of the enemy and ours separately, filling almost half of the cavern.

The camera stopped briefly in the cave, and then followed the team to quickly rush into another cave. After a while, another corner appeared, and the servants rushed to the corner again.

Seeing this, Ye Han almost didn't scold her mother. Isn't this a tactic of adding fuel? Just rushing up regardless, how many servants do you need to fill the hole?

He simply didn't know what to say, but in a corner, as long as a slightly qualified squad leader and commander casually commanded, he could win this position in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. What's the use? Filling in so many servants?

It is true that servants are cannon fodder, but cannon fodder also has costs, and the shipping fee from Earth to Ceres is not a small sum of money.

This time the competition was faster than before. It only took about two minutes to grab the corner. The reason for the final victory was that the corpses of the servants blocked the hole, and the servants behind did not cover with the corpses of their companions. Just kill the enemy behind the corner.

The first thing the servants did after winning was to remove the piled-up corpses and clear the blocked holes.

This time, it was not as smooth as before. The dredging was only halfway through, and the enemy soldiers came back. The two sides blocked the corner again and fought a tug of war. You will occupy the corner for a while, and I will grab the corner for a while, coming and going. Endless fight.

Ye Han was impatient to watch these nutritious competitions, so he adjusted the video back, and skipped ten minutes in one step.

After the jump, the camera is no longer facing the corner, but falls to the ground, facing the cave when it came.

Ye Han couldn't see the situation around the corner, but he could see a group of servants rushing over in the cave hall. In addition, there are corpses stacked high on one side of the camera.

He was a little dazed. After playing for more than ten minutes, how many corpses were piled in the hole?

After this wave of servants arrived, they did not rush to the corner, but pulled out the flamethrower from behind. The last shot of the video is a flame gushing out of the jet. The shot was blurred, and then the video was interrupted. .

The flamethrower is indeed a powerful tool for dealing with the hole in the ground, but both the enemy and the enemy are crowded in the hole, is it really suitable to use this thing?

Ye Han felt that the next video must be related to this team of fire-breathing servants. He immediately opened the video, and as expected, it was the fire-breathing servants on the screen.

The flames not only poured into the corner, but also ignited the piled-up corpses. The high temperature quickly carbonized the corpses until the end of the jet, and the flames on the corpses were still burning.

Ye Han couldn't help but startled. The flamethrowers that can be used in a vacuum are all special models with their own oxidants, but there is no oxidant on the servants. The only reason why the corpse can burn in this situation is that there is air in the hole.

He couldn't help but be stunned. It didn't take long for aliens to land on Ceres, right? Is there even air in the cave? Is this something that can be done in just a few days?

Could it be that aliens have secretly landed on Ceres for a long but they didn't know about it?

Ye Han originally thought that there were enough servants brought to Ceres by the Nanzhou fleet, and it was only a matter of time before the alien forces that had stolen Ceres were completely eliminated.

But looking at it now, he lost the confidence he had before, and instead worried that the tens of thousands of servants would be eaten by aliens.

Looking down, the servants waited outside the burning corner for a while, presumably the temperature had dropped, and they rushed into the corner in one breath.

There were several burning corpses behind the corner, and all the remaining enemy soldiers disappeared.

Several servants immediately rushed up to act as vanguards, and continued to push into the depths of the cave.

With the servants of the flamethrower, the propulsion speed has been improved a lot, but whenever they encounter a corner or the like, the flamethrower will burn indiscriminately.

Ye Han has only seen the video of this route for the time being, and doesn't know what the other routes are like, but after a simple reasoning, the situation of other routes should be similar.

I just don't know how many flamethrowers the servants have brought, and whether they can persist until the enemy is completely wiped out.

Continue to click on other videos, the content is basically the same, the soldiers on both sides who are not afraid of life and death, the strategic nodes that are repeatedly competed for, the corpses of servants can be seen everywhere...

Death is a normal thing in the video. Many servants appeared alive in the camera, but it didn't take long before they fell forever in the dark cave of Ceres.

Their lives are so short, only a few months from birth to death.

But they played an extremely important role. Without this group of servants, the military could only devote itself to the airborne division to compete for the burrow. No one could tell how many lives would have to be sacrificed to win.

With this feeling in mind, Ye Han turned off the virtual screen... I hope from now on, the mobile infantry will never fight for burrows.

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