Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1371: 5th

A few days later, the Jizhou battle group.

The virtual conference room was full of seats. The command team headed by Huo Qiang and eleven captains gathered together, all eyes were on Huo Qiang.

Chief of Staff Wu Han unfolded the virtual screen in front of him, flicked his finger, and the virtual screen floated in front of Huo Qiang: "Commander, this is the observation report in the past few days, the situation has become very obvious, and the enemy's target is 99% Mars. "

To be honest, Wu Han was very dissatisfied with Huo Qiang.

The fleet has long reported the abnormality of the aliens, but Huo Qiang insisted on observing for a few more days, which wasted several days in vain.

At present, the direction and speed of each battle group are not as good as the aliens. Even if they return immediately, the aliens will arrive at Mars first. If they returned decisively a few days ago, the fleet would be able to return to Mars ahead of the enemy, preventing the enemy's plan to attack Mars.

Capture Ceres first, and then crush the enemy's attack, and you can draw a perfect end to the battle.

But now? Huo Qiang delayed again and again, just ruined the good situation, and simply put the initiative in the hands of the enemy. Many people secretly guessed what medicine Huo Qiang's gourd was selling, and Wu Han was no exception, and he vaguely felt that Huo Qiang seemed to be worried that aliens would not attack Mars!

It's a strange feeling, but it's really felt.

Although he had some thoughts in his heart, Wu Han knew what to say and what not to say, so he only picked out the most important things and kept the rest in his heart.

Huo Qiang didn't even take a look at the report, and said solemnly, "Have the enemy's warships all flown to Mars?"

"No." Wu Han said, "It's about 80 percent, and the remaining one-fifth didn't move. It should be trying to block us."

"Block?" Huo Qiang couldn't help laughing. "This is interesting. We are trying to figure out the aliens, but they have made our minds instead? Haha, the wishful thinking is a good one!"

His tone was like the hard ice in the cold winter, exuding a faint chill.

Zhuang Bo hurriedly came to strike while the iron was hot: "Commander, shall we rush back immediately? I have already calculated, the positions of each battle group are good, it is still too late to leave as soon as possible, at most it is a few days later than the aliens, at Mars. With the Xuzhou battle group and four super cannons, how can they persist until the fleet returns to help."

Huo Qiang pursed his lips and nodded: "The plan is okay, just conservative."

Zhuang Bo was stunned and said tentatively, "Then return to sail at full speed and intercept the enemy halfway."

Wu Han reminded: "It's difficult, the enemy ships are too scattered."

Except for the enemy in the direction of Ceres, which is a assembled fleet, all other enemy ships are scattered, there are three or five more, and only one less.

In addition to the enemy ships that failed to arrive at the rendezvous point in time, there are still many enemy ships that have emerged one after another in the past few days. They are located in several star fields, with a large number and a wide distribution range, and all enemy ships are advancing. The direction is all Mars, and only the dozens of warships under Huo Qiang can't stop so many enemy ships.

Zhuang Bo spread his hands: "I can't go back, and I can't intercept in the middle. I really can't think of a way."

Huo Qiang's eyes turned to the captain present: "How about you? What are your thoughts?"

Everyone was like a gourd with a sawed mouth, and the meeting room was silent.

"No idea at all?" Huo Qiang raised his voice, but there were traces of disappointment in his eyes.

Ye Han really wants to talk about decentralized interception, but can't others think of such a simple answer? After hesitating for a moment, he finally decided to keep his mouth shut and honestly listen to other people's thoughts.

"Be bold, no matter how outrageous your thoughts are, you can speak freely." Huo Qiang encouraged.

"Let's... come back to help." A captain said with difficulty, "Mars has only one battle group, and the enemy has at least 200 battleships. The gap is really too big."

"Yes!" Another captain echoed, "Even if there are super cannons, there are too few battle groups!"

"It's okay for aliens to occupy Mars. What if they don't occupy Mars and directly attack the earth?" Another captain said worriedly.

"That's right, Mars still has a battle group. Earth has nothing but super cannons. It's enough to land a wave of aliens. If there is another wave..." He only said here, what he had already thought about suddenly suddenly Don't know how to describe it.

But everyone else understood what he meant and agreed.

These captains had a good head, and the others finally opened their mouths when they saw this. The captains expressed their opinions. Although the specific explanations are not the same, there are only two opinions. The advice is to start intercepting in situ.

Ye Han really wanted to say something new, but he was really not that kind of material. He racked his brains and couldn't come up with anything new. Finally, he gritted his teeth and stood in the ranks of the became A Menshevik.

The choice of interception on the spot is not because Ye Han has considered it carefully. He simply thinks that the style of play that makes up his own mind in the field is more suitable for him.

After Huo Qiang and the other captains finished speaking, they couldn't help sighing: "You guys, to be honest, I'm very disappointed!" At this point, his voice suddenly stopped, and after a long time it turned into a sigh, " Do you think that the target of the whole army this time is Mars or Ceres?"

From Zhuang Bo to every captain, everyone in the room looked at each other, not understanding what Huo Qiang meant.

Huo Qiang said again: "Do you still think that the mission this time is to contain the enemy with Ceres and buy time for Mars?"

Zhuang Bo couldn't help it: "Commander, I don't understand what you mean, what are you trying to say?"

Huo Qiang pointed his finger beside him, and a top view of the solar system suddenly appeared in the void. His fingers swiped on the map, and the star map quickly enlarged.

He said without squinting: "To tell you the truth, our target is neither Ceres nor Mars, but it!"

Huo Qiang's finger stabbed on the star map, and the constantly enlarged star map suddenly stopped. Everyone looked closely, and Huo Qiang's finger was on Jupiter.

Huo Qiang's words were like a blast of thunder hitting everyone's heart. Ye Han stared at Jupiter blankly, and then moved to Huo Qiang's expressionless face, as if a string suddenly broke in his mind.

I understand, I understand everything, no wonder I always feel that something is wrong. It turns out that the target above is Jupiter!

He stood up suddenly and asked in a very urgent tone: "Commander, our mission is to counterattack Jupiter?"

"It's not a counterattack, it's an expedition, the fifth expedition!" Huo Qiang smashed the star map with a punch, smashing Jupiter to pieces.

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