Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1359: 17 kilometers per second

Jizhou fleet, virtual headquarters.

A smile appeared on Huo Qiang's face, but he put it away immediately, and said flatly, "It's our turn... the ships are ready to intercept!"

Zhuang Bo glanced at Huo Qiang calmly, but he couldn't see the slightest turbulence on Huo Qiang's calm face, just as the meaningful smile just now never appeared.

He didn't understand what Huo Qiang's smile meant, but he was very sure that there must be something behind the actions of the Jizhou fleet that he didn't know.

This is not his hypersensitivity. A senior officer who can climb to the position of lieutenant general is not a fuel-efficient lamp. A keen political sensitivity is one of the most basic qualities. high position.

Zhuang Bo's eyes swept across the crowd, but found nothing, so he buried the doubt in his heart and continued to observe silently.

The combat staff conveyed the combat orders with high efficiency. The Jizhou, Youzhou and Taizhou battle groups were deployed at the same time, changing from a compact marching formation to a loose interception formation, actively facing the enemy. main force of the army.

The Thunder Mountain was also in the unfolding fleet. Ye Han saw that all the turrets in sight were turning at the same time, and the silent muzzles were aimed at the enemy ship.

He couldn't remember how many times he had been on the battlefield for a long time. Today is no different from the past. It should have been the same as before, with no unnecessary feelings, but when he saw this scene, he felt a little excitement and anticipation in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but feel He threw the ground to the figure that was not tall, but rather old... Now what Ye Han saw was not the starry sky, but a virtual command room. The fleet headquarters headed by Huo Qiang and the captains of the ships were all here.

Of course, it's just a virtual image.

A translucent virtual screen unfolded in front of Huo Qiang, and a series of data flowed down like mercury, but Huo Qiang's eyes accurately captured what he needed, and he knew the navigation data of both the enemy and the enemy, so he continued to speak in a calm voice : "Super shot, fire the cannon."

Of course, the Jizhou battle group also has a data command system, but Huo Qiang is relatively old and does not like the command mode of controlling the entire fleet with one finger. He is more used to and prefers to use the traditional command method.

Huo Qiang was not used to it. The captains were also not used to the new command method, so Huo Qiang set up a virtual headquarters to gather everyone together.

Well, there are indeed a lot of new things that you are not used to, but for new things that conform to traditional habits, everyone's acceptance is surprisingly fast.

The captains immediately conveyed the order. Ye Han switched his perspective and returned to the Leishan. Luo Qi He Lu and others appeared in front of him: "Have you received the order?"

He Ludao: "I received it, and it is being executed. The port gun is charged at 62% and the starboard gun is 66%."

"Wait for the order of Jizhou." After Ye Han finished speaking, he disappeared from the "panoramic bridge" of Leishan.

Everyone's faces twitched for a while. Can the panoramic bridge still play like this? This thing is not virtual reality!

The panoramic helmet is indeed not virtual reality, but it is developed based on virtual reality technology, and the technical aspects are in the same line, so Huo Qiang just mentioned it casually, and the programmers on the Jizhou number created a virtual conference room and virtual headquarters. It's not that the environment doesn't allow it, and it's not a problem to come up with a few virtual mini-games.

Ye Han returned to the virtual headquarters and pulled out a virtual screen. The two red progress bars on the screen grew rapidly, reaching 100% after a while, and the progress bar instantly turned green.

After a while, all the battleships were ready, Huo Qiang nodded after receiving the report: "Let's start."

This time, Ye Han did not return to the Thunder Mountain, but at a point on the virtual screen, two electromagnetic cannons fired at the same time, the green progress bar was instantly cleared, and only the flashing color blank bar remained.

The empty progress bar flickered a few times, then restarted charging, and fired again after it was full. After several rounds of firing, Huo Qiang ordered to stop shooting.

At present, the distance between the Jizhou fleet and the alien fleet is still more than 20,000 kilometers, which is indeed a little far, but the elasticity of the super shotgun is very large. By changing the arrangement of the projectiles, it can affect the speed of the steel **** after they are released.

For example, if the steel **** are arranged neatly in rows and columns, the diffusion speed will be slower after exiting the chamber. If the two rows of steel **** are staggered, the diffusion speed will be faster.

In addition, the military has also improved the muzzle of the electromagnetic gun, adding an independent electromagnetic module to the muzzle, and changing the electromagnetic strength to make the steel **** coming out of the chamber more constricted, which is similar to the throat shrinkage of a shotgun.

In addition, there is a special kind of super shotgun, which is a whole when it is fired. When it flies near the target and when it explodes, it minimizes the adverse effect of the distance on the super shotgun.

It's a pity that this thing has not yet been equipped with troops, and can only use ordinary super shotguns to deal with it first.

Ye Han specially calculated the dispersion formula of super shotgun, and came to the conclusion that when the enemy ship encountered the bullet rain, the projectile distribution range was about one steel ball per 116.2 square meters. In theory, every enemy ship had to be hit More than seventy steel balls.

Of course, theory is just theory. Reality can’t really be so average. Maybe you can’t get one with good luck, or you may get hundreds of them in one go.

As the first commander to use the super snapper to win, Ye Han noticed that the relative speed of the two sides was only 17 kilometers per second!

You must know that the mass of a single steel ball of a super shotgun is only 20 grams, and it hits it at a speed of 17 kilometers per second. But for a battleship, this explosive power is really not enough to At least, it will definitely not be able to penetrate the armor of the Thunder Mountain.

Unless an enemy ship encounters too many steel balls, and so many half kilograms are thrown on it, the enemy ship may not be able to hold on.

Ye Han really wanted to remind Huo Qiang, but the order has been issued, and the reminder at this time may not necessarily be gratitude. After thinking about it again and again, he finally couldn't hold back and sent a private message to Huo Qiang.

The old man treated Ye Han well in the past, but it makes no sense not to remind him at this time. As long as he pays attention to the method, there should be no problem.

Ye Han noticed that Huo Qiang suddenly raised his head and glanced at him, and blinked mischievously.

The old man must have received the news. Judging from his reaction, it seems that he was already prepared.

Well, the people present are all professional officers, and they are not qualified to appear here if their professional quality is not enough. There must be many people who have discovered this problem. Huo Qiang may have received a reminder from others.

Thinking of this, Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief and secretly warned himself that he must never do this again in the future.

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