Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1360: Then what are you afraid of?

More than ten minutes later, the super shotgun from the Jizhou fleet collided with the oncoming alien fleet.

The impact was unusually sudden, and the duration was extremely short. The entire alien fleet was defenseless, and almost all the alien warships suffered a few steel balls.

Huo Qiang thought that if he smashed so many steel **** in the past, he could at least see the sparks shooting out of the collision, but in reality? It was clear that the steel ball should have collided long ago, but he did not see any signs that could prove the collision, and the alien fleet continued to move forward in silence.

Now Huo Qiang couldn't sit still: "What's going on, it's all over, did it hit?"

Chief of Staff Wu Han said: "It's impossible for the shotgun to fail. I think the aliens should have come up with a way to deal with the shotgun."

Zhuang Bo finally said, "What method did they use?"

"I can't guess that." Wu Han said, "We use solid cigarettes. Maybe the aliens have come up with a similar method. Who knows what the aliens do?"

"That's a real truth." Huo Qiang sighed, "Forget it, let's get on the missile."

Huo Qiang's tone was relaxed, but that was not the case when he heard everyone's ears. The captains immediately conveyed the order, and each ship immediately removed the super shotguns and replaced them with nuclear bombs.

However, an accident occurred again. The Jizhou fleet was not ready, and the alien fleet that was charging towards him suddenly dispersed. At first glance, it seemed that he wanted to use the ring tactics to deal with the Nanzhou fleet. This time the enemy ships did not spread in a limited way, but flew away in several directions.

Wu Han immediately said: "Commander, the situation is not right, the enemy seems to admit it!"

"What?" Huo Qiang frowned deeply, "Could it be that they want to go around?"

"very possible."

"Then don't wait, don't be polite to rude guests." Huo Qiang said.

After the aliens bypassed the Jizhou fleet, they would definitely continue to fly to Ceres. Even if they couldn't stop the enemy, they couldn't let them go around so easily.

A few seconds later, the electromagnetic guns on the thirty-three warships of the three battle groups fired simultaneously, pouring fire on the enemy at a rate of forty-eight nuclear missiles per wave, and each target was hit four to five in a row. When a nuclear bomb finishes a round, when will it switch targets.

After several consecutive waves, the Jizhou fleet stopped firing.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was still more than 10,000 kilometers, and a captain took the initiative to ask: "Commander, I request to turn to pursue!"

"And I!"

"Commander, send me!"

The captains stood up one after another, as if they did not take the initiative to fight, they would leave a negative impression on Huo Qiang.

Huo Qiang waved his hand: "Don't worry, we'll talk about it later."

After about five minutes, the missile met the enemy group.

The alien fleet discovered the nuclear bombs in advance. They first turned around, aimed at the missiles, and then intercepted them with all their strength. When they couldn't stop them, they started the tactic of taking off the horse again. The nuclear bombs exploded one after another. not see.

Because the enemy forces disperse in advance, the explosions that bite the enemy ships are also very scattered, very scattered from east to west, and the interval between explosions is relatively long. The visual effect of the explosion is far less than the counterattack of the Nanzhou fleet.

Moreover, the Nanzhou fleet was fighting fiercely with the enemy at that time, and the enemy could not draw so much firepower to intercept the missiles. The distance between the two sides is too far, and the enemy's interception was very calm. Depressed, but there is no countermeasures.

Ye Han couldn't help sighing in his heart, all new armor and new weapons are nonsense, and the safest means of defense is distance!

The nuclear missiles were ineffective, and the captains couldn't sit still and asked for pursuit.

Without any hesitation, Huo Qiang shook his head and refused: "No, do you have any brains? What speed do we have and what speed do the enemy have? When you turn back, the enemy will have already defeated Ceres!"

The captains stopped talking like an eggplant beaten by frost, and were trained honestly.

Huo Qiang didn't say much, and stopped after saying a few words: "How is the Nanzhou fleet?"

Wu Han quickly replied: "We are still destroying the remnant enemy."

Huo Qiang frowned: "How long will it take?"

Wu Han said: "According to the current progress, there will be another three to five hours."

"It's too long." Huo Qiang said, "I ordered the Nanzhou fleet to leave a few warships to hold the remaining enemies, and the main force immediately pursued them!

"Okay, I'll pass it on right away." Wu Han said.

The captains looked at each other in dismay, and all of them stared at Huo Qiang and Wu Han, but the two of them acted like nothing else, ignoring everyone's surprised eyes.

When Gao Kai received this order, he almost collapsed on the spot. The situation of the Nanzhou fleet had already been reported. Jizhou knew the situation, why did he give such an unreasonable order?

It is often said in the army that a reasonable order is training, and an unreasonable order is training, but no matter how hard you are, you don’t practice like this, right?

Could it be that the commander didn't see the report?

Thinking of this, Gao Kai immediately contacted Jizhou and requested to speak directly with Huo Qiang.

The current distance between the two sides is only a few hundred thousand kilometers, and the communication delay is just over a second, which is definitely within the acceptable range.

After receiving the request, Huo Qiang changed a virtual room to meet with Gao Kai alone, Gao Kai explained the situation of the Nanzhou fleet, and finally concluded: "Commander, it's not that there are many problems, it is indeed the situation of the fleet that does not allow it. , Not a single intact battleship can be found, but a lot of seriously injured, even if they catch up, they are not the enemy's opponents.

Huo Qiang listened without saying a word, and said in silence for a moment, "Is there a problem with the thruster?"


"Is there a problem with the power?"


"What about the electromagnetic gun?"

"Broken three doors."

"How many missiles are left?"

"Two thirds!"

Huo Qiang raised his brows: "Then what are you afraid of?"

Gao Kai was speechless for a was speechless.

"Let's do it, the fleet will set off immediately, and the battleship will be repaired slowly on the road. There are spare parts in the transport ship." Huo Qiang said.

This voyage has been prepared for a long-term battle from the very beginning. The transport ship contains not only servants and equipment, but also a large number of spare parts for warships.

Although the effect of self-repair is not as good as returning to the factory, it is far away in the asteroid belt, and returning to the factory is a luxury fantasy. If you can solve it yourself, you must solve it yourself.

Fortunately, the acceleration of the warship is not high, as long as safety measures are taken, there is not much risk in going out for repairs.

Gao Kai wanted to fight again, but Huo Qiang's attitude had already explained everything. No matter how many reasons he had in his heart, he couldn't stop Huo Qiang's military order. communication.

Huo Qiang silently watched where Gao Kai disappeared, before returning to the virtual headquarters for a while.

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