Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1385: As for waiting until today?

The Battle of Ceres ended with the evacuation of humans, but the Nanzhou fleet only left Ceres, not the asteroid belt.

Since the expedition plan has pulled the main force of the human fleet away, the Nanzhou fleet is the last mobile force of human beings in the asteroid belt, and it cannot be withdrawn at this time anyway.

Fortunately, the main force of the alien fleet went to Mars, and the alien warships left in the asteroid belt were basically on Ceres. The combat pressure of Nanzhou was not too great, and the two sides were evenly matched.

On the third day after the Battle of Ceres, the main force of the alien fleet flew to Mars, and the expedition fleet took another week to reach Jupiter.

Those who heard the news first breathed a sigh of relief, and then inevitably recalled the delay of the few days before departure. Many people had an idea: If Huo Qiang hadn't hesitated, the fleet would definitely have arrived at the target one step ahead of the enemy. , at least it can arrive at the same time!

To be honest, the fleets of the two sides are not in the same direction, and the goals are different. There is no difference between a few days and a few days, but some people can't get over this hurdle.

Huo Qiang was very calm about this. He had no intention of caring about some of these. If he had the time and energy, he might as well be more concerned about the war on Mars.

After months of intense construction, all the projects on Mars were completed on time, and the engineers evacuated Mars ahead of schedule, leaving only a small number of military personnel and 20,000 servants.

The orbital elevator also pulled out of Mars before the enemy arrived, leaving only the bare pedestal and straight rails on the wasteland.

Can Mars do it?

This is the question that haunts many people.

It's not that everyone is too pessimistic, it's just that the strength of the enemy and us is too much worse.

In the direction of Mars, there are only two battle groups, the Xuzhou and the Enterprise. There are more than 20 warships in total, or there are two battle groups in the east and west camps. Not to mention the combat effectiveness, the command and coordination is not a small trouble.

The enemy army is different. The first batch of enemy ships that just arrived has more than 100 ships, and there are two more batches to follow, with a total of more than 200 ships. The ratio of the enemy and our warships is as high as ten to one. All the super cannons can't be filled. No matter how you look at it, the defeat of Mars is only a matter of time. Once Mars falls, the earth will be the next target of the enemy.

Earth's defense system is much better than Mars, but the expedition plan took time out of the fleet. Although the orbital factory has been operating at full capacity since the fleet left, there are not many new ships on the slipway, so it is barely a battle group. Kind of an airship.

There are not enough fleets near the earth, only super cannons and no warships, just like a lame leg, plus the aliens who landed on earth have been restless, jumping out from time to time to stir up the storm, if you come to the alien fleet, you should cooperate with each other. , the consequences are not generally unimaginable.

Everyone is nervously waiting for the enemy's attack, but the aliens don't seem to be in a hurry to attack Mars, but are hovering near Mars, patiently waiting for the follow-up troops.

When everyone's attention turned to the second and third batch of alien fleets, they understood what the aliens were planning to do—the two fleets carried dozens of asteroids of varying sizes!

"This is to copy the play on Ceres?" Luo Qi guessed in surprise.

Aliens do not hit the earth for colonization, but Mars does not have this problem. If an asteroid hits Mars, the result is completely conceivable.

"80% of the time." He Lu said, "No wonder Ceres didn't give up after fighting so badly. Emotions are a rehearsal for fighting Mars!"

"That's not right!" Luo Qi still couldn't figure it out, "There is water on Ceres, and it's useful for aliens to **** it away. On Mars, there's only so much water, and it's all buried in the ground. It's useless to **** it away, right?"

Now He Lu couldn't answer for a while, so he looked at Ye Han subconsciously. Others followed him when they noticed He Lu's movements.

Ye Han's whole body is not good: "Why, what are you looking at me for?"

He Lu gave Ye Han a look of help: "Boss, you always have no inside information or anything?"

Ye Han glared at He Lu angrily: "The inside information of the fart, why do I still have an insider to break into the aliens or what?"

He Lu grinned awkwardly: "That's not what I meant, that's what, I just want to hear your opinions and learn from you!"

After listening to these words, Ye Han thought for a while before saying: "Maybe aliens have a way to transform Mars... This possibility is not high; or I don't want Mars to fall into our hands... Maybe there are other ideas... Hey, Aliens don't occupy Mars because there is nothing they want in this place, and on the other hand, what if Mars is of use value?"

The resources that aliens need are organic matter or water, not mineral resources. There is no shortage of minerals in Mars, but it is extremely difficult to find organic matter and water.

He Lu was a little confused: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

Ye Han said: "For example, what if the aliens need gold, silver, copper, iron, and other minerals?"

He Lu immediately said: "Occupy Mars first, and then use giant worms to mine... Aliens are so good at drilling holes, so mining is an unprofitable business!"

"That's it... It would be great if I could get a group of giant insects back to mine, and I would definitely make a lot of money!" Luo Qi said yearningly.

"You know the money!" Ye Han glared at Luo Qi angrily, "Don't you think about what the aliens are doing to mine?"

"What else can we do? It's not just copying our technology, or they have something to use for themselves. Those are the two reasons, for sure!" Luo Qi said confidently.

He Lu couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I still need you to say it!"

"Don't worry, you don't need to worry about this." Luo Qi waved his hand casually, "If the aliens had this ability, they would have robbed Mars long ago. How can they wait until now?"

He Ludao: "I'm not worried about their copycats, but I'm afraid they will dig up those lost technologies again."

"Probably not." Ye Han said, "Don't say anything else, our own technology is not that simple, let's talk about yourself, give you a set of battleship blueprints, can you build a battleship?"

"Definitely not!" He Lu agreed very much.

Ye Han spread his hands: "Isn't this over? The aliens must have been wandering for a long time. Even if they really keep the previous technology, it is not so easy to recover. It must be tried a little bit slowly, when will it be tested? When will it be counted, if you have this spare time, it is better to continue to use these current technologies.”

"That's it!" Luo Qi echoed in a particularly dog-legged tone, and then added in a particularly wise tone: "If it's gone, it's gone. How can reverse engineering be so simple? Even if there is a real object, it may not necessarily be imitated, otherwise you will see the wood. Wei Ling, if aliens can still build planetary engines, why wait until today?"

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