Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1386: Flaws of Mars

He Lu rolled his eyes: "You're almost there, have you forgotten? Aliens' brains are like hard drives. They can write directly into their brains. Here, what did you say the result was?"

Luo Qi was stunned when he heard it, and refuted it deliberately. In the end, he had to agree with He Lu's hypothesis, because aliens do have this technology. If there is any ancient technology that has been preserved to this day, it will be much easier to restore than humans.

Luo Qi was silent for a moment, and suddenly thought of the omission in He Lu's words: "No, no, that's not the case, if they could really do it, they would have taken up Mars long ago, and they can't wait for today, how long has it been? They first occupied Jupiter and then drilled into the asteroid belt, but they didn't have the idea of ​​Mars, doesn't that explain the problem?"

This statement immediately won everyone's approval.

For aliens, Mars is a barren land, but it is different for humans. Aliens must know that humans have the ability to use the resources of Mars, and they know that once Mars falls into the hands of humans, it will become a human invasion. The bridgehead of the asteroid belt, this is not good news for aliens who are bent on occupying the earth.

To put it more simply and bluntly, hitting Mars is a long-term and steady fight; crossing Mars is a strategic adventure with quick success.

It is true that alien civilizations are different from humans, but this does not mean that aliens have no strategic vision... Well, the wave of aliens who like adventure is now on the earth, and those who do not like adventure are approaching the earth step by step.

Thinking of this, Ye Han said: "Okay, stop arguing, we know too little, it's boring to argue about it, let's do what we should do.

The debate is over, and everyone continues to pay attention to the situation on Mars.

The aliens are not in a hurry to attack, and the defenders are not in a hurry. While there is still some time, the defenders take the time to adjust the fleet, and the transport ships that cannot be withdrawn in time, the transport ships that cannot be withdrawn, and the orbital elevators all flew to Phobos. , where the super-cannons have long been completed and can provide protection for these auxiliary warships, is the perfect anchorage and safe haven.

Since only super cannons have been built on Phobos, other auxiliary facilities have not yet had time to construct, so the warships withdrawing there can only fall into the craters on the surface of Phobos, and then cover them with camouflage nets and the like. The camouflage nets are not enough. Just dig some soil and bury the battleship.

Although the method is a bit crude, the effect is still very good. Even if the battleship of the human family, if you don't look carefully, you can hide it, and it is not a big problem to hide the enemy.

You have to be careful when you bury it. Phobos' gravity is too low. If you use a little more force, the lifted earth and rocks can fly away from Phobos.

Because there are too many transport ships, and the big guy like the orbital elevator, in the end, there are not enough craters, and the extra transport ships can only stop on the surface of Phobos.

As for Deimos, there is no need to mention it, no one wants to go there at all.

There are also super cannons on Deimos, which can also protect transport ships. The problem is that Deimos is small, and there are not so many places to place transport ships. Furthermore, Deimos' orbital height is more than 23,000 kilometers, which is really a bit far. ——The super cannons placed on Mars and its satellites are of low level, and the number of lasers is not enough.

To put it simply, it is the three super cannons on Mars and Phobos, and the Mars defenders can cover each other, but Phobos is alone, and the division of troops to garrison will dilute the strength of the defenders, and the cover of the artillery array is also a bit weak. , so the defenders believe that the aliens are likely to use Deimos to open the road to Mars from here.

To this end, the defenders tried their best to strengthen the strength of Deimos, and set up a large number of missile positions on Deimos, hoping that these missiles would allow Deimos to hold on for a while longer.

Two days later, the second group of enemy ships arrived on Mars, along with dozens of asteroids.

The alien fleet immediately launched an offensive and threw the asteroid to Mars, and the angle of the asteroid's throw was very tricky, perfectly avoiding the shooting range of the super cannon.

In order to avoid the super cannons, the aliens took a long time to observe, not only determined the positions of the artillery arrays, but also calculated the firing ranges of the four artillery arrays using the experience gained on Ceres.

That's not all, they also took the positions of the two satellites into consideration, and deliberately waited for Deimos to turn to the other side of Mars.

As we all know, the rotation angle of the laser transmitter determines the shooting range of the super cannon. The two artillery arrays on Mars are located at the north and south poles, controlling 68% of the sky on Mars.

The artillery array on Phobos can also control a part of the sky, but which area to control depends on where Phobos moves.

The same is true for Deimos. Since the positions of the two satellites are not fixed, the control range of the artillery array is also not fixed. As long as the aliens find the correct position, it is not difficult to avoid the super cannon.

If all the artillery arrays are placed on Mars, and the positions are reasonably allocated, the four artillery arrays can absolutely control the sky of Mars The problem is that Mars has never been a good baby. At the turn of the summer, there will be a large-scale dust storm on this grumpy red planet, and dust storms covering half of the planet are not uncommon at all.

The average duration of Martian dust storms is a few weeks, but there are many longer durations. The largest recorded Martian dust storm occurred in 1971 and lasted from late September to late December, which lasted for several months.

In the most severe October, except for the bright area of ​​the polar cap, the rest of the surface of Mars was shrouded in dust storms, and its duration and scope were astonishing.

Compared with Mars, dust storms on Earth are simply weak.

Of course, global dust storms are not that common, but regional dust storms are commonplace.

Placing the artillery array in the polar regions can avoid the impact of dust storms to the greatest extent. On the contrary, if the artillery array is placed in other places, once a dust storm occurs, the floating dust lifted by the strong wind will float into the air several kilometers high, completely submerging the artillery array. Under the dust, even if the artillery array can determine the target direction through the satellite, the beam will be greatly weakened by the dust in the sky.

Because of so many restrictions, the joint command had to place two artillery arrays at the two poles, and then place the other two artillery arrays on the satellites.

Designers and builders have mentioned more than once that Mars is really not a suitable place for super cannons. Instead, it is Ceres and satellites that have no atmosphere and are more suitable for artillery arrays.

The placement of the artillery array had to accommodate the environment, leaving a lot of flaws. Now this flaw has been discovered by aliens, so they directly smashed asteroids on Mars.

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