Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1390: half shot

This is indeed possible, but do aliens think too highly of themselves and too little of Mars?

In order to avoid the super cannon, the aliens chose the landing point over the equator. This is indeed a good place to land, but it also created many difficulties for the follow-up operations.

Mars is not a small Ceres. The straight-line distance from the equator to the poles is more than 5,000 kilometers. The possibility of aliens rushing to the poles after landing is infinitely close to zero, unless they deliberately seek death.

The Ladder crippled the alien fleet and firmly held the air superiority in the hands of humans. Any enemy who dared to march on the surface of Mars would be mercilessly attacked from the sky.

Immediately attacking is impossible. The only option for aliens is to dig holes on the spot, build a temporary base first, and then rely on Mars resources to compete with humans for Mars.

But this is also not a good idea. Don't look at the fact that aliens can build so many bases in the asteroid belt like a barren land, but it is based on the fact that the asteroid belt is not short of water. Without water, there will be no aliens. people's base.

Aliens have never landed on Mars, there is no material basis here, and it is even more impossible to understand the distribution of water veins here.

Is there a shortage of water on Mars? In fact, there is no shortage at all. Research has found that if the polar ice caps on Mars melt completely, the water produced can completely cover Mars.

Moreover, the frozen water veins are not concentrated at the poles, but start from the poles and extend from the polar region to about 60 degrees latitude. It is still far from the equator where the aliens landed. It is not so easy for the aliens to think about the past.

As for whether there is water on the equator, it is hard to say, because the annual maximum temperature at the equator of Mars can reach more than 20 degrees above zero, even if there is water, it only exists in the deep underground.

In other words, it is easier to dig a hole than to gain a foothold. Whether the alien fleet landing on Mars can gain a firm foothold depends entirely on whether the landing zone can find water.

No matter how you look at it, landing on Mars is an extremely unsuccessful choice.

The Ladder was not used to aliens at all, and did not hesitate to fire at the landing enemy, and the first target the Ladder locked was the landing alien warship.

With the power of the super cannon, even the earth's atmosphere can be easily penetrated. The density of the atmosphere of Mars is only 1% of the earth's. In front of the super cannon, it is almost like a layer of window paper.

The beam hit the target, and the enemy ship had no resistance, and quickly vaporized and disappeared, taking it along and killing a lot of bug machines.

Witnessing this scene, the alien fleet exploded on the spot, and the remaining enemy ships were divided into two waves again. One wave of enemy ships turned their heads and left, and while walking, a bug machine left the battleship; the other wave rushed to Mars without hesitation, obviously wanting to. Cover for the alien warships ahead.

How could the Ladder be deceived by such a simple trick? Still at the inherent rhythm, fire on the landing enemy ship.

After losing a few battleships in succession, the aliens can no longer care about so many. All the battleships that landed are full of worms. At the beginning, the human side thought it was a worm machine, but everyone immediately discovered the situation. No, what kind of worm machine is that, that is countless enemy soldiers with flapping wings!

Many people did not remember until this time that servants could fly.

The servants of Beidu clone can also fly, but the servants are controlled by the chip, and the flight control program of the chip is not particularly perfect, and the flight speed and sensitivity of the servants are a bit worse than the enemy soldiers.

Fortunately, the task of the defenders is only defense, and there is no requirement for maneuverability. It doesn't matter if you can't fly well.

The enemy soldiers did not fly alone. Many enemy soldiers were carrying things, and a few enemy soldiers joined together and descended with giant insects.

These are all quite normal, but what makes people unexpected is that there are several giant insects swirling down in Egypt. Their bodies are either fat or heavy, and their small wings can make them fly, which is simply a miracle!

The airborne scene of the aliens is almost a dance of demons. Compared with the aliens, the orbital airborne of the Marine Corps is very monotonous except for the parachute and the landing craft.

There are more and more targets, and the Ladder has already fired at full force, but the firing frequency of the super cannon is so high that there are too few targets that can be destroyed.

At this time, several transport ships that could not bear to watch also opened fire. These warships directly emptied the missile nests, shot out all the missiles that could be launched, and all the missiles flew to the landing enemy, some of which were still nuclear bombs.

The aliens who were busy landing were keenly aware of the incoming missile, and immediately opened fire to intercept it. In the blink of an eye, the top of the airborne area was lit up and down, and the hit rate was actually quite good.

Aliens have suffered too many losses from missiles, and they have developed the habit of intercepting missiles immediately when they see them.

The missile that finally broke through the blockade was less than one-tenth, but this one-tenth gave the enemy a great deal of damage, especially several of the nuclear bombs, which exploded directly among the airborne enemy, and all enemies within the explosion range. The army was over in an instant, and the distant enemy soldiers were also blown over by the shock wave of the Many enemy soldiers' wings were burned by the light radiation, and their bodies were also scorched by the light radiation, and they rolled and fell to the ground.

In order to cover the airborne enemy soldiers, the alien fleets moved their positions and blocked the landing enemy soldiers with warships.

The Ladder was not polite at all, and bombarded him directly, blasting four enemy ships in one go. Even if the remaining enemy ships landed, the Ladder still did not give up, and kept firing at the drop zone.

A few minutes later, this chaotic confrontation finally came to an end. The alien fleet that attacked Mars lost as much as 70%, and the aliens lost more than one-fifth of their troops during the airborne process. You can also get higher results.

Of course, this is not the final statistical result, because the Ladder and some transport ships are still bombarding the ground, looking like they are not dying.

At this moment, the depression in the aliens' hearts can't be described in words. The ice star just descended so easily.

In order to reduce losses, the aliens immediately sent the giant insects out to dig holes as soon as they landed, but Mars is basically a desert planet. The giant insects dug up the surface and drilled into the ground, but the flowing sand quickly buried the hole. The enemy soldiers who had planned to follow him were dumbfounded on the spot.

In desperation, the aliens can only let those who can drill into the sand drill into the sand. No matter whether they can drill into the ground or not, they will bury the people with sand first.

In this way, a large number of enemy soldiers burrowed into the sand pile at the fastest speed, and the enemy group on the ground quickly disappeared. In just a few minutes, the enemy soldiers could no longer be found.

But can sand be compared to soil and rock formations? Obviously not!

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