Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1391: earth scars

Since the aliens drilled into the sand to install ostriches, there was no need for the defenders to be polite. Without a word, they launched a batch of nuclear missiles at the landing area. The number was large enough to cover the entire landing area twice.

Such a good opportunity to annihilate the enemy must be missed!

The missile from outer space was extremely fast, and the Martian atmosphere was so thin that it didn't take two minutes for the missile to fall from the sky.

The speed of the missile was too fast, far exceeding the speed of sound of the Martian atmosphere, and the enemy soldiers hiding in the sand could not hear the sound at all.

The few enemy soldiers who haven't hidden found the missiles in the sky, but they are the key targets of the Ladder. A beam of light from the sky swept across the airdrop area, killing hundreds of enemy soldiers immediately, and there are also the same number of bug machines. .

The bug machines all over the ground also discovered the missiles in the sky, and the instincts rooted in the bug machines' minds controlled them to fire at the missiles.

Thousands of worm machines vibrated their elytra at the same time, and a high-pitched humming sound resounded through the airborne area. The sand behind each worm body was gently lifted by the jet of air... Their power was too weak, so weak that only Being able to fly in space and in a low-gravity environment, Mars has a much stronger gravity than Ceres, and no matter how the bug machine vibrates the elytra, it can’t leave the ground a little bit.

If you can't fly, you can't aim at the missile, and if you can't aim, you can't intercept it. A bug machine was so anxious that it didn't even lift its head, it sprayed a thin light, and instantly cut several bug machines.

This thin light seemed to sting the nerves of other bug machines. The nearby bug machines instinctively spit out fine light, and more bug machines were sliced ​​by the fine light from friendly troops.

There are more and more bug machines that emit thin light, and they quickly expand to the surrounding area, staged an annual drama of cannibalism.

Everyone believed that if it continued to develop, without human intervention, the landed bug machine could die cleanly, but before the chaos spread, a dazzling light burst from above the drop zone.

The second group...

The third group...

The missile first exploded in the air, then the ground exploded, nuclear explosions one after another, mushroom clouds next to each other, and the nuclear explosion that lasted for half a minute plowed the airborne area twice, and the shock wave set off countless sand and dust, and the entire airborne area was layered. It was shrouded in layers, looking from the sky to the ground, like a sudden Martian dust explosion suddenly covering the drop zone.

But everyone knows that this artificial dust explosion is far more deadly than the real Martian dust explosion. Even if the airborne alien forces are not dead, they will definitely be one out of ten, and they will never become a climate.

After a long time, the dust from the nuclear explosion was finally blown away by the wind, revealing the dust explosion covering the ground.

At this time, the iconic red desert of Mars can no longer be seen in the airborne area. Instead, there are craters with amazing diameters. They are so conspicuous that they can be clearly seen with the naked eye without any optical equipment in low-altitude orbits. See them clearly!

If you use optical equipment to get closer, you can find that the soil and rocks near the explosion crater have been melted by the high temperature of the nuclear explosion, forming crystals similar to glass. Even if the enemy soldiers and giant insects hidden underground are not dead, don’t even think about it Drill through this shell.

The airborne enemy was finished, and the defenders who saw this scene were all relieved, but they immediately turned their attention to the Xuzhou and Discovery battle groups.

The earth-shattering reversal staged by Mars completely changed the situation between the enemy and the enemy. Originally, the human side was eager to intercept the enemy army, and the two battle groups pursued at full speed. Now that Mars was all right, Xuzhou and Discovery were calm, and they were about to catch up, but they suddenly slowed down and followed the enemy unhurriedly, neither attacking nor retreating.

The sudden change in the situation on Mars and the tracking of the human fleet have put a lot of pressure on the aliens. They don't know whether to turn around to meet the enemy or continue to fly to the earth... It is impossible to turn around and fly to Mars unless they can break through the interception of the human fleet.

The strength of this alien fleet is not weak, the fleet commander is very confident, and breaking through interception is definitely not a problem.

But what happens after the breakthrough? After flying to Mars, we have to face the defenders of Mars. The main force of the fleet is finished. How likely is it that a small division will defeat the defenders?

After thinking about it, the fleet finally gave up the idea of ​​attacking Mars.

But Earth was not a good target either, and they eventually turned away from Mars and detoured back to the asteroid belt.

Both Xuzhou and Discovery have the idea of ​​leaving behind this enemy army, but the strength of the enemy and us is similar, and there are too many variables in the fight. If the battleships are all gone, what if the aliens send another fleet over?

It just so happened that the enemy had no intention of facing Gang, so the Xuzhou and the Discovery discussed it, and reported the results of the consultation to the joint command. Finally, the joint command issued an order to withdraw to Mars, and the two battle groups turned around and returned.

No matter what the process is, in short, the task force smashed the conspiracy of aliens to invade Mars and successfully defended Mars.

When the news came out, the Earth and the expeditionary force were relieved at the same time.

The Nanzhou Fleet also received After Gao Kai knew about this, he almost brought the fleet to go to Ceres, and then fight with the enemy... It's too embarrassing, Mars can do it Hold on, why should Ceres give up?

But Gao Kai couldn't disobey his superior's orders no matter how angry he was, so he could only apply for counterattack on Ceres over and over again.

He originally just wanted to show his firm attitude towards counterattacking Ceres, but he didn't expect to wait for the above reply, which probably meant that he was researching and would make a formal decision soon.

The military didn't ask Gao Kai to wait long. After only a few hours, Gao Kai received a notice to officially launch Ceres' counter-offensive plan.

In view of the actual situation of the Nanzhou fleet, the military decided to allocate materials from Mars to support the Nanzhou fleet.

Gao Kaile's almost didn't jump up. Mars won the battle. There was no need for the two battle groups to be tied to Mars. Is this the rhythm of the whole group coming to counterattack Ceres?

I have to say that Gao Kai really thought about it too much. The military did not plan to move the Mars fleet at all. It just dispatched a dozen transport ships, sent a large number of weapons and equipment and supplies for the maintenance of the warships, and there were two more. Thousands of servants.

Gao Kai, who got the list of supplies, was very surprised. There were only 40,000 soldiers in total. Half of them stayed on Ceres, and the other half went to Jupiter with Jizhou. Where did Mars come out of 20,000? Just sent from the earth?

Well, it should have just been sent. After the task force arrived on Mars, the transport ship between Earth and Mars has not been interrupted. What is the point of sending a group of servants here?

Thinking of this, Gao Kai was relieved and patiently waited for the reinforcements from Mars to come between Ceres and Mars, at least for a month.

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