Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 106: Yingjiang Oil Is Out Of Stock, And No One Wants It For Free! Humble And Pray To The Dra

Su Ze this side.

I think that in terms of food, the means to deal with Eagle Sauce are enough.

Su Ze doesn't need to worry too much about the rest of the things.

He just needs to leave it to Long Guo to do it.

Su Ze said hello to Long Guo.

What follows.

They know exactly what to do.

Long Guo would definitely not miss such an opportunity to defeat Ying Jiang.

If you have the opportunity, you must seize the opportunity to push forward.

Long Guo knows this truth well.

So I will definitely not let it go.

They continue to increase their efforts.

It has to be this time.

Kill the eagle sauce.

Not to mention how miserable Ling Yingjiang was as a result.

But at least let them.

Within ten to five years, we will not be able to raise our head on the food issue.

And Su Ze knows.

This alone is not enough to frustrate Yingjiang.

Want to really destroy Eagle Sauce.

He must start from other aspects.

And this other aspect.

Su Ze had already thought about it.

That's his third plan.

Oil is in full position.

Su Ze cannot do this without the help of Long Guo.


Notified by Su Ze and Longguo officials.

Let them use this time.

There was a fire in Yingjiang's backyard and he didn't have time to pay attention to them.

Hurry up and build oil storage warehouses.

At first, Long Guo didn't quite understand Su Ze's decision.

But Su Ze has helped them so much.

And Su Ze never makes a mistake.

So although they were confused.

But he never rejected Su Ze’s idea from beginning to end.

Su Ze assured them.

It won't take more than a few days.

Eagle sauce and countless other countries.

Everyone will beg the Dragon Kingdom.

Take what they have.

Longguo's senior officials heard Su Ze's idea.

I was a little stunned for a while.

"Really, you say, they're going to beg us to take the oil?"

Su Ze nodded with a smile.

The senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom present looked at each other.

They all know it.

Importance of Oil Today.

Su Ze looked at the shocked expressions of Longguo's senior officials and felt quite satisfied.

He smiled slightly and continued.

"You only need to follow my instructions on this matter, and I guarantee that you will receive unexpected surprises.

The senior officials of Dragon Kingdom looked at each other.

They all saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

But they also saw the determination in each other's eyes.

they know.

Su Ze has helped them so much.

And every time he takes a shot.

All brought them huge benefits.

So, they decided to trust Su Ze again.

Although the senior officials of Long Kingdom could not understand Su Ze's thoughts.

But out of trust in him.

They decided to do it anyway.

They believe it.

This mysterious arms boss must have his foresight.


Various parts of the Dragon Kingdom began to build oil storage warehouses in full swing.

The scale and speed of construction of these warehouses are staggering.

Fully demonstrated the speed of Dragon Kingdom.

And all of this is done in secret, and the outside world knows nothing about it.

At the same time that Longguo was intensively building oil storage warehouses.

The situation in Eagle Sauce has become increasingly serious.

As the food problem becomes increasingly serious.

Eagle sauce has become a mess in China.

The people are complaining, and the officials are also worried.

But at this time.

Something unexpected happened to everyone.

That's on the Wall Street Exchange in Eagle Sauce.

Suddenly a seemingly inconspicuous statement was issued.

That’s the general meaning of the statement.

in the next period of time.

Crude oil may fall below zero yuan and become a negative price.

And saw such a statement.

Everyone in Eagle Sauce laughed.

It’s not just Yingjiang people.

People in other countries are watching the price of crude oil.

They all laughed too.

Negative crude oil prices?

Is this a joke?

That means.

They went to buy crude oil.

The result is not only that it costs nothing.

And the seller still has to pay them?

Is such a thing possible?

No matter who comes to see it.

It's all something that's simply not too funny.

Oil is an important strategic resource today.

Even if its strategic value is eliminated.

Every aspect of life is inseparable from oil.

Whether it is industry or daily life.

All are inseparable from oil.

Such an important resource.

How could you possibly say that.

What happens if you want to sell it, or even sell it at a discount, but you can't sell it?

So everyone basically just treats it as a joke.

Even people on Wall Street regard it as a joke.

Just think of it as the person who said it.

The brain is funny.

On the other hand.

The commander of Yingjiang, Bai Deng, also learned the news through his assistant.

This statement was released by Wall Street.

It also caught their attention.

to this end.

The assistant specifically asked Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng.

"Your Majesty, should we ask Wall Street if this is a problem...?"

The assistant was obviously still worried.

But Bai Deng, the commander of Yingjiang, snorted coldly.

"What's your question? You still don't understand the style of those guys on Wall Street.

Don’t they just like to spread rumors and do things to satisfy their interests?

Now Eagle Sauce has such a big economic problem.

They are definitely eager to make a fortune from this opportunity.

So this must be another trick they used.

But if they dare to continue doing it for Eagle Sauce this time.

Then I will never spare them!"

Bai Deng, the commander of Yingjiang, said fiercely.

Things have become such a big deal now.

He had enough trouble just dealing with the affairs within Yingjiang.

If Wall Street dares to cause trouble for them at this time, it will be a big deal.

Then of course Commander Yingjiang will not let go of those people on Wall Street.

And Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng also believed that the people on Wall Street would not dare to cause trouble at this time.

After all, he had already talked to people on Wall Street.

In this Yingjiang crisis, Yingjiang commander Bai Deng still needs to ask people on Wall Street to help him solve it.

So he didn't have time to care about what happened on Wall Street.

The main thing is how to ease the current situation.

He couldn't let Yingjiang collapse.

Therefore, the commander of Yingjiang, Bai Deng, did not take any more care.

But let them continue to do it.

Since this period of time, Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng has been taking precautions to check for leaks and fill in the gaps.

Just to prevent Su Ze from doing anything again.

Let them suffer when the time comes.

During this period, Ying Jiang led Bai Deng to be very cautious.

It's true that nothing serious happened.

Just when Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng thought they could breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, another big thing suddenly happened.

And it shocked the whole country.

This matter has affected the interests of countless people.

Moreover, these people are all big-capital and plutocrats.

Of course, there are also many people with hawk sauce among them.

This all comes to a financial project within Eagle Sauce.

It’s called Crude Oil Treasure.

This is a financial management project jointly developed by most banks in Yingjiang.

Mainly for the convenience of ordinary people.

That is, retail investors invest in crude oil.

You must know that crude oil investment has always been something that only large capital and large chaebols can afford.

Because at every turn, this is a project worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

So how can ordinary people invest in this?

Crude Oil Treasure is to bring this investment project that was originally exclusive to big capital and large chaebols to the people for payment.

They integrate the money in the hands of ordinary people, that is, retail investors.

Then put it into the international crude oil market for investment.

The losses are all borne by retail investors, and they only need to bear a small handling fee.

The price of crude oil market is closely related to international conditions.

Generally speaking, for things like crude oil, international prices do not fluctuate greatly.

Because this is an important resource for mankind.

If there are any problems with this resource.

Then the entire international financial market will be severely affected.

Therefore, Crude Oil Bao treats it as a futures investment.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is also a good financial management project.

before the overall event occurred.

The price published on Crude Oil Bao is.

$10 per barrel of oil.

This price is actually a very common price.

And the majority of retail investors also use this as their starting point.

A large number of futures investments were made.

And at this point in time.

It is the time when the futures investment of the previous year enters the futures investment of the next year.

during the last trading hours.

Because many people have taken into consideration that the current situation in Yingjiang is unstable.

Moreover, international food prices continue to be depressed.

People can't help but have pessimistic thoughts about the entire international situation.

So some people make bold judgments.

Perhaps in the future, oil prices will increase.

After all, food prices have fallen, and the cost of those transportation fees has also dropped.

All of this is related to the Dragon Kingdom system, which was initiated by the Dragon Kingdom.

Now the Dragon Kingdom can be said to have played a vital role in the entire world economic market.

So many people are watching what's going on in Dragon Kingdom.

Long Guo intends to cause a disturbance in the grain market.

Naturally, it is inevitable that many people will try to find a way out in the crude oil market.

So more and more bulls are joining in.

They believe now is the best time for them to buy crude oil.

Because the current oil price itself is already a historical low.

Perhaps oil prices will continue to rise in the future.

So more and more people are buying crude oil treasure.

Invest in oil futures.

Even if there are not some people, a large number of retail investors have also joined in the investment.

The purpose is to make a lot of money from this.

After all, the current international situation is unprecedented in a century.

For many people, they regard this as the trend of the times.

It is hoped that this can achieve a class leap.

Don’t date some people from now on.

Many people even buy crude oil treasure when selling cars or houses.

And because of this.

Even many domestic banks vigorously promote crude oil treasure.

Winning more and more people's attention.

As long as more people buy Yu'e Bao now, then their banks will also make more money.


I don’t want to be in this downturn.

Make a fortune.

Especially these people in Yingjiang.

Many of them vividly remember the last world financial crisis.

How many people are unemployed in the country?

Money was worthless at that time.

If you could be a rich man before this, you might not be able to survive this break.

But I am afraid of not having money.

So now everyone wants to be rich.

And Crude Oil Treasure is an opportunity for all of them.

Wait a few more days.

The long-term funds of Crude Oil Treasure have reached tens of billions.

And now we are only a few hours away from futures investment, and the main trading time is only a few hours away.

Everyone is looking forward to this crude oil price change.

Looking forward to making a lot of money this time.

But what no one expected was.

This time, oil prices did not rise as they imagined.

Instead, it began to drop suddenly at the moment futures trading stopped.

From the original 10 US dollars per barrel to 8 US dollars per barrel.

Not only that, after more than ten minutes, the price continued to fall.

It has been reduced from US$8 per barrel to US$4 per barrel.

This also caused those who invested in futures to be dumbfounded.

How is this possible? They have never seen the price of oil so low.

To put it bluntly, when they bought oil to refuel their cars, they had never seen oil prices so low.

Now what's going on with this lately?

But this is just the beginning.

Just as everyone was looking at the price in surprise.

And silently praying in my heart that the price will increase.

After all, most of them are bulls.

That is, people who buy when they think prices are low.

Most people buy it at a price of $10 a barrel.

Now it has dropped to $4. (well done)

This is equivalent to each of them losing $6 if they buy a barrel.

And it didn't take long.

The price of oil continues to fall.

It dropped to $0.

This is equivalent to giving it away for free.

"`~Let me go, are you mistaken? Can oil be given away for free?"

"Does that mean I can go to a gas station now and have them fill me up with gas for free?"

"What is going on? Why can crude oil drop to $0?"

Many people really don't understand the reason.

And things that shocked them continued to happen.

It has already been reduced to zero, but it is equivalent to a free crude oil price for free.

Suddenly the arrow continued to fall downwards.

-$7 per barrel of oil.

This time, everyone was dumbfounded.

They were really confused.

When did they meet?

Futures prices are negative.

This also made everyone present feel confused.

Isn't this equivalent to them buying oil in reality?

The boss not only wants to give them his oil, but also pays them to accept the oil in their hands.

Using normal logic, how could this happen?

After all, according to bullish thinking.

No matter how downturn it is, they are at least guaranteed.

In the end, their loss points will not exceed 0.

That is to say, even if it does rise to zero, if they give it away for free, they will not actually lose that much.

After all, there is an upper limit.

This is much better than investing in short positions.

Because short sellers sell from the highest price.

At this time, it can only mean that as long as things don’t go up [they will make money].

And they make as much as the price drops.

It stands to reason that there is an upper limit to how much money you can make.

Instead, there is no limit to losing money. .

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