Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 107 The Oil Tank Is Full! The Price Of Oil In Longguo Has Benefited All The People, And The

at this time.

All Yingjiang investors were in despair.

These people have long bought a large amount of oil futures.

I originally thought I could take advantage of this opportunity to buy oil at the bottom.

After all, the price of $10 a barrel is low enough.

Even if the price of oil will fall in the future.

But even if it drops, they believe they won't lose much money.

So the chances of making money are still higher.

But what no one expected was.

Now the price of oil will actually fall.

Not just down.

At the same time, it still fell into negative numbers.

This means they are afraid there will be no limit to their losses.

Especially those who are long and invest more.

Some of them may have invested nearly ten million.

However, look at the current price of oil.

Already from -10 US dollars per barrel.

It was reduced to -$20 per barrel.

Then it's -$30.


The lowest price was reduced to -57 US dollars!

Many people were surprised to find out.

They have now not only lost all their original principal.

At the same time, they still owe tens of millions to the bank.

Instead, the money owed to the bank exceeded their principal.

This made everyone confused for a moment.

At the same time, he fell into despair.

No one expected that things would eventually develop like this.

This is obviously forcing them to die.

Faced with this financial situation.

Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng, could not sit still.

Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng had already received the reminder from his assistant.

And learned that this situation may exist.

But this is a first in history.

Not to mention that Commander Yingjiang was defeated.

So many other people investing in crude oil treasure.

No, nothing unusual was found.

Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng, now feels that he is extremely busy with this matter.

He was already busy enough with other things.

And now, the matter of crude oil treasure closing has become the most important thing for him to deal with at present.

After all, it’s not just the retail bulls who are affected now.

There are also many large banks of hawker sauce.

Also involved.

After all first.

The big domestic banks are the founders, initiators and partners of Crude Oil Treasure.

Naturally, they also invested a lot of money in crude oil treasure.

Compared to ordinary bulls.

Their investment may reach tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

And now the price of oil is thundering, falling into negative numbers.

On the contrary, their losses even reached trillions!

at this time.

In the office of Commander Ying 920 Jiang Bai Deng.

Bai Deng, the commander of Yingjiang, frowned.

There was a worried look on his face.

The assistant stood aside and did not dare to speak.

After all, this is the situation now.

It's no longer something they can handle.

We can only wait for Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng to come up with a solution.

After a long time.

Only then did Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng speak slowly.

"Now, what's the funding situation of the big domestic banks?"

The assistant replied quickly.

"The situation is very bad. Many banks have suffered serious losses in funds due to the crude oil treasure incident.

“Especially those big banks, their losses have reached hundreds of billions, or even trillions.

"Several banks have been temporarily closed due to broken capital chains."

"A lot of depositors are now in trouble with their banks."

"This time there are a lot of things involved, I'm afraid there will be another wave of precautions.

Hear what the assistant said.

Commander Ying Jiang Bai Deng's face suddenly turned gloomy.

he knows.

The crude oil incident has had a huge impact on Yingjiang.

If it is not handled well.

I'm afraid it will lead to a bigger crisis.

And now.

There are only two ways to deal with the problem before Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng.

One is to deliver the oil in physical form.

Even if you are losing money or even paying money back, you must deliver the oil as soon as possible.

Only in this way can oil prices be temporarily stabilized.

And stop this batch of futures trading.

Otherwise, if spot delivery is not possible.

Then this batch of goods will become a virtual transaction online.

Make endless losses.

However, no matter what it is.

will cause serious economic losses to them.

It just depends on the amount of loss.

Moreover, the commander of Yingjiang, Bai Deng, was also deeply aware of it.

If we go by the worst expectations.

They may be involved in this financial transaction.

Losses in the trillions!

This may make Yingjiang completely reduced to a third-rate country from now on.

Its international status will plummet.

It may even never turn over.

Therefore, this path is the best strategy.

Unless absolutely necessary, Commander Ying Jiang would definitely not be willing to take this path.

But the current situation.

It seemed that there was no room for him to make other choices.

He had no choice but to quickly think of a way to clear out all the goods first.

Make physical delivery.

This can also recover losses.

The assistant saw that Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng had not spoken for a long time.

So he asked cautiously.

"Commander, what should we do now?"

Bai Deng, the commander of Yingjiang, took a deep breath.

Then he spoke slowly.

"Now, we can only contact the big domestic banks first."

"Let's see if they can think of a way to get rid of this batch of oil.

"After all, the crude oil treasure has already exploded. If you continue to hold it, you will only lose more."

"If this batch of oil can be disposed of as soon as possible, some losses may be recovered."

The assistant nodded quickly.

"Okay, Commander, I'll contact you right away.


The assistant turned and left the office.

Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng, was sitting at his desk, resting his chin on his hands, lost in thought.

he knows.

This incident was undoubtedly a huge blow to Yingjiang.

If it cannot be handled properly.

I'm afraid it will cause irreparable damage to Eagle Sauce.

And the culprit of all this.

Definitely still Su Ze!

Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng didn't even have to think about it.

The recent series of incidents were all done by Su Ze.

And it also allowed Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng to have a deep understanding of Su Ze's ability.

Except Su Ze.

It seems that no one can make their Yingjiang turn upside down.

Think of this.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng.

He must not let Su Ze go!

But there is nothing we can do now.

The commander of Yingjiang, Bai Deng, must look for someone around the world to take over.


Their ships were filled with oil.

I can only keep wandering on the sea.

And if this situation continues to exist.

Then it is also a constant loss for them.

Even the more you lose, the more you lose.

With the emergence of negative prices.

This loss is simply immeasurable.

However, there is simply no one in the country who can take over.

After all, we are facing the lowest price of oil in history.

Many people who are capable of taking over have already filled their positions.

And the other people are not fools either.

Faced with the follow-up, oil prices turned negative.

No one would be willing to take over.

There is nothing we can do.

The defeated commander of Yingjiang can only look for countries around the world to take over.

But this is the current situation.

No country is willing to accept it.

After all, these countries have already filled their warehouses.

They themselves are now losing money.

It's just that they don't taste like hawk sauce.

If it is so urgent, you need to deliver it carefully.

At least they can still keep their original warehouses for now.

Even if they lose money, at least as long as they don't sell the crude oil for their own use.

Then this is also a profit.

At least there will be no substantial losses.

This made Yingjiang completely panic.

Oil cannot be delivered.

They just lose money every day.

So now the decision has been made regarding the Eagle Sauce.

Even if it's money.

They must also quickly find a way to sell the money.

During this process, Yingjiang never asked Long Guo for help.

Because Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng already knows.

These things were done by Su Ze.

And there will definitely be assistance from the Dragon Kingdom behind it.

Otherwise, it depends on Su Ze alone.

There is no way to do (aedg) such a thing.

That's why Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng, was unwilling to ask Long Guo for help in taking over.

But this is the current situation.

It’s no longer up to them.

They are about to hit a new all-time low again.

Let the losses multiply.

If he still can't deliver this batch of oil futures in cash at this time.

Then it must be on the exchange.

Facing trillions of losses.

So there is really no other way.

Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng, could only grit his teeth.


"Go to Longguo and ask if they can take over!"

The assistant was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, he didn't expect Commander Ying Jiang to make such a decision.

But he quickly reacted and nodded.

Turned around and left the office.

A complex emotion flashed in the eyes of Commander Ying Jiang Bai Deng.

He hated it deeply, but also had to admire the other party's methods.

This young man can actually stir up the global economic storm.

It makes a superpower feel helpless.

The assistant hurried into the office with a hint of joy on his face.

"Commander, good news! There is news from the Dragon Kingdom that they are willing to take over part of our oil futures!"

Commander Ying Jiang defeated Deng and heard this.

A trace of joy flashed in his eyes, but then darkened again.

"What do they want?"

The assistant hesitated for a moment and then said truthfully.

"Longguo said that they can take over part of the oil futures, but they need us to subsidize more money."

Commander Ying Jiang Bai Deng's face suddenly darkened.

He knew that this was Long Guo taking advantage of the situation.


Oil futures prices have now fallen into negative territory.

Even if you want it, sell it.

In itself, you have to pay for it.

The key now is to quickly find a buyer to take over.

Now he has no other choice.

Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng, had mixed feelings in his heart.

He knew that this was their only way out at the moment.

Although such conditions made him feel very humiliated and unwilling.

But he

There is no other choice.

He gritted his teeth and nodded.

Agree to Long Guo's request.


Countless ships loaded with oil are heading to the Dragon Kingdom.

Dragon Kingdom received a large number of them.

As the ship loaded with oil arrived in the Dragon Kingdom, the entire Dragon Kingdom was boiling.

Longguo quickly organized a large receiving team to ensure that the oil on each ship could be unloaded and stored efficiently.

Part of the oil was sent to the Dragon Kingdom's strategic oil reserve to prepare for emergencies.

The other part of the oil was directly pushed to the market.


Almost all the oil on these ships has been unloaded.

When I heard the news.

Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng was even more confused.

what the hell?

Didn’t Long Guo say that they could only accept part of it?

Why is it like this now?

Are they able to receive almost everything?

For a moment.

Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng felt even more cheated.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Because he was selling oil to Long Guo at the same time.

He is also giving money to subsidize.

These have already been negotiated with Long Guo.

And the price of flipping is extremely high.

Soon it reached tens of billions.

And the money is still increasing.

Because Longguo has been receiving a steady stream of oil.

He clearly knew that he was being ripped off.

But there is nothing that Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng can do.

Because if the oil is kept in its hands, its losses will be even greater.

If Long Guo is willing to take over now.

At least the loss was not that serious.

After Su Ze learned the news.

I couldn't help but smile.

This side of the Dragon Kingdom.

Already calculated.

If all this batch of oil is sold at market price.

Can make trillions.

As for the eagle sauce.

In order to get rid of this batch of oil.

But it requires hundreds of billions of rebates.

Back and forth.

Long Guo directly made trillions from Eagle Sauce.

Such an operation.

It can be called a textbook level of wool.

This time.

It's really sad that Commander Ying Deng was defeated.

Trillions were lost.

This goes for the eagle sauce.

It’s also a big loss.

Although they are a superpower.

But such a loss.

It will also put great pressure on their economy.

What's more, Yingjiang is already in the midst of internal and external troubles.

As for the Dragon Kingdom.

It means making a lot of money.

After receiving a large amount of oil.

Dragon Kingdom announced.

There will be a massive promotion.

Sell ​​this oil at a very low price.

Oil has been reduced to 2 yuan.

The news broke.

All the people in the Dragon Kingdom were excited.

This price is simply unprecedentedly low.

You know, before this, the price of oil has remained high.

Many people are stressed out by high gas prices.

but now.

Dragon Kingdom sells oil at such a low price.

This is like pie in the sky.


Gas stations across the Dragon Country were crowded with vehicles coming to refuel.

There are even queues for refueling at gas stations in some places.

Some people were afraid to drive easily because of high gas prices.

They all came to refuel in their own cars.

After all, this price is really a bargain.

They filled up all the gas they could.

There were also people driving trucks filled with oil drums.

All for refueling.

But even so, come on.

Dragon Kingdom's oil reserves are still full.

It is even increasing continuously.

The people don't know.

All this is due to Su Ze.

However, the senior leaders of Longguo are very clear about this.

Longguo not only created this oil miracle.

And it also allowed them to earn trillions of dollars in additional dollars.

Become a world winner in seconds!

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