Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 59 Yang Mi Compromises! Arthur Chen Was Blamed And Scolded By The Beijing Circle! (Please Or

After hearing this, Yang Mi's eyes widened in surprise.

She just wants Su Ze to help her get through the current difficulties.

But she didn't expect that Su Ze would promise her so many benefits.

But Yang Mi knows it very well.

Su Ze would never promise her so many benefits for no reason.

There must be a cost in this.

Yang Mi swallowed nervously.

Then he asked cautiously.

"Then what do you need me to do?"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Su Ze's mouth.

He knew that Yang Mi was a smart person.

She would never fail to understand the reason.

So now that Yang Mi is mentally prepared.

Then Su Ze said simply.

"I do have conditions."

After the words fell, a deep light flashed in Ge's eyes.

"My price for helping you do all this."

"From now on, Chuchu will be completely raised by me. You can visit Chuchu regularly, but you can no longer take Chuchu away."

"As long as you agree, I will immediately ask someone to draft a contract."

After hearing this, Yang Mi was stunned for the first time.

Su Ze’s words echoed in the air.

Every word hit Yang Mi's heart like a heavy hammer.

She froze on the spot, her eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

She never expected that the conditions proposed by Su Ze would be like this.

Chuchu was her life, her only sustenance and hope in the past few years.

How could she possibly agree to leave Chuchu completely to Su Ze's care?

Yang Mi instantly felt a burst of anger and despair welling up in her heart.

She stared at Su Ze and said firmly.

"Impossible! Chuchu is my child, and I absolutely cannot agree to hand her over to you to raise!"

After hearing this, Su Ze didn't have much reaction.

It was as if he had anticipated Yang Mi's reaction.

He smiled faintly and said.

"Yang Mi, you should know that Jiahang Media is now in danger."

"Without my help, you simply cannot cope with the joint suppression by Huayi Brothers and Xinli Media."

"Besides, you don't want Chuchu to live in an environment full of stress and difficulties, right?"

Su Ze's words are like a sharp topic.

It pierced Yang Mi's heart fiercely.

Of course she knows that Jiahang Media is now in danger.

She also knew that without Su Ze's help.

She simply couldn't cope with the predicament at hand.

However, the beginning is her bottom line.

She must not do it for her own benefit.

And sacrifice the initial happiness and future.

Yang Mi took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

She looked at Su Ze and said firmly.

"Su Ze, thank you for your help. However, I cannot agree to your conditions.

"I will find a way to solve the problem at hand, and I will not let Chuchu suffer any harm."

She knew that she needed to calm down now and think about countermeasures.

Su Ze looked at Yang Mi's leaving figure.

A sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

He had already expected that Changman would not easily agree to his conditions.

He smiled lightly and said.

"Then it's up to you."

"However, I would like to remind you that the dilemma you are facing now is not so easy to solve."

"If you don't have my help, your company may go bankrupt and your status may plummet.

"Moreover, Chuchu may suffer unnecessary harm because of your decision."

Su Ze's words were like an invisible sword hanging above Yang Mi's head.

She knew that Su Ze was telling the truth.

Now she has fallen into a desperate situation.

It would be really hard for her to imagine without Su Ze's help.

What will the future be like for myself and Jiahang Media?

Looking at Yang Mi's hesitation.

Su Ze smiled at last.

He didn't embarrass Yang Mi too much.

Because Su Ze also knows.

It will definitely be difficult for Yang Mi herself to survive this test.

If she doesn't have strong backing support.

It is difficult to resist the pressure of other capitals.

Just now Su Ze was just testing Yang Mi's attitude.

Su Ze also knows.

I definitely couldn't take Chuchu away directly from Yang Mi.

But if Yang Mi directly agreed to Su Ze's request.

Then Su Ze will be disappointed as well.

But Su Ze was not in a hurry anyway.

As long as Su Ze doesn't try his best to help Yang Mi for a day.

Then Yang Mi's troubles will not be completely resolved in one day.

Therefore, Su Ze finally stopped Yang Mi.

"You wait first."

Yang Mi's heart moved.

She could hear room for maneuver in it.

In fact, Yang Mi was also thinking about something in her heart just now.

After thinking about it, Yang Mi still proposed.

"Chuchu is my child, I can't completely leave her to you to raise her.

So, I hope we can take turns every week and take care of Chu Chu together, is that okay?"

As she spoke, Yang Mi was already very humble.

He took a deep look at Yang Mi and nodded.

"Okay, I promise you."

After hearing this, Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that this was the best result she could achieve.

Although she can't completely own Chuchu.

But I can take care of Chuchu in person at least once a week.

This is enough for her.

Look at the smile on Yang Mi's face.

A trace of tenderness also flashed in Su Ze's eyes.

He knew that Yang Mi was a good mother.

She is for Chuchu's future and happiness.

Be willing to make such compromises and sacrifices.

But for Su Ze.

Chuchu is also his daughter.

Su Ze will also try her best to keep Chuchu by her side.

And the reason why Yang Mi was able to make such a concession.

She also has her own plans in mind.

A hint of cunning flashed in Yang Mi's eyes.

Although Chuchu is her sweetheart.

She couldn't completely let go and let Su Ze raise her.

But she also knew that she had no choice now.

And Su Ze's strength and influence are what she needs.

She could use this opportunity.

Establish a closer connection with Su Ze and gain more benefits from it.

Moreover, Chuchu’s growth also requires his father’s company and care.

Although Yang Mi can give Chuchu a lot.

But she cannot replace the role of a father.

And Su Ze is a successful entrepreneur and an excellent father.

It will definitely provide Chuchu with a better growth environment and a broader future.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi couldn't help but feel a warm current in her heart.

She looked up at Su Ze, her eyes full of gratitude and expectation.

"Su Ze, thank you."

Su Ze smiled faintly and said nothing.

At this time.

The capital targeting Yang Mi is no longer limited to those in the Beijing, Lu, and Hong Kong circles.

There are many capitals in other circles that have also paid attention to these.

And this circle is not the entertainment circle.

They may be business or other industries.


Yang Mi’s incident has attracted attention from all walks of life.

Even if there are many people who have always wanted to get into the film and television industry to make money.

They all regard this as a good opportunity.

Therefore, there is more capital for Yang Mi.


Su Ze has decided to help Yang Mi.

So this matter, he initiated.

Almost at the same time.

Giants from Beijing Circle, Lu Circle, Hong Kong Circle and other major capital circles.

They all learned a shocking news through secret channels.

Su Ze took action.

In an instant, the stock prices of major companies began to fluctuate violently.

Some people started to panic.


Several companies that had problems with Yang Mi have declared bankruptcy.

Their stock prices plummeted, and their market value instantly evaporated by hundreds of millions, or even billions.

One of the companies is called Ascendas Media.

He was once a leader in the entertainment industry.

But because they were also suppressing Yang Mi in this business competition.

Became Su Ze's first target.

Overnight, Tengfei Media was exposed to various scandals.

That's why.

Their stock prices plummeted, and antiques urgently withdrew their capital to avoid suspicion.

The capital chain was broken, and the company was in chaos.

The boss stood in front of the empty office, his face pale.

His eyes were full of unwillingness and despair.

He couldn't have imagined it.

Brilliance created by oneself.

Just like that, it disappeared overnight.

And this situation is very common nowadays.

Another company called Xingyue Pictures was not spared.

They used to pride themselves on producing quality films.

He has even collaborated with many well-known directors.

Just like Feng Xiaogang.

It can be said that they were once at their peak.

Their boss even thought so.

Sooner or later, their company will become like those big companies in Beijing.

Eventually it became a big capital.

But because of the previous stance.

They also boycotted Yang Mi.

Moreover, he secretly manipulated and guided the stocks of Jiahang Media during the current fluctuations in the stock market.

Therefore, he was hit by Su Ze.

Xingyue Pictures' projects have been suspended one after another.

There is a serious loss of funds.

The company was in trouble.

The company boss looks at the busy employees below.

Even though everyone is very busy.

But now there is no way to save their endangered company.

The entire company already looks like a critically ill old man.

The boss was filled with powerlessness and regret.

He understood that all this was caused by his short-sightedness and greed.

He shouldn't covet Yang Mi's Jiahang Media in the slightest.

under this turmoil.

Even those big capitals are not immune.

Their situation can only be said to be better than other small capitals.

Big capital originally thought they could control this game easily.

But I didn't expect it.

Su Ze's move gave them a taste of failure.

Giants from major capital circles such as Beijing Circle, Lu Circle, and Hong Kong Circle.

They were all leaders in the business world.

The funds and resources in their hands are enough to put any small company in the dust.

However, under Su Ze's fierce offensive.

Their wealth and status have been seriously challenged.

Overnight, the stock prices of big capital also fluctuated significantly.

Although they have a strong financial base.

But under Su Ze's precise attack.

They also had to face huge losses.

Some investment projects that originally seemed solid,

Now it has become a hot potato that they cannot let go of.

Every big capital has lost money.

Now, in this crisis and catastrophe.

It makes all the big capitals feel headaches and shed tears.

It also makes everyone more aware.

Su Ze's means.

I'm afraid that many people should understand a truth now.

Su Ze is not someone to be trifled with.

And Su Ze's woman, Yang Mi, is definitely not someone to be messed with.


In a luxurious conference room.

The atmosphere here is solemn, as if it could squeeze out water.

Feng Xiaogang, Cao Huayi and other bigwigs from the Beijing circle gathered together.

Their faces were full of anxiety and uneasiness.

Everyone's original discussion gradually turned into silence.

After experiencing this turmoil.

Those present here were all the big guys who could influence the Beijing entertainment industry.

Nowadays, everyone is like a prodigal dog.

Can't even say a word.

Each of them suffered considerable losses as a result.

Serious people have lost more than one billion.

They can be here again today.

They are already considered lucky.

Everyone originally expected to come here to redress their grievances.

Find another big boss to see if they can help you get back to the top.

But their wishful thinking turned out to be wrong after all.

Those who appear here today, without exception, are all losers.

Even Feng Xiaogang and Cao Huayi are no exception.

These two people are well-known directors in Beijing circles.

The other is a film company boss with a high say in Beijing circles.

Even these two people ended up looking like they were rubbing their hands together.

It can be seen that even when the two of them faced the big backer Yang Mi invited.

I can't help but be made disgraced.

However, although everyone suffered serious losses.

But each of them didn't feel that it was their fault.

After all, this itself is not their fault.

They had no intention of confronting Yang Mi from the beginning.

So who provoked Yang Mi, everyone knew very well.

Everyone's eyes were pointed directly at Arthur Chen.

Even Feng Xiaogang, as Chen Arthur's uncle, has a very good relationship with Chen Arthur's father, Chen Kaige.

This moment is no exception.

"Chen Arthur, the trouble you got into this time is quite big!"

There was a trace of reproach in Feng Xiaogang's voice.

At the corner of the conference table, Arthur Chen lowered his head.

His face was pale and his hands were clenched.

It seems that he is under unprecedented pressure.

He didn't dare to speak at the moment.

He didn't know what to say to calm everyone's anger.

He regretted attending this meeting on behalf of his father, Chen Kaige.

No wonder his father didn't come.

It turned out that Chen Kaige had already expected this situation.

So he simply didn't do it himself.

Let Chen Arthur come instead.

But Arthur Chen appears here.

Why didn't he ask someone to come here to judge him?

This made Arthur Chen even more tormented.

"If that idiot Chen Arthur hadn't caused trouble, how could we be in this situation!"

Others who had not spoken yet.

I don’t know who it was, but suddenly there was a sound.

This instantly ignited the anger of many people.

It also made everyone extremely angry.

They all stared at Arthur Chen eagerly.

At this time, Arthur Chen had no time to find out who said the words just now.

Seeing that so many people are criticizing Arthur Chen.

Simply, Feng Xiaogang stopped being secretive.

"Arthur, how do you explain all this?"

Feng Xiaogang's voice was filled with anger.

His eyes were as sharp as knives.

It was like a whip on the judgment stand, hitting Arthur Chen.

Arthur Chen raised his head, his eyes slightly red.

"Uncle Feng, I, I really didn't expect things to develop to this point.

"I just thought Yang Mi was too arrogant, and I wanted to show her off, but I didn't expect...

Chen Arthur also knew that he had no way to hide now.

It would be better to admit his fault directly.

Anyway, Arthur Chen also noticed it.

This group of people just want to find a punching bag.

As long as his father is Chen Kaige.

Then this group of people will definitely not do anything to him.

At most, like Feng Xiaogang, scold him.

But so what?

Anyway, Arthur Chen is quite thick-skinned.

He doesn't mind.


He hasn't finished speaking yet.

Cao Huayi interrupted him coldly.

"I didn't expect that it would attract the evil star named Su?"

"Arthur, you are so naive. Do you think Yang Mi is just an ordinary female star?"

"Do you think Jiahang Media behind her is so easily shaken?"

"It's okay now. You caused all of us to fall into this trap because of you."

At this moment, Cao Huayi could be said to directly blame Chen Arthur face to face.

These people accompanied Cao Huayi.

Others were even more critical of Arthur Chen. .

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