Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 60 The Three Circles Of Beijing, Shanghai And Hong Kong Unite! Yang Mi’S Parents Know And Wa

But Arthur Chen's temper is not that good either.

He has always been called the prince of Beijing.

Noble status.

Since he is the prince, of course he has his own temper.

How could he tolerate so many people talking about himself like this -.

So when he really couldn't bear it anymore.

Just reply.

"Don't just talk about me. I can't deal with a mere Yang Mi. Do you people have the nerve to say that you are the boss?"

Arthur Chen's words instantly made the atmosphere in the conference room more serious.

The anger in everyone's heart was almost ignited to the extreme.

They all wanted to stand up on the spot.

Give this Beijing prince a slap in the face.

But precisely because he was the prince of Beijing, no one dared to hit him.

On the contrary, everyone also realized that what they just said was a bit harsh.

Mainly, if Chen Arthur said this to his father Chen Kaige, he would listen.

Maybe they will be in trouble by then.


Chen Kaige has not yet fallen.

So they still have to be polite to others.

Otherwise, a skinny camel will be bigger than a horse.

Chen Kaige wants to deal with them now, but it is still easy.

Feng Xiaogang sighed, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"It's useless to talk about it now. We have to think about what to do."

Cao Huayi nodded.

He also agrees with this statement.

Although in Cao Huayi's heart, he was also blaming Arthur.

His eyes scanned the faces of everyone present.

"We need to unite to fight against Yang Mi.

Otherwise, our status and influence in Beijing will be seriously threatened. "

Now the fight against Yang Mi is no longer just a matter for one of them.

It's everyone's business.

After all, Su Ze was not targeting the same person this time.

But all of them.

Let them all be miserable like this.

This also made them all feel very aggrieved.


These people also claim to be descendants of the royal family.

Everyone has a little bit of royal blood in their family.

Even if the previous dynasty is dead.

The new capital was established several decades ago.

But these descendants of the previous dynasty still want to maintain the glory of the past.

They absolutely cannot sit idly by such humiliation.

Feng Xiaogang nodded.

There was determination in his eyes.

"Yes, we cannot sit still and wait for death.

We want Su Ze to know that the original circle is not so easy to mess with.

Although they all know it.

All this was caused by Arthur Chen's arrogance and ignorance.

If he hadn't insisted on suppressing Yang Mi.

If he hadn't gotten into trouble with the evil star Su Ze.

Their Beijing circle would not end up like this.

But now, it is meaningless to say this.

They must face reality and find ways to recover their losses.

Otherwise, their status and wealth will be seriously threatened.

In the conference room, the atmosphere once became depressed and tense.

Cao Huayi, Feng Xiaogang and others.

These are the people who usually make all the difference in Beijing circles.

At this moment, he was still frowning, unable to do anything.

As for Chen Arthur, although he still maintains the arrogance of his prince.

But in the face of everyone's silence, he had to restrain himself a little.

He knew very well that he was at this moment.

He is no longer the prince of the Beijing circle who can be arrogant and domineering at will.

"We have to find Uncle Ye." Cao Huayi suddenly said.

Cao Huayi suddenly mentioned Uncle Ye.

This also made other people's eyes light up when they heard it.

Uncle Ye is their common spokesperson.

He is also a representative figure in their Beijing circle.

In everyone's opinion, there is nothing that Uncle Ye cannot solve.

"Yes, look for Uncle Ye." Feng Xiaogang also agreed.

While discussing this matter.

The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

An old man in Tang suit walked in.

His appearance immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Because this old man is no one else.

It was the Uncle Ye they just talked about.

Uncle Ye walked in under the protection of several bodyguards.

Uncle Ye's eyes swept around the conference room.

Finally it fell on Feng Xiaogang.

He spoke.

"Xiao Feng, I heard there's some trouble here?"

Feng Xiaogang stood up immediately and answered respectfully.

"Yes, Uncle Ye. This matter is indeed a bit tricky, and we are working hard to find a solution.

Uncle Ye nodded.

He slowly said: "I know the methods of Yang Mi and the one named Su. This matter is indeed not simple."

"But as long as we work together and fight together, I believe nothing will be impossible."

"Do you think it's right?"

Hear what Uncle Ye said.

Everyone present felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

Cao Huayi echoed.

"Uncle Ye, we listen to you. Whatever you say, we will do it."

Feng Xiaogang said.

"Yes, Uncle Ye. We must work together to fight against Yang Mi and Su Ze."

Uncle Ye nodded.

"Okay, since you all say so, I'll tell you what to do."

“First, we need to join forces and jointly fund the creation of a new capital.

"This capital will be used to fight against Su Ze and Yang Mi, as well as the potential behind them.

"Secondly, we need to find some powerful allies to work together."

“After all, although our Beijing Circle is powerful, we cannot fight alone.

"We want them to know that the Beijing area is not that easy to mess with!"

In the conference room, everyone agreed with Uncle Ye's proposal.

Although the Beijing circle has always been united, they are all working in separate camps.

At this moment, because of the appearance of Su Ze, they truly united.

Like a piece of iron.

And it didn't take long.

A new group was formed.

Huangjing Group!

After the news of the establishment of Huangjing Group was exposed on the Internet.

It immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

Many people have found out the membership of Huangjing Group on the Internet.

He was even more surprised.

From well-known directors such as Chen Kaige and Feng Xiaogang.

Then to Cao Huayi, a Beijing-based film and television company boss.

Many names appeared on the list.

Netizens are discussing it hotly.

"Isn't this group too powerful?"

"Could it be that the power behind the Huangjing Group is the Beijing Circle?"

"How come Beijing Circle is suddenly so high-profile this time?"

"Is it because of Yang Mi?"

"I know, they are going to unite to fight against Mimi!"

"It seems that Yang Mi has really pissed off Beijing this time."

On the Internet, there is constant heated discussion about Huangjing Group.

The establishment of Huangjing Group was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples at all levels.

Major media outlets in Beijing have reported on the matter.

We are full of expectations for the future of Huangjing Group.

Even in the entertainment industry, many people appeared.

They strongly support the Huangjing Group.

This is also for them to have a place in the Huangjing Group.

At this time, Yang Mi.

But she was still worried about another thing.

Just now.

Yang Mi's parents called her.

"Mimi, what's wrong with you?

Why do people online now say you are pregnant!"

Yang Mi’s parents also surfed the Internet.

They saw the news online and were shocked.

Yang Mi actually already has a child!

But their parents didn't know anything about it.

Yang Mi never told them about this matter.

And the evidence is conclusive.

It doesn't look or smell fake at all.

Thinking that my daughter is already 29 years old.

It is indeed the age to get married.

In the past, they had been urging Yang Mi to find a good husband as soon as possible.

But Yang Mi always thought that she was still young and didn't want to get married.

They have found several blind dates.

Several attempts to get married have no effect.

Results now.

Yang Mi actually had a child without their knowledge?

Yang Mi's parents simply couldn't accept it.

Yang Mi's father even yelled on the phone.

"Hurry up and tell me clearly whose child that child is!"

Yang Mi held her cell phone and was a little at a loss for a moment.

she knows.

Her parents are traditional Chinese.

It is definitely unacceptable to get pregnant out of wedlock.

Moreover, they still don't know who the child's father is.

If you find out, it's someone you don't even know.

Then they will probably be even more angry.

Yang Mi took a deep breath and tried to calm down her tone.

"Mom and Dad, I know you are angry, but what happened has happened."

Yang Mi simply seemed to be showing off.

Anyway, everything has happened.

You can't do anything.

Yang Mi's parents were relieved for a long time.

The second elder chatted a lot on the phone.

Yang Mi simply pretended not to hear.

In the end, the two elders also chose to compromise.

"Okay, no matter who that man is, in short, hurry up and bring this man and the child back to see us two. We have to see it with our own eyes!"

Yang Mi was also embarrassed after hearing this.

How dare she take Su Ze back?

I'm even more embarrassed to mention this to Su Ze.

But that's what happened.

If she refuses at this time.

I'm afraid her parents would be even more unacceptable.

Finally, Yang Mi had no choice but to say.

"Okay, I understand, I will take people back in a while."

After hanging up the phone.

Yang Mi was stunned.

This is completely unexpected.

She never thought about it.

One day her parents will find out about this.

But this is indeed a reasonable thing.

After all, her parents themselves surfed the Internet.

Sooner or later you will know this.

It simply cannot be concealed.

This made her worry now.

What should she do after this?

Take Su Ze back?

But except for that one-night stand between her and Su Ze.

There is no emotion at all.

Su Ze also obviously has no intention of continuing to develop a relationship with her.

we can even say.

If there is no Chuchu.

It is impossible for them to have any intersection in this life.

Now he told her to go find the monster.

Ask Su Ze if she would like to go home with her to meet her parents.

0…Please give me flowers…………

Lian Yang Mi just thought about this

Everything feels a bit embarrassing.

My parents’ words still echoed in my ears.

She knew she couldn't delay it any longer.

But, how should she face Su Ze?

How should she speak.

Asking him if he would go home with her and face her parents?

Just when Yang Mi was worried about this matter.

Reba also came up to join in the fun.

Reba could tell at a glance that Yang Mi was troubled.

And Reba guessed it accurately.

Yang Mi’s troubles must be related to Su Ze.

After all, it's been so long.

Reba followed Yang Mi and had already noticed it.

Yang Mi will not show it casually.

No matter how much pressure there was in the past.

Yang Mi would also be able to resist on her own.

Never show it casually.

But now.

Yang Mi once again looked confused and troubled.

This kind of exception will only appear in matters related to Su Ze.

Reba then simply asked directly what was going on with Yang Mi.

Yang Mi sighed softly.

Yang Mi has also talked a lot with Reba about things related to Su Ze.

So Yang Mi didn't deliberately hide it this time.

Just talk to Reba.

By the way, I also want Reba to help make an idea.

After hearing this, Reba was immediately shocked.

"Sister Mi, your parents asked you to take your brother-in-law and Chuchu back?!"

Yang Mi nodded helplessly.

"I am telling you this not to surprise you, but to ask you to help me think of what I should do."

But this problem is really difficult to heat-set.

Don't mention she has a child.

I haven't even talked to my boyfriend yet.

So she couldn't understand Yang Mi's feelings at all.

But she also saw Yang Mi's confusion.

Yang Mi is not afraid to take Su Ze home to meet her parents.

But I am worried that Su Ze will not be willing.

After all, there is no emotional basis between the two of them.

The product of this one night stand.

It made their relationship even more awkward.

If Su Ze is not willing.

Then Yang Mi really didn't know what to do.

Reba thought for a while and asked tentatively.

"Sister Mi, you are actually worried that your brother-in-law won't be willing to do it, right?"

Yang Mi did not deny it and nodded gently.

"Yes, I am indeed worried about this."

Reba looked at Yang Mi, her eyes full of concern.

"Sister Mi, will you ever find another man in your life?"

Yang Mi shook her head firmly without hesitation.

"It's impossible, I will never find another man in my life, and for Chuchu, I won't find anyone else.

Reba was silent after hearing this.

She naturally knew that Yang Mi was telling the truth.

With how much Yang Mi attaches great importance to Chuchu.

It is indeed impossible for her to find another man.

But in this case.

The relationship between Yang Mi and Su Ze seems a bit subtle.

Reba thought for a while and asked tentatively.

"Sister Mi, do you like your brother-in-law?"

This question made Yang Mi silent.

She actually hadn't thought about it.

Does she like Su Ze or not?

In her opinion.

between her and Su Ze.

Apart from that one-night stand, there was no longer any relationship.

Even if it weren't for Chuchu.

She will never have any interaction with Su Ze again in this life.

But now.

Reba asked her if she liked Su Ze.

This made her start thinking.

Does she like Su Ze or not?

She had never thought about this problem before.

But now, she had to start thinking seriously.

After thinking for a moment.

Yang Mi finally gave the answer.

"I think I like him."

Reba was overjoyed after hearing this.

"Since Sister Mi, you like brother-in-law.

Then it’s even more important to take your brother-in-law back to see your parents.

Maybe you two can still make it!"

Yang Mi smiled bitterly.

“It’s not that easy.

Su Ze and I rely on Chuchu to maintain contact.

Moreover, I am not sure whether Su Ze is willing to go home with me to meet my parents. "

Reba thought for a while and said.

"Sister Mi, have you forgotten?

A man chases a woman across a mountain, and a woman chases a man across a veil.

If you like your brother-in-law now, you should take the initiative and chase him!"

Yang Mi was a little hesitant, although she liked Su Ze.

But I don't know how to express my feelings.

"But how should I speak?"

Reba thought for a while, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes.

"Isn't this simple? Just tell your brother-in-law directly.

If you like him and want to be with him, that’s enough, right?”

Yang Mi looked at Reba speechlessly.

How could she say it so directly?

"Isn't this too direct? What if Su Ze doesn't want to do it?"

Reba didn't care, she firmly believed in her own judgment.

"Sister Mi, believe me, my brother-in-law must also like you.

"There is already a bond between the two of you."

"You can't live without your father in the beginning. You lack father's love, don't you?"

"Emotions like yours have a great impact on children."

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