Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 83 Summon The Armed Army And March Towards Northern Myanmar! Global Attention! (Please Order


For the people of the Dragon Kingdom, there is northern Myanmar.

It was hell.

But these people from the Beijing circle.

Even for his own selfish gain.

Run over there and make money.

He has harmed countless people and left them bankrupt.

Some people even went to a dead end because of this.

And now.

These people actually openly make money in the Beijing circle.

"How dare these pieces of trash commit fraud so blatantly!"

"Especially because the one they tricked was their own report!"

"This is really unreasonable!"

Su Ze clenched his fists tightly and his veins popped out.

This is the kind of person he hates most in his life.

A scum who specializes in harming his own countrymen.

Simply worse than a pig or a dog!

"You continue to interrogate him, I want to know all the relations between Beijing and northern Myanmar!"


Su Ze’s men responded immediately.

Then Chen Arthur was tortured again.

Arthur Chen was tortured to death.

At first he still refused to let go.

Keep insisting that you have said everything.


He probably doesn't know much.


Even if he knows more.

I dare not say it.

after all.

This is a head-turning thing.

If those big guys in the Beijing circle find out.

He really doesn't have to expect to be able to come back alive again.

this time.

Arthur Chen really couldn't bear it anymore.

He brings everything he knows to himself.

Say it all.

Su Ze also learned some incredible things from it.

Many people in the Beijing circle have already secretly joined the fraud group in northern Myanmar.

we can even say.

Some fraud groups in northern Myanmar were established with their support.

They use various guises.

Deceive the Chinese people to go to northern Myanmar.

Then they were subjected to inhumane torture there.

Squeeze them for all their worth.

These people from the Beijing circle.

They are simply a group of demons who eat people without spitting out their bones!

And after they did that kind of thing in northern Myanmar.

After returning, he will continue to harm his compatriots at home.

Some online live streaming platforms.

They are selling them as dog meat.

It's actually a blatant gambling establishment.

To trick today's minors into getting addicted.

And it can also help them achieve their goal of laundering money.

Su Ze's eyes flashed with an icy cold light.

As for the crimes of these people.

Letting them die ten thousand times is not an exaggeration!

Such scum if Su Ze let them go.

That is to watch helplessly as your compatriots continue to suffer.

Su Ze is a conscientious person.

He will never allow these people in the Beijing circle to continue to act recklessly. 867

Su Ze immediately ordered people.

The fraud gangs in northern Myanmar and these people in Beijing must be severely punished!

Su Ze doesn't talk nonsense either.

In his eyes anyway.

These people are just ants.

Su Ze wanted to crush them to death.

It's really easy.

And this thing.

Since Su Ze wants to do it.

Then the movement will definitely not be small.

After all, everything has been laid out clearly.

But Su Ze doesn't care.

It's also time.

Let these people know.

Su Ze, the arms oligarch’s strength!

Su Ze thought of this.

He couldn't help but sneer again.

How many official heads.

When meeting Su Ze.

Every one of them had to nod and bow.

I dare not neglect Su Ze in the slightest.

Especially the small and medium-sized places in northern Myanmar.

throughout the southeast region.

Each one is a small country.

Even some countries with good economies.

Su Ze got there.

They are all definitely honored guests.

No one dares to feel sorry for Su Ze.

After all, as long as Su Ze wants.

And Su Ze nodded.

So the strength of these countries.

All can be greatly improved.

Nowadays, these people in the Beijing circle really dare to do anything.

They didn't just offend Su Ze.

And he dared to do such an outrageous act.

Su Ze really can't stand these domestic clowns.

Such a hassle!


Su Ze called for someone to come.

“Call my overseas troops here immediately.

"Leave directly for northern Myanmar."

"Keep it clean!"

Su Ze does not intend to directly ask local officials to deal with them.

First of all, Su Ze also knows.

That place in northern Myanmar.

Local power is far stronger than official power.

The official presence there is nothing more than decoration.

On the other hand it is.

Su Ze knew very well the urinary nature of the people in that place.

If only Su Ze told them the matter first.

They will definitely favor local forces in northern Myanmar.

After all every year.

These local forces in northern Myanmar specialize in deceiving the people of Longguo.

They will pay a lot of money.

Go to the northern Burmese officials.

So they have been in the same boat for a long time.

There is no need to say anything more between Su Ze and them.

Just do it.

This is the best course of action.

Su Ze itself is to calibrate these northern Burmese forces.

Completely suppressed.

Never suffer from future troubles.

So Su Ze would not give them a chance to escape.

we can even say.

in this operation.

If the official in northern Myanmar. (aeah)

I dare not show any partiality.

Then Su Ze doesn't mind using his own means.

Ask the officials from northern Myanmar to be buried with him!

Under Su Ze's order, his overseas troops took action quickly.

An elite force.

Like an unsheathed sword, pointing straight to the north.

Their goals are clear.

Eliminate fraud gangs in northern Myanmar.

As well as those involved in Beijing circles.

That night, I will have no sleep.

And not just people from Kyoto.

Su Ze made such a big noise.

were shocked together.

Or many other forces in the world.

Especially Commander Ying Jiang.

Eagle Sauce White House.

After Commander Yingjiang learned that Su Ze had dispatched his overseas troops.

I even asked someone to investigate.

The weapons this army is equipped with.

I want to compare it with their Eagle Sauce special forces.

This investigation frightened Commander Yingjiang.

The equipment of this army.

It can almost be said that he is armed to the teeth.

What a personal rocket launcher.

What heavy machine gun.

What anti-tank missiles.

Even some intercontinental missiles.

They are all equipped.

After reading the investigation report, Commander Yingjiang.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This is simply going to blow up northern Myanmar!

Commander Ying Jiang couldn't help but secretly thought.

This Su Ze.

Sure enough it’s not simple!

This is simply a regular ace army.

And that's just them via satellite.

Weapons and equipment that can be monitored.

Presumably since Su Ze dared to show this army.

So in this army.

There must be some kind of powerful trump card.

Commander Ying Jiang also had to admire Su Ze's courage.

If his army really attacks northern Myanmar.

I'm afraid even if they, Ying Jiang, want to stop them.

That's probably not an easy task either.

After all, a personal rocket launcher.

Heavy machine gun.

Anti-tank missiles.


If these weapons actually fire.

If they directly confront Yingjiang, they will be seriously injured.

And if word of this gets out.

It will definitely cause their Eagle Sauce’s international status to be greatly reduced.

Commander Ying Jiang would not do such a stupid thing.


Such an ace army.

In this way, he was sent out by Su Ze.

Commander Yingjiang also had to admit it.

Su Ze this person.

A character indeed!

Although he, Commander Yingjiang, is expensive, he is Commander Yingjiang.

But if compared with Su Ze.

I'm afraid he may not be able to compare with Su Ze.

Su Ze has made a decision.

Then he won't have any hesitation anymore.

He Su Ze this person.

There has always been retribution.

If anyone dares to offend him.

Then he will definitely make the other party pay a heavy price!

Commander Yingjiang couldn't help but sigh.

This Su Ze is worthy of being someone who dares to challenge the major consortiums like Yingjiang.

No wonder no one from the major consortiums has a direct confrontation with Su Ze.

Although these major consortiums are not afraid of Su Ze.

But if you really have a head-on confrontation with Su Ze.

Then they may have to pay a high price.

After all, Su Ze is this person.

He has always played his cards out of the box.

Commander Ying Jiang was also thinking.

Is it time for them, Ying Jiang, to change their strategy towards Su Ze?

Now Su Ze has openly revealed his overseas troops.

Moreover, they Yingjiang also knew the true strength of Su Ze's army.

If they, Ying Jiang, confront Su Ze again.

I'm afraid they, Eagle Sauce, will also pay a high price.

After all, their hawk sauce is no longer the hawk sauce it used to be.

Now the overall strength of Eagle Sauce.

It has long been inferior to the Eagle Sauce of the past.

Moreover, Yingjiang is also facing internal and external troubles.

If you really have a head-on confrontation with Su Ze.

Then I'm afraid they Yingjiang will also be under a lot of pressure.

Commander Ying Jiang is also thinking about it.

Shouldn't they Yingjiang also have a friendly exchange with Su Ze?

After all, many friends lead to many paths.

Multiple enemies and multiple walls.

Their hawk sauce really can't stand the trouble now.

But when it comes to negotiating peace with Su Ze.

This requires another issue to be considered.

There are several major financial groups in front of you.

Commander Yingjiang also had concerns.

So he still planned to continue to wait and see.

after all.

At least he will continue to wait and see the reactions of several major financial groups.

Then decide.

How should he deal with Su Ze's problem.

And the other side.

Several major consortiums of Eagle Sauce.

They also have their own intelligence network around the world.

Naturally, Su Ze's movements were detected early in the morning.

After learning that Su Ze actually had his own armed team.

And when this team is equipped with such sophisticated equipment and weapons.

They were all angry.

"Oh Shet! Su Ze, this hateful man, still dares to use the weapons and equipment we gave him?"

"Damn it, raising a tiger is a disaster. This guy is like a moth inside us, sucking our blood and nourishing himself!"

"Damn Chinese monkeys,

Does he really think there’s nothing we can do against him?”

"What a joke. Does he still think that with this army, he can fight against us?"

“It’s simply a matter of life and death!”

Everyone in Yingjiang's major financial groups was furious.

They never dreamed of it.

Their "good intentions" funded Su Ze.

Want to train Su Ze to be one of their dogs in the Dragon Kingdom.

One can do it for them.

Specially to bite the dog of Commander Yingjiang.

But they didn't expect it.

They actually raised a white-eyed wolf!

Su Ze is not just their dog now.

Instead, it bit them back!

This is simply unreasonable!

When did these major financial groups suffer such big losses?

They were furious.

Everyone is planning to take action against Su Ze.

They now regard Su Ze as their enemy.

After all, they have never suffered such a big loss.

"We absolutely cannot let him go like this!"


Everyone was talking.

When discussing how to deal with Su Ze.

Soon, this group of people became a little tired again.

Because when the question is considered how to actually retaliate.

This problem is no longer that simple.

"But now if we want to attack him again, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"After all, he has an ace army equipped with intercontinental missiles."

"And if we really push him into a hurry, then he will probably fight us to the death."

"At that time, if he is really forced to fight us to the death, then it will definitely not be a good thing for us.'

"After all, he has an ace army in his hands."

"And the equipment of this army was all provided to him by us."

"If he is really pushed into a hurry, he will definitely use this army to launch a crazy attack on us.

It's not just that.

Everyone also considered a question.

"Su Ze is very cautious."

"Yes, based on what I know about him, I'm afraid he has more trump cards than we imagined."

"Perhaps what we didn't give him, he has obtained through the means at his disposal over the years."

"If this is the case, it will be even more disadvantageous for us."

Everyone was talking to each other.

Now they are all starting to be afraid of Su Ze.

Worried that Su Ze would use his ace army to carry out crazy revenge on them.

They are all starting to regret it now.

Their original decision to support Su Ze.

How wrong it was.

But there is no regret medicine in the world.

These people here.

Everyone is an old fox.

They also know it very well.

In fact, they still have a chance.

After all, Su Ze decided to take the initiative.

So next.

They are in darkness but in light.

They still have a chance to find Su Ze's weakness.

Thus killing Su Ze.

Everything will have to wait for an opportunity.


Now that Su Ze has decided to take action.

Then he won't have anything to hold back.

And Su Ze was determined this time.

Not only will those fraud gangs pay a heavy price.

And we also need to let those in the Beijing circle know.

No matter how rich they are.

No matter how powerful.

But in the face of absolute strength.

They don’t even get enough of it!

Su Ze's overseas team has been dispatched.

However, the number is not as huge as imagined.

After all, we have to deal with such local forces.

Su Ze doesn’t have to take it too seriously either.

If you take it too seriously.

On the contrary, it will make people feel.

He made a mountain out of a molehill.

Anyway, kill these people in northern Myanmar.

It's just like killing a group of ants.

Su Ze can do it by asking people to raise their hands.


Su Ze will naturally not do anything too hasty.

After all, he still has to show his strength at the same time.

and means.

Let those who are particularly concerned about it after he deliberately exposed it see it.

Su Ze’s iron fist!

So it was finally dispatched.

There are ten teams.

Each team consists of hundreds of people.

A thousand people in total.

These thousand people did not act together.

Rather, it is based on teams.

Each team is responsible for cleaning up a local force.

These teams, what they have to face.

They are armed forces numbering in the tens of thousands.

But Su Ze is sure.

These people under him.

I want to deal with every force.

All are more than enough.

Su Ze just needs to watch them perform.

Northern Myanmar.

There are many fraud gangs gathered here.

They use various means.

Deceiving young people who have no experience in the world.

And people who want to get rich overnight.

Deceive these people here.

Then force them to engage in telecommunications fraud.

If you can't complete the task.

Welcome these people.

Just endless beatings.

Even death!

Anyway, this is northern Myanmar.

It is a place outside the law.

Even if it's a dead person.

No one will ask. .

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