Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 84 Massacre In Northern Myanmar! The Whole Network Was Shocked! Who Made The Move? (Please O

These fraud gangs.

All of them are very arrogant and domineering.

They have a lot of armed forces in their hands.

Ordinary people simply don't dare to provoke them.

Even the officials in northern Myanmar.

You should also give them some face.

Because of these fraud gangs.

to the northern Myanmar official every year.

A large amount of protection money was paid.


These fraud gangs.

In northern Myanmar.

He is almost like an emperor.

They hold the power of life and death for ordinary people.

You can do whatever you want.



The home of the fraud gang.

The people in the fraud gang are still having sweet dreams.

They never dreamed of it.

An elite force.

Already quietly arrived at their lair.

And that was without them even noticing.

Wait until they find out.

The elite troops had already surrounded them.

The muzzles of black holes were pointed at them.

this moment.

No matter how stupid they are.

He also knew that he must be in big trouble.

The leader of the fraud gang.

I was also sweating profusely at this moment.

He wakes up.

I heard gunshots coming from all directions.

And it's very intense.

There were also screams from many people.

But he could hear it through the language of the screams.

The injured were all his own men.

The leader of the fraud gang was also confused.

He is also used to being domineering.

Where have you ever encountered such a thing?

At this time, he rolled and crawled outside.

Then at a glance, he saw the soldiers with guns and live ammunition outside.

These warriors are all the best among the best.

They were wearing black combat uniforms.

Indifference is written on everyone's face.

The guns in their hands never stopped.

Along with the non-stop sound of gunshots.

Members of the fraud gang fell one after another.

In a moment.

Dozens of corpses were already lying on the ground.

And those who are left.

I was also panicking at this moment.

They never dreamed of it.

There will be one day.

Someone will come to their lair.

And look at this posture.

It is obvious that we want to drive them all away!

I saw there were subordinates around me.

The leader of the fraud gang shouted angrily.

"What are you thinking about? Pick up the gun and fight back!"

Hear the words of the leader.

The people in the fraud gang just woke up from a dream.

They are also like outlaws at this moment.

Anyway, death is certain today.

Then let’s just fight to the death!

For a while.

Within the residence of the entire fraud gang.

Gunfire rang out.

Although the people in these fraud gangs also play with guns all year round.

But how could they be the opponents of these elite warriors under Su Ze.

It was almost a one-sided massacre.

Even the boss is in there.

I also saw a lot of incredible things.

for example.

Rocket launcher.



These things are clearly only owned by official people.

After all, such a big guy.

Even if foreigners want to drive in.

It also takes a long time, right?

But the leader saw it.

The enemy is not any domestic force at all.

So what happened?

But the reality is.

He couldn't be given more time to think.

In a moment.

The entire fraud gang's residence has become a hell on earth.

The ground was covered with corpses.

Those who are lucky enough to be alive.

At this moment, he was also trembling and kneeling on the ground.

They kept kowtowing to Su Ze's men.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I surrender, I surrender!"

Saw this scene.

The leader of the fraud gang is also completely desperate.

He also ran away quickly.

Trying to get from those who survived.

Know what this is all about.

But no matter who you ask.

They were all completely stunned.

Can't figure out the situation.

And they don't even know how the other party got here.

This is absolutely terrifying.

The leader of the fraud gang couldn't care about anything else at the moment.

Someone quickly reported the situation here.

Hope to get support from other places.

If no more support comes.

They are really about to be completely annihilated by the other party.

But soon.

They got desperate news.

They have been completely abandoned!

No one will come to save them.

And that's all they can do now.

Just waiting for death to come!

The leader of the fraud gang raised his gun helplessly.

Want to commit suicide.

But in the end I didn’t have the guts.

He couldn't figure it out.

What kind of existence did they provoke?

How could he end up like this!

And at the same time.

Northern Myanmar.

It was also a mess.

After all, Su Ze directly used his overseas troops this time.

Northern Myanmar was also frightened by Su Ze's actions.

They were still thinking about it.

Even if Su Ze uses his overseas troops.

Then they still have opportunities for peace talks in northern Myanmar.

But now it seems.

They are in northern Myanmar.

It seems that there is really no chance of peace talks with Su Ze.

Because Su Ze was really angry this time.

if not.

Nor will he directly use his overseas troops.

To know.

This army is Su Ze's elite force.

The sophisticated equipment that comes with it.

After even the northern military of Myanmar saw it.

Everyone is envious.

Tell them to fight Su Ze.

This makes me even less courageous.

not to mention.

Now that Su Ze dares to show this army.

That's enough to see.

Su Ze was really angry this time.

The military in northern Myanmar did not dare to deal with the arms tycoon's anger.

Go and meet Su Ze's wrath head on.

The military in northern Myanmar also quickly reported the matter to Myanmar's senior officials.

After learning the news, Myanmar's top leaders.

He was also very frightened.

They were still thinking about it.

Even if Su Ze uses his overseas troops.

Then there is still a chance for peace talks with Myanmar.

But now it seems.

They are from Myanmar.

It seems that there is no chance of peace talks with Su Ze.

Because Su Ze has cut off all contact with them.


Regarding the issue of peace talks.

Su Ze only has one attitude.

That is to let these people die.

He will stop!

Northern Myanmar at this moment.

In Su Ze's rage.

It has almost become a living hell.

Those local forces that originally wanted to resist stubbornly.

After seeing the combat effectiveness of Su Ze's overseas troops.

They also completely gave up resistance.

They started running around.

Hope to avoid this disaster.

But it's impossible for them to escape

In the face of absolute strength.

Everything they do is in vain.

And for these guys who have harmed the compatriots of the Dragon Kingdom.

Su Ze couldn't let them go.

In just three days.

All forces in northern Myanmar who dare to resist Su Ze.

It has been completely eradicated.

Without exception!

This incident also shocked all parts of the world.

Media from various countries rushed to report this incident.

after all.

This massive bloodbath.

Still quite rare.

Especially within the territory of a country.

And it was still initiated by private armed forces.

Normally speaking.

Want to be within the territory of a country.

Carry out large-scale massacres against a country's officially supported forces.

This is almost impossible.

But now.

Su Ze did it.

And it was within just three days.

Just kill all the local forces in northern Myanmar.

This is simply appalling!

And what's even more shocking is.

The troops sent by Su Ze.

Even the number of people is estimated to be only a thousand.

However, they faced local forces in northern Myanmar whose numbers were dozens of times greater than theirs.

Su Ze's private armed forces.

Still achieved zero casualties.

And annihilate them all!

High-level officials from various countries were also frightened by Su Ze's actions.

Under the call of Commander Yingjiang.

They began to condemn Su Ze one after another.

But condemnation is condemnation.

But no one dared to take any action against Su Ze.

I only dare to talk about it.

After all, Su Ze is an arms tycoon.

This is no joke.

Anyone who dares to take action against Su Ze.

Then they have to bear the wrath of Su Ze.

The facts are already before them.

Really pissed off Su Ze.

By the time.

But it’s not a question of how many people died.

Instead, the entire country will be plunged into war.

This is a consequence they cannot bear.

And this kind of war is not a large-scale war.

There will definitely be endless attacks.

This will be the biggest headache for them.

But apart from these condemning heads of state.

Most countries are still very friendly to Su Ze.

They didn't mindlessly side with Eagle Sauce on this matter.

Especially the Dragon Kingdom.

This time Su Ze annihilated the local forces in northern Myanmar.

Saved a large number of Dragon Kingdom hostages.

In addition, he also saved countless properties for the Dragon Kingdom that had been defrauded into northern Myanmar.

The senior officials of Longguo were also dissatisfied with Su Ze's behavior this time.

Feel quite satisfied.

Originally they were still thinking about it.

In recent years, northern Myanmar has frequently deceived people from the Long Kingdom.

The abduction and trafficking of people from the Dragon Kingdom.

The losses caused to the Dragon Kingdom were not small.

But because of this kind of thing.

It simply cannot be used as a reason to declare war on a country.

That must be other countries.

Especially the eagle sauce.

The object of verbal and written punishment.

But if you don’t want to find a solution.

Then Longguo will only continue to lose money.

It even made people in the country panic.

Then the problem arises.

What kind of attitude should their Dragon Kingdom adopt?

Only then can you protect your own interests.

It won’t completely break up with Myanmar.

This had caused them a lot of trouble before.

But they don't need to worry about this problem at all now.

Because Su Ze has already solved it for them.

0…Please give me flowers…

And it was solved in the most perfect way.

It not only shows the powerful strength of the Dragon Kingdom.

There is no complete break with Myanmar.

After all, those local forces in northern Myanmar.

It was not originally an official force in Myanmar.

They were just tacitly approved by Myanmar officials.

Or rather.

The local forces in northern Myanmar are something that even their officials cannot afford to offend.

So Su Ze’s behavior this time.

At best, it can only be considered.

Eradicated those local forces in northern Myanmar.

It cannot be regarded as an infringement of Myanmar's territory.


Su Ze's behavior this time.

It also indirectly helped Myanmar.

After all, those local forces in northern Myanmar.

These years have also caused unrest in Myanmar.

Although Myanmar has never taken action against northern Myanmar.

But that is also because the power in northern Myanmar is too huge.

Myanmar simply cannot completely eradicate them.

But it's fine now.

All forces in northern Myanmar.

All have been eradicated by Su Ze.

This is for Myanmar.

Undoubtedly a great thing.

So Myanmar.

After learning that all the forces in northern Myanmar had been eradicated by Su Ze.

He also breathed a long sigh of relief.

They were even secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, they did not become enemies with Su Ze.

if not.

They may have met the same fate as those forces in northern Myanmar now.

And they will not have any objections to Su Ze in the future.

Regarding what happened in northern Myanmar this time.

They simply turned a blind eye.

not to mention.

This matter itself also involves pressure from the Dragon Kingdom.

After this happened.

Long Guo has long regarded Su Ze as their treasure.


If northern Myanmar dares to cause trouble to Su Ze at this time.

So let’s not talk about Su Ze’s reaction.

I'm afraid that the Dragon Kingdom will be unhappy first.

They might as well just let the matter rest.

Act like nothing happened.

So much the better.

And this idea in northern Myanmar is indeed correct.

Su Ze is now the treasure of Dragon Kingdom.

As for Long Guo, they have begun to pay close attention to Su Ze.

What happened in northern Myanmar.

Yang Mi soon found out.

After all this kind of thing.

Even if Yang Mi wanted to know, it was impossible.

Because things are really too big.

Both at home and abroad.

Everyone is rushing to report this matter.

Mysterious armed forces.

It will be a local force that has troubled officials in northern Myanmar for many years.

All cleaned up.

This is something that seems impossible.

And then.

Eagle sauce and many other countries.

Not only did they not reveal the true identity of this armed force.

He even denounced it for a long time.

There was no movement either.

I only dare to condemn and condemn with my lips.

Call them inhumane.

In fact, nothing is done.

This is not Yingjiang's usual style.

So Yang Mi finished reading.

They couldn't help but be surprised.

What kind of existence is this armed force?

Why are countries such as Yingjiang so afraid?

It was obvious that only those local forces in northern Myanmar were eliminated.

Although Yang Mi also knows.

Those local forces.

Although it seems to be only entrenched in northern Myanmar.

But in fact.

The chain of interests behind them.

It has already penetrated into every country in the world.

Even domestically.

Beijing circle.

Yang Mi has heard about it.

It seems like some people in the Beijing circle.

Also participated in it.

However, there are forces that can completely wipe them out.

And what kind of existence is it?

Yang Mi is really curious.

In Su Ze's manor.

Reba is also paying attention to this matter.

Reba is concerned about such mysterious things.

Curiosity is far heavier than Yang Mi.

"Sister Mi, what do you think happened behind this?"

Reba used her brain to think carefully.

But she has such a bad head.

I'm afraid I can't even think of it even if I rack my brains.

Yang Mi thought about the tunnel.

"I think the Dragon Kingdom should take action in this matter."

“After all, I have seen a lot of news about northern Myanmar before.

"They are all talking about how the people in northern Myanmar are harming the people of Longguo."

"It's been so long."

"I think the Dragon Kingdom officials must not be able to stand it any longer. We must take action against them this time."

After a pause, Yang Mi said again.


"After all, the situation in northern Myanmar is too complicated."

"Various forces are intertwined and have already formed a huge network of interests."

"It is indeed not an easy task to clean them all at once."

"So the forces behind this must also have great energy."

"It seems that only the Dragon Kingdom can do this."

Reba nodded seriously.

And he looked at Sister Mi with admiration.

"Sister Mi, you are right."

"If this is really the case, then Long Guo's move this time is really a bit big.

"Those countries don't even dare to fart."

Yang Mi nodded in agreement. .

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