Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1531: You cunning wolf

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Chapter 1531 You Cunning Big Bad Wolf

However, regarding Lin Rosen's outstanding situation, he did not stop him.

"Hate, you cunning big bad wolf, will only bully me..." Bai Ruoxi said with a sullen shame, a shy red tide appeared in his eyes.

Dongfang Yu listened, the smile in his heart was more and more brilliant, and soon his hand was already covering her, kissed low, and kissed heavily towards the corner of her lips.

After a while, Bai Ruoxi already had some feelings.

Dongfang Yu raised his head to look at this beautiful person.

"Bai Ruoxi, don't you think today, this night is particularly meaningful?" Dongfang Yu said with a smile, the bursts of glory in his eyes were all with a sense of excitement and affection.

Bai Ruoxi's eyes were amber and glazed, and there was a shame in her heart. It took a while to say shyly, "I know, you must choose to spend the night here."

"How do you know the little guy? It seems that you also have a bad heart, tell me if you want to be like me?" Dongfang Yu asked with a smile, leaning closer to her, with a tempting, confusing light in her eyes. .

This was said by Ruoxi Bai shyly shoved him, "I don't have it, you big wolf... I don't think anyone is more cunning than you. Is this a bully in the wilderness?"

Dongfang Yushuang smiled, and didn't mind her saying that. At that moment, there was a smile in his eyes, and his hands would continue to stroke her waist...

Directly drive the fire between him and her... also drive the love between him and her...

Dongfang Yu once again lowered her head, and the words spoke through her ears, "Yes, I am the big bad wolf, Bai Ruoxi, you can't escape tonight! You are the rabbit I have brought! "

Dongfang Yu smiled, and kissed the corner of her mouth again with her lips, and at that moment her tongue pressed against her teeth.

Bai Ruoxi was kissed delicately by him, panting, and soon she felt that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and her arms could not help wrapping around the other person's neck.

At the moment, Dongyu Yuxin's heart is very happy. At that moment, there was also a red tide on her cheeks, looking at the beauty under her. The color on her face was even more charming and charming, just like a blooming rose.

For a time, Dongfang Yu also touched her face, caressed her, and her affection gradually lingered in this tent.

"Bai Ruoxi, I love you, and I will love you forever in my life..." Dongfang Yu said, with a fascinating smile all over his eyes.

After he really met her, his whole world became very wonderful. He felt that having Bai Ruoxi was as beautiful as having the whole world.

Beautiful and flowery, he will love her and take good care of her.

Bai Ruoxi listened to such a touching love story, at that moment his heart thumped, and his heart was a little drunk...

Then she felt that her hands were enchanting, like the white snake, but the man's arm was more flexible than the snake...

Dongfang Yu easily unfastened her belt... Let her shy and flowery face him, Dongfang Yu smiled extremely softly, and she untwisted to untie her belt.

For a time, excitement, affection, love, and love lingered in this environment.

Dongfang Yu stroked Bai Ruoxi's beautiful face and looked deeply into her eyes.

A hard...


The tent, the turbulence activated inside the tent, the tent, because of the two tents outside, neither the man inside the tent was asleep. At this moment, some unexpectedly turned towards the big tent, the tent looked.

Because of the tent, there was light inside the tent and this was originally a red tent. The tent's impression was reflected in the sight for a while.

The two of them in the tent can easily see that they are already together, entangled, lingering in love...

Chen Dong looked at it, and there was a feeling of unspeakableness in that soul.

He knew that the purpose of Dongfang Yuyao to arrange to live here this night. Of course, he would not let go of such an opportunity to flirt with Bai Ruoxi.

Barren mountains and wilderness, passion, love moments...

Chen Dong sneered helplessly, his eyes were all gray.

Suddenly, Lin Rosen on the side turned his gaze, and his cold voice also revealed, "Chen Dong, don't think of Bai Ruoxi's idea, I won't let you succeed!"

Chen Dong heard a shock, raised his head, looked at the man Lin Luosen aside, and directly replied, "Crazy!"

Lin Luosen looked at each other and squeezed his fists with both hands. "Don’t think I don’t know what you are doing? But if you want to break them up, or do any conspiracy, I will not spare you! I will find out the truth of everything and uncover your true face! So you can do it yourself!"

Lin Rosen reminded him that the very uncomfortable light was hidden in his sight.

He witnessed what Chen Dong did to Bai Ruoxi at the Dexter Hotel, and he wanted to tell Dongfang Yu.

Then let Dongfang Yu completely remove this bastard!

Because if Chen Dong is left, it is definitely a great hidden danger.

Chen Dong looked at you Lin Luosen, squinted slightly in his eyes, and said impatiently, "You savages, I don't know what to say? If you are too busy, you go by yourself Have fun! Don’t eat grapes here and say grapes are sour. I think it’s your own thoughts about Bai Ruoxi!”

"You bullshit!" Lin Luosen blushed blushing.

"I didn’t talk nonsense, you knew it yourself. Wasn’t you going to marry Bai Ruoxi in that savaged village? Is it really unconvincing to see this picture? So, you have to do everything you can to follow , I think you just want to find ways to harm Dongfang Yu?" Chen Dong said with a smile, at that moment a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

It's been a long time since he endured him.

Lin Luosen's eyes flashed, and he quickly rushed towards Chendong, his hands about to be punched down his cheek.

But the faster Chendong Lengyu said, "I wouldn't be afraid of you if I wanted to go heads-up! But is this an appropriate opportunity? Consider it yourself? If you are alarmed by Bai Ruoxi and Dongfang Yu, how do you explain it to you?"

Chen Dong said, then pushed Lin Rosen away, stood up with a cold face, and walked towards his tent and tent.

This night was already upset, and the savage was here to provoke him to fight with him, and it really felt very disgusting.

Lin Rosen watched his leaving back squeeze his fist for a while, but did not continue to entangle each other, because he knew that if what he said alarmed Dongfang Yu and Bai Ruoxi, he was afraid that Dongfang Yu planned and Bai Ruoxi's romantic night will be disturbed and destroyed.

Therefore, he cannot do this.

Lin Rosen said nothing, turned around, and quickly entered his tent, tent.

But he didn't fall asleep if he wanted to sleep. Before that, Dongfang Yu had already said that he had to keep a vigil.

In addition to Chen Dong, that is, Lin Rosen, and looking at Chen Dong's ghostly appearance, he really is too lazy to communicate with him?

Lin Rosen sat cross-legged in the tent, inside the awning, his eyes widened wide, and a pair of eyes were even brighter and brighter.

This book is from the King of Readers

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