Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1532: You are a villain yourself!

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Chapter 1532 You Are A Bad Guy!

"Chen Dong, I won't let your conspiracy succeed...because you are a villain yourself!" Lin Luosen whispered quickly, with a cold luster in his eyes.

And another tent, in the tent, Chen Dong did not sleep this time.

He looked at this wild location and imagined Bai Ruoxi and Dongfang Yu.

The pictures of Dongfang Yu and Bai Ruoxi were just a moment ago, and at that moment, of course, his nerves had some frustration. He really didn't want to see the two of them together.

But if he can't stop the two of them together, this is indeed the arrangement of Dongfang Yu, isn't it?

And Dongfang Yu also brought herself, which is really cruel.

Well, he is the bodyguard of Dongfangyu. He doesn't follow him, but he really feels that Dongfangyu and Bai Ruoxi are so unsuitable together, at least in his mind.

Bai Ruoxi should be with himself. If that big tent, the person in the tent, it would be nice to change to himself.

Holding Bai Ruoxi himself, passionate, entangled in this wild forest place for a night, I believe that Bai Ruoxi must have a very good memory...

But now it seems to be dreams!

With the existence of Dongfang Yu, there would be no chance for him.

And Bai Ruoxi will only belong to Dongfang Yu.

It's really annoying. When will Bai Ruoxi belong to him?

Chen Dong couldn't help but think of the previous two pictures. One was in a hotel in Dexter, and the other was in the bedroom of Dongfang Yu in the Suzaku Military District.

In these two places, he almost took possession of Bai Ruoxi, but for various reasons, he finally did not stay with Bai Ruoxi, but the kiss was with his permanent memories...

He recalled her kisses, recalling the pictures of stroking her, the moment really made him a little bit red.

So far he has not forgotten this feeling, he felt that having his own goddess at that time was really very, very exciting.

But he still failed to have his own goddess, and could only worship her from afar, and looked at her from afar.

But he hopes to have a good love with Bai Ruoxi one day. Even if he died, he was willing!

The key is that he must have Bai Ruoxi well. His love must not be less than that of Dongfang Yu, he must give Bai Ruoxi a whole-hearted feeling.

What Chen Dong thought, it was natural to start thinking again, obscenely, and at the same time he felt the change of his body. At that moment, he was very annoyed at the place where his body was up and down.

For a time, with a trace of anxiety, a trace of love, desire, and quickly unzipped the pants...

After a burst of evil fire, the color on Chen Dong's face gradually became normal. But those days were full of messy pictures.

Each picture is all pressed against Bai Ruoxi, doing all kinds of beautiful poses...

There is also Bai Ruoxi's pin, and the soul's complexion seems to be painful, but it is more of desire, fire, and emotion.

He also seemed to hear her constant whispering voice, "Chen Dong Chen Dong loves me..."

Thinking of all this, Chen Dong's face grew darker.

"Dongfang Yu...... Why do you want to own the woman who should belong to me? Why do you have me in this world, and you? Why do you want me to protect you?" Chen Dong was annoyed and raised one hand, The pony tail tied to his head was pulled away. Threw that rubber band annoyed on the ground.

The long shawl with straight hair lay on the side of the face, which brought a shadow and made the magic fire deeper in my heart.

He suddenly thought of a phone number, Chen Dong quickly took out a radio mobile phone with super strong signal function, the speed of the phone number was broadcast.


On the other side, in the presidential suite on the top floor of the Empire State Building.

A man with silver hair stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at this splendid scene of neon light. For a time, the whole person was gray.

He held the phone and looked at the phone number that had been dialed many times, and the results showed that it was not in the signal area.

Bai Ruoxi's phone was not dialed. It is not turned off, nor is it because there is no power, but no longer in the signal area.

Where will she be?

She didn't wear the strong signal tracking necklace with roses that she gave to her, and now she couldn't find anyone at all.

He was like a child who lost his beloved "toy", his face full of frowns.

Today is my birthday...

The table is full of various dishes, as well as the wine tower stacked with stemware and a huge cake...

There are also 100 candlesticks, which directly light up this romantic place.

Unfortunately, it is destined to be alone.

"Why? Why did you miss the appointment? Why did I tell you that it is my birthday, but you have to leave intentionally like this? Even if you want to leave, then why did you say that you would come to accompany me at night before? White Ruoxi, are you deliberately playing me?" Ye Fei bit his lips lightly and said to himself, at that moment his sight was full of a misty feeling, with a trace of confused anger.

God knows how much he wants to be with her, how much he wants her to spend this birthday with him.

But the other party wasted his mood in vain, and wasted everything he prepared for her...

There was a lot of pain in the strange eyes. He couldn't think of why Bai Ruoxi should do this? He couldn't think of it. What was Bai Ruoxi's purpose?

Is that how she hates her?

Okay, he admits that he does have such an impulse at some point, but every time he refrained from himself, he didn't really hurt her, did he do so? Does it make the other person hate themselves?

Ye Feijei's blue eyes showed a bit of pain in his eyes. Just when he was very painful, he looked at the big clock in the living room, and he was passing the time bit by bit. When the clock passed 12 o'clock in the morning, at that moment, he finally concluded unsurprisingly that Bai Ruoxi would never come to give him a birthday.

His birthday is destined to be spent in this desolate and sad environment.

How lonely, how lonely, and what helplessness, is reflected in the whole body and mind, and there is that pain in the soul...

He couldn't help thinking of that time in Causeway Bay.

Although Han Xulie was abominable, he still took Bai Ruoxi's hand and walked into the church. He was really married to Bai Ruoxi, and he personally passed Bai Ruoxi's wedding dress.

Although he didn't succeed in the cave in the end, and eventually died under his own gun, but this part of his process is enough to make him enjoy the part of Huang Quan.

Therefore, it is also romantic to say that he is a ghost.

At this moment, he actually felt that he was not even as good as Han first novel of the net novel

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