Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1611: Your inner confusion

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Dongfang Yu smiled and thought for a while, "It must be something to say, can you tell me? I'm willing to enlighten you about your inner confusion."

Bai Ruoxi listened to her for a while, and when she looked at Dongfang Yu, her eyes widened slightly, and her eyes showed a bright brilliance, so Dongfang Yu also noticed the hesitation in her heart. Are you indecisive?

But, is it really a good opportunity to speak at this moment?

"Actually I..." When Bai Ruoxi was about to say, he suddenly came from a side with a waiter holding a wine. Interrupted their speech.

"Hello, this gentleman and this young lady, this is a long-established wine introduced from our shop. You can sell it for 20% off today. I don’t know what Mr. Sir needs. Have you got a drink for your love? This glass of wine will be able to witness the existence of your love in this historical moment!" said the waiter, smiling at Dongfang Yuhe and Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi's face turned slightly, looking towards the bottle of wine placed on the waiter's hand.

The wine seemed to be some vintage, and, looking at the small label standing on the bottle, the price really shocked her heart.

However, she had not waited for her to say no.

"It's very good. As you said just now, you should have a drink for our love. You opened this bottle of wine for me!" Dongfang Yu said lightly, then looked at Bai Ruoxi, his eyes were even more It was through her eyes and saw her going. See through the thought.

At this moment, no matter what she was thinking in her heart, no matter what was hidden in her heart?

He knew that he would never be able to leave her, as this man just said he had to have a drink for his and her love, and then held her hand tightly and held hands for a lifetime.

Bai Ruoxi listened to him say that at that moment, what he directly wanted to say was swallowed again.

"Okay, sir, wait a minute." Soon the waiter opened the bottle of old wine, which was very valuable, and then served Bai Ruoxi and Dongfang Yufu.

"Come on, cheers! Toast for our love! Wish our love lasts forever and immortal!" Dongfang Yu picked up the cup and greeted the **** the opposite side.

At that moment, Dongfang Yu looked at the girl's eyes, and his eyes were full of smiles.

What could be more satisfying than this moment?

No, since he has Bai Ruoxi, his whole world seems to be splendid, and that wonderful part is simply unparalleled! Can't tell at all!

She can bring the sharp change of his soul all the time, and can make his whole person reborn!

Not only does he seem to be younger, he seems to have more vitality, but also his entire mentality is different. He seems to have found many and many goals in life, he will accompany her to work hard to complete one by one, and even accompany her through the end.

No matter whether it's sweet or bitter, whether it's happy or not, as long as there is her, he will be rich in his life!

Bai Ruoxi looked at each other and smiled and picked up the cup to meet him.

With a bang, the two cups wiped out a clear sound, and at that moment a ripple of air rippled, bringing up the joy of the soul.

She can feel it, the love can be felt, their love is like a few points, yes, their love is like this, it is getting stronger and stronger in the invisible, no need for anything If you go to sublimation, you will naturally have such a feeling of wanting to be close.

Bai Ruoxi slowly drank this glass of wine. At that moment, the lips were covered with crystal clear, rosy red pearls, and the wet liquor was flowing in my heart, sweet and silky. Souls reveal a sense of pleasure!

However, inexplicably at this moment, she naturally dismissed some ideas.

"By the way, did you just say how are you?" Dongfang Yu just remembered and asked, the beautiful face with a bright smile like the spring breeze in March, for a moment, rippling in the air here Among them, the factors of the air are warmed up.

In their environment, the tender and sweet ocean condenses a thick but not greasy, greasy but not strong, wine-like mellow feeling.

Bai Ruoxi looked at him and smiled shyly, "No, I just want to say, I am worried about Xu Ruoyan."

"Xu Ruoyan..." Dongfang Yu heard her mention of her girlfriend, and there was a glimmer of glory in her eyes, with a dark speculation that was somewhat uncertain, "What's wrong with her?"

Bai Ruoxi thought for a while and said, "She is pregnant."

Dongfang Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai Ruoxi. The wise brilliance penetrated deep into his eyes. "The child in her belly is..."

"It's Ye Feijue." Bai Ruoxi looked at him and said, with a deep sorrow in her eyes at that moment, saying that now she couldn't find Ye Xiejie because Ye Xiejie's mobile phone was turned off.

And his people also seem to have disappeared out of thin air in this world, and now the only thing that can be found is the blue wind, but according to the attitude of blue wind, he will not tell them easily the whereabouts of Ye Xiejue.

Dongfang Yu was silent for a moment, and looked at Bai Ruoxi, "It really is that kid, but I am still a little surprised. He can do such irresponsible things and behaviors? What is this man?"

Bai Ruoxi looked at Dongfang Yu, "I accompanied her to find the overnight feast, Ye Feijue is no longer living there, I don't know where he went? For a long time, he didn't go to school, Yu , I am really worried that if this continues, I am afraid that Xu Ruoyan will not think about it."

Dongfang Yu took a sip from the cup and said slowly, "I don't think that anyway, whether the child in her stomach is or not, we don't have the right to make decisions for her. Important It's Xu Ruoyan's own thinking."

"Xu Ruoyan is still in love with Ye Feijue, she wants to stay with his children... Yu, do you say she is so worth it?" Bai Ruoxi looked at Dongfang Yu and said that everything in her eyes could not be said. Moist brilliance.

Not only worried for Xu Ruoyan, but also sad for the love that could not be called love at all.

Dongfang Yu looked at her with a touch of radiance around her lips, "No matter the value is not worth it, the child is always innocent. The decision to stay or to ask her to make her own decision, if it is, we really can't interfere."

"But..." Bai Ruoxi wanted to say something.

Dongfang Yu's hand directly covered her slender palm and slowly said, "Many times, we see other people's affairs very clearly, but we may not be able to know what kind of other people's feelings are, whether to stay or not. Whatever is good, just hope they don’t regret it. Excessive participation by others will only make this part feel more and more complicated, which may not be a good thing."

Bai Ruoxi listened, looked at Dongfang Yu, and actually understood the meaning of what he said. But if she is left alone, she can't do it!

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