Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1612: Just go on suffering like this

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After all, Xu Ruoyan was her good sister, and she didn't want to see her suffer like this.

Moreover, Xu Ruoyan is clearly in a dilemma now, wanting to keep her children, but she can't ensure all the things in the future, but if she doesn't keep her children, she thinks she will die in pain now.

What's more terrible is that now Ye Fei never sees a figure again, so the problem of the child's stay is even more problematic.

"I understand what you mean, but now I can't just sit back and ignore it! Yu, let's just look at it like this is not my character." Bai Ruoxi looked at Dongfang Yu's words, and at that moment, his eyes were slightly subtle. Crying tightly.

"I know that now, the first question is to find the father of the child, Ye Yejue. So that we can determine what to do next? What we can do is to minimize the damage to this thing. The smallest, does not mean that there is no harm, do you understand how? The damage already caused by this matter can not be avoided. No matter whether your friend wants to leave the child or not, she will be hurt. ."

"Of course being friends, I encourage you to stand by her side when she is the most difficult, give her support and strength, and help her overcome this difficulty." Dongfang Yuwang Xiang Bai Ruoxi said sincerely, his eyes There is also a brilliance of wisdom in it.

Well, to tell the truth about the sins these boys and girls have done, he can do nothing about it.

Young impulses will make mistakes whenever they happen, and they will cause harm to each other when they are young.

Therefore, when he was talking to Ruoxi, he was very protective of her.

Especially in this regard. Because he didn't want to see her bit by bit unhappy. He is even more reluctant to hurt this beautiful and delicate flower, he will only let her bloom more splendidly beside him, and the more beautiful it blooms.

His love will always be around her, so that she will never have to worry and worry about many things. As long as he is around, he will let her have a bright and sunny smile.

She is his sun goddess, he will make his sun goddess always smile like the sun.

He will be deeply intoxicated by the alluring smile, and will hug her for a long time, and will never let go again.

"Thank you, Yu, I knew you would support me." Bai Ruoxi nodded heavily, looking at Dongfang Yu, covering it with one hand, resting on Dongyu's back, and passing through the heat. The palm of the opponent's palm passed into the heart of the opponent's heart, and with that handsome smile, it became more and more gentle and brilliant.


In the evening the next day.

When Bai Ruoxi returned from school, when she returned to her apartment, her cell phone rang.

Bai Ruoxi quickly picked up the phone, but when she saw the phone number, she picked it up, "Yu, are you?"

"It's me, by the way, I have found the flight that Ye Xie Jue departed. He did leave Fengdu more than a week ago. He took a plane to Longdu Baiyun Airport." Quickly.

Well, for Bai Ruoxi's friend, he can only do this, but as the other party is out of his jurisdiction, then he is not good to intervene.

"Oh, he went to Longdu, then if he looks like this, his people should be in Longdu." Bai Ruoxi said thoughtfully. Soon there was another place in my mind.

It is said that the place is also right next to Baiyun Airport?

That is a place where she never wants to go back.

There was also a deep voice from Dongfang Yu on the other end of the phone, "Ye Fei may definitely go to Longdu, but it may also go to another place, namely Causeway Bay."

Speaking of these, Dongfang Yu did not avoid anything. In other words, Causeway Bay was not the place of fear in Bai Ruoxi's heart.

Of course, he didn’t want this to be a fear in Bai Ruoxi’s heart, because, if he was around him, he didn’t want any fear in Bai Ruoxi’s heart, because he wanted to give her absolute sunshine and let her absolute Rest assured by his side, he will give her all the sense of security, so that she no longer has to worry about all the troubles.

When Bai Ruoxi heard Dongfang Yu talking about this place so directly, she didn't know why there was a faint smile on the corner of her lips.

She knows what his intentions are? That's how he did it, maybe he could easily touch his heart when a certain one was very delicate.

So Dongfang Yu is good, it's a good one.

He is not the kind of ruthless and overbearing man as others have said. He is very mature. The man in his 30s is mature like the old wine that has been kept for many years. The taste is full and full of taste.

In addition, that kind of masculinity that exuded from the whole body made him the male **** she dreamed of!

"Okay, I know, thank you, Yu." Bai Ruoxi said with a smile, at that moment there was also a very gentle smile on his cheek. There is also a warmth in my heart!

"You're welcome to me, but I can only help here. The key is to let your girlfriends straighten their mindset and look at everything. Have more time to accompany her! "Dongfang Yu said slowly, a glance with tenderness like the sea in his eyes.

"Well, I understand." Bai Ruoxi said, and hung up the phone. At that moment, she squeezed her phone tightly, and her thoughts slowly sank deep in her heart.

She thought of her own things, and thought that she was a prince of Huangfu Ruoxi, she also had to take a moment to tell him this matter quickly, saying, the longer it was dragged, the more nights and dreams!

Now Yu treats her so well, she really doesn't want to misunderstand him because of concealing this matter. If she didn't want to see it.

At this moment, a twisting lock of the key sounded at the gate.

After a while, the door opened and two people walked in.

The teenager was holding a big belly and a beautiful woman with a waterfall cape hair. It looked a little out of tune, but no one could deny that they were a very couple.

When Xue Lichen walked Qin Yinghong into the room, he saw Bai Ruoxi in the living room, and he smiled at that moment, "Sister, why did you come back so early? I didn't go to eat with your Prince Charming today ?"

"Also, don't I want to have dinner with the two of you? I haven't been with you for a long time, so I said, I want to accompany you to dinner." Bai Ruoxi said, looking toward her belly The more Qin Yinghong is, the more blessed she is now with her brother.

But it’s really amazing. Although Qin Yinghong’s belly is big, her arms, legs and feet are very slender except for her big belly. Moreover, her face doesn’t feel like a flesh at all. So charming and charming.

A long, waterfall-like hair was draped over his shoulders, so graceful. If you don't look at her belly, you can't see that she is almost the mother of a child.

Xue Lijian heard music, "Haha, isn't it? Sister, I'll trouble you to prepare food for us in the kitchen today. I'll sit on the sofa with my wife. By the way, my wife can't It’s spicy, and you don’t need to put a few chili peppers. Also, my wife can’t eat anything too sweet. The doctor said, this should be banned.”

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